I don't believe it

Oct 14, 2008

I went to the ER on Friday night then I ended up being admitted and was released on Saturday night. If you can believe it I am on my way to ER right now my on call surgeon said that I am dehydrated because I have been feeling tired all day. I had about 1 1/2 teaspoon of baked salmon and a blended banana because my potassium was low this last weekend that I was in the hospital and let me tell you if there was something that hurts in an IV it is potassium YIKES. I am waiting for my mom she is going to come and get me in like 15 min for me to go to the hospital. Ok i am going to say it I REGRET THIS FUCKIN" SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 12, 2008

Ok this is going to seem like a totally repeat of what I have written before and like I said this is ongoing so it kind of is. Today is Sunday and on Friday night at about 130am I had to go to the ER and I was admitted into the hospital. I was scared because I called the surgeon before I went to the hospital and he said that he thinks that I have a stricture and that I need to go to the ER because I was throwing up and that I was too dehydrated. It was crazy! I went to the ER and was admitted. They did my endoscopic procedure the next morning and it was terrible. I could feel everything and I was like about to throw up while they were doing it. I was so scared about it! The Dr that did it said that my hole to my pouch was the size of a pin and that he stretched it as much as he safely could. I was released last night at like 11pm I still dont feel good and I am just bummed about the whole thing u know..... More drama More ER and More problems

Im scared

Oct 09, 2008

I went today to my 1 month follow up with one of the Dr.s from the surgical team and I told him about the multiple problems that I am having. He told me that he thinks the reason why I keep having problems is because the little hole in my pouch is too small. He referred me to call my personal surgeon in order for me to have an endoscopic procedure for like a stricture in order to stretch it out. I am so scared I dont know whats going to happen! I know that they have to put me under and I had problems with the anasthetic.


Oct 07, 2008

I was so excited that I was able to eat yesterday I shouldnt have been. Today I Had a south beach diet turkey wrap and I got so sick my stomach I didnt know what to do. I ended up getting a fever and a horrendous stomach ache. I called the manager of the program that I was in PreOp and she said that I am "dumping". I was like yeah right. I think that is a bunch of BS u know I dont see that it is possible for almost everything that I eat u know. So I will be staying away from tortillas for awhile. I had cottage cheese and salsa it went ok. Tommorrow will be another day we'll see.

Monday Oct 6

Oct 06, 2008

ok so today I went to a support group meeting and just totally told the facilitator about everything that has been going on and my 5 visits in 5 weeks since surgery to the hospital. It was pretty interesting the results and the feedback that she gave me but it was not anything more than I expected! I did get some info from the meeting in regard to food hunger and body image which I thought was interesting but it was stuff that I had kind of read about. Anyhow today I decided to be a rebel and eat and when I say EAT I finally ATE I went totally off the "set diet" and bought some stuff at walmart I made sure to stay away from chicken because I didnt want to freak out but I bought some lunch meat some frozen pizzas and a couple of other things and today for lunch I ate two bites of pizza and it stayed down!!!!!!!!! and then for dinner I ate a lunch meat and some tortilla chips and that stayed down!!!! so HA I finally have some substance in my system! Lets see how tommorrow goes!!!

Can you believe it? It happened AGAIN!

Oct 05, 2008

Yes I used this title before but this is the only way that I could describe what happened last night. Again I had to go to 1st Urgent care which then ended up with me being referred over to the ER for abdominal pain because I tried to eat a bit of dinner! This is getting pretty pathetic to be honest with you because I am still having issues and I am getting to the point that I am going to spaz the hell out!!! And again I gained 1 lbs. How is that happening if I am not eating anything? I am just going to gain the weight back that I lost so then what was the point of this DAMN SURGERY!!!!!!!

Can you believe it? It happened AGAIN!

Oct 03, 2008

Today I again got sick! I had my appointment with my PCP yesterday and she told me that I can blend stuff like Veggies and fruit in order to get my protein in! I was sooo happy so today I decided to be brave and I ate two mushrooms and a piece of chicken that I swear was like an inch or less and it took like 20 minutes to eat it and it made me sick =( it made me sick and then after about an hour I started throwing up all over the place!!! I freaked out and gave up for a second. I said ok this is it I can't do it anymore! I am bummed again that is all ate today I did get my Kay Bariatric sample thing so I hope that I am able to find some stuff either in there or with the new stuff that I am going to blend.


Sep 25, 2008

So since I had to go to the ER, the doctor put me back on clear liquids for two days Sheesh I think that I am never going to eat again. I tried a couple of different things and they just made me sick. Eggs have been ok (or should I say egg) and a little snack size colby cheese. Other than that everything makes me sick. I need help what can I do?!


Sep 24, 2008

I am getting tired of this I had to go to the hospital again last night. I had a breathtaking pain in my stomach and started throwing up. For the first time I regretted the surgery. What did I get myself into?

Saturday at Home

Sep 20, 2008

Ok I am where I have been for like a few weeks....at home. *sigh I still do not feel that well but I am trying to get it together to at least be able to walk and stuff. It is really hard for me because I get these horrible pains in my lower back. I have definitely learned alot from being away from work. There is a lot of stress associated with my job and I am happy that I am not a part of it right now. My current pains would be alot worse. After my complications and re-admission into the hospital, I went to the doc's again because of my back. I am kind of bummed out because I just don't feel well. I guess the reason is that I am frustrated that there are so many things that I cant do like simple stuff because I don't feel well.. So here I am at home again with nowhere to go and nothing to do Again

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Baldwin Park, CA
Jul 01, 2008
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