A new Day

Dec 02, 2008

So I havent been in here in a while. The pain that I was feeling has subsided but I still have intolerance to food and back pains. I decided to go to Disneyland for Thanksgiving in an attempt to change my regular routine, it was really rough on me. My back was hurting and I was sweating like a mad person even though I was drinkin water I had at least 3 times that I was going to faint but thankfully I did not. It was only my son and my self that went and I no it would have freaked him out. I ended up going to guest relations and getting an assistance pass. It was humiliating! I came home that night and there was a huge bowl filled with turkey so of course I ate some big mistake BIG I was totally throwing up like gallons it was insane the next morining I was still throwing up sheesh. Well in the mean time of my throw up and cheese outings (since thats all I can eat) I managed to meet a great guy and he is sooooo supportive it is insane! Ill have an album with pics of us if u want to see.

Just an Update

Nov 05, 2008

Ok so I went to my PCP appointment yesterday to get a follow-up with my PCP gosh I love her she is awesome! Anyhow I continue to have my ongoing naseau so she referred me over well the GI doc doesnt want me to have another endoscopy (thank god!) because the closure that I had repaired was actually not in my esophogaus but in my actually connection!!!!!! Thats pretty scary! Anyhow so my doc said that I wont have it unless I cant keep anything down! This is primarily because I now have another potential danger due to the unusual location of my blockage! Well this weekend I went to the OH conference it was great I hung out with some of my OH friends that I already new and met some new ones It was great I learned alot! Eggface and Melting Mama were hysterical! It was way cool. So my eating is still a challenge I wake up feeling quesy and go to bed the same way I dont think that this will ever stop! Another back step I had was that I had to go to Los Angeles today and there was a hella of traffic so when I got home my back was hurting!!! So peeps my saga continues......

OH Event

Nov 02, 2008

Ok so this weekend was the OH event and I was so there! It was great! I of course felt sick as always but thats ok I met alot of great OHers and got alot of information about plastic surgery even though I am not having it Beautiful eggface and melting mama were awesome as I expected. I ate the lunch ok and then decided to go and have sushi at the bar yeah when I got home that night I thought I was going to die! I was in so much pain sheesh the next day was also crazy I felt soooo sick!!! Anyhow I came home and just hung out with my son and watched the Simpsons! It was a great time this weekend though! My week restarts and back to physical therapy!

Peanut Butter

Oct 31, 2008

Ok so I have been kinda on and off with how I have been feeling the last few days. Yes I admit one of the days it was totally my fault because I ate something that I shouldnt have but the rest of these days has been reasonable. I had bought a large Wendy's chili cup and figured that I could eat a little bit everyday till it ran out. I had some today because I had been having it for breakfast before I have a Vivanno just for the protein content. It kinda tasted weird. It could have been my taste buds but I wasnt sure so I threw it out and had a teaspoon of peanut butter. It was ok I have organic which I need to put in the fridge to minimize fat content and stuff but I guess the reg peanut butter was ok....

A Wednesday thought!

Oct 29, 2008

Ok so last night I did something that I shouldnt have done I went to get my son some dinner at Wendy's and a cup of chili and I saw this humongous ad for something really yummy that they are having temporarily. Sooo I bought that too and had a bite and was like throwing up just very painfully and unnecessarily! I am not going to say what it was but that was my bad I had not been sick for a while and I should not have ate it but oh well I know I wont do it again! This morning I still felt kinda sick from yesterday but as it got later in the day I felt less sick and had a bit of Wendy's chili again. As I was eating it my phone rang and it was my nephew he is being deployed to Afganistan!! He wanted to talk to my dad so I passed the call on and sat down and began to eat again I took 3 teaspoons back to back yeah that wasnt the smartest thing to do! I started feeling sick again I was like great now I am going to get the foamies for eating too fast! But I didnt I just stopped eating and as I recovered I realized Wow that was some serious emotional eating right there because my nephew's news got me nervous Anyhow back to square one.....

Being Rebellious!

Oct 28, 2008

Ok so I have been so-so lately. Not great Not even good but at least not hating life like I was for a while. Last night against my surgeons instructions, I ate Wendy's chili! I have seen so many postings on here about peeps having it since like 2 weeks out so I thought I would give it a try and it was ok I ate maybe about 2 ounces of it and stopped. It didnt make me sick or anything so I was freakin thrilled! This morning I ate some and I kind of felt a bit quesy. Maybe because it was so early? I am not sure. But I was happy that I experimented! I still have some left DUH of course I might have it for dinner later =) By the way it is pretty yummy!

Update a little over 6 Weeks Out

Oct 27, 2008

Ok so I have not been here as much as I should or have been complaining about the problems too much either. I have not been too ill lately nor have I been too great! After my endoscopic experience I remained on liquids for a week and then began to again introduce nasty soft foods. I have gotten sick so please hold your applause. My sickness has not been as bad as before and I am still quesy every now and then. I am seeing a Phyisical Therapist for my backaches but they have remained pretty much the same =( Anyhow my protein drink is officially the Starbucks Vivanno which is awesome in comparison to the nasty ass New Whey! I swear made me gag when I drank it and feel sick all day! So at this moment in time I am not loving life or hating it either! Everyone going to LA OH make sure u say hi!

Ok so now I started Soft Foods again

Oct 19, 2008

Ok I restarted soft foods today in order to be able to begin to move on with this whole process cause I want to loose and get over my plateau and get stronger of course. Anyhow this morning I had 1oz of low fat cottage cheese then I had my banana chocolate vivanno and for dinner and throughout the day had clear water, ice and SF tropical punch kool-aid. And praise the Starbucks Goddesses for the Vivannos!!!!! I once again do not feel terrible I am not good yet but I am ok. I will still continue to work along.

Different kind of posting

Oct 18, 2008

Ok I have been drinking Starbuck's Vivannos for the last couple of days and I have been doing ok. I still do not feel good but I do not feel horrible. So that in itself is a freakin miracle! Anyways I am going to start eating soon again hopefully I will have a better outcome than I have had. We'll see. I wanted to be a bit more on the positive side and mention that there is something new that I really like which is farmer's markets. Geeky hu? Oh well

Can you believe it?

Oct 16, 2008

Ok so today I had decided that I am not going to be gagging on my New Whey protein drinks. Even when I diluted them I was still so grossed out YUCK any how checking out my blog on here it is obvious that I have had ongoing issues so I decided to be brave and I went to Starbucks and I bought a Vivianno and I didnt dump! And it is not repulsive! If you can believe it or not this is my little wow moment. After 5 weeks of being miserable, vomiting and having my daily visits to the ER I found something that I can actually digest and it has almost 30 grams of protein AND the last time that I was admitted into the hospital my potassium was low and I had to get an IV it is so painful it is unbelievable! I almost ripped it off my arm! Anyhow, the Vivanno has a banana which will give me my potassium so now I have a protein drink that doesnt make me sick!!!!!!! My little Wow moment! Pathetic but hey Ill take it!

About Me
Baldwin Park, CA
Jul 01, 2008
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