Good news and Bad

Feb 22, 2007

The good news first. I have lost 100lbs finally. 

So there is my card.

Now the bad news is I'm schedualed for more surgery this time to remove my left ovary. It seems that right now it is better part of valor to remove it due to problems I have been having with pain on that side and a cyst. So once the insurance approves it I'm back in surgery most likly March 6th.

Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2007

Here is a little thing I did up for Valentine's day. Enjoy.

Copy of a post from Qunns

Feb 09, 2007

On February 9, 2007 at 4:46 PM Pacific Time, Quinns .. wrote:
I think almost everyday we see a post from someone who is 2 years or more postop who are struggling..many say they didnt always follow their diet (i hate that word! lol) or didn't exercise as much etc..

For Postops who are 2 years or more out..what do YOU be successful?
Now success doesn't mean..that you lost all of your weight..that you never eat a cookie..that you exercise 10 hours a day.

What i'm asking do you stick to your program within reason without going over the edge? How have you managed to lose weight and keep it off?

For's a few things.

1- I went into this realistically. I didn't go in thinking i'd lose 100% of my excess weight or that it would happen in 6 months or that i'd never do or eat things ever surgeon was very upfront about me never using the words never ever lol..he promised me that if I did..i'd very disappointed.

2- I always have and still am involved with a postop support group. It keeps me grounded and keeps me attached in a way to the old me..because it gives me the opportunity to see the old me in other people. It gives me a reason to set a good example and it keeps you humble. Plus at my support groups, none of us are barbie dolls and none of us are "perfect" so we all complain about eating a cookie or candy..or snacking.

3-I exercise..every single first..I hated it..but with each got better..and I felt better..I dont do it to lose weight..I do it for my overall health and well being..running is a release for me..I can put my ipod on and run and run and clear my head..and it's such a high..moreso than any high I ever got from a twinkie..or a big mac

4- Give back..I always believed that if we gave would come back to's like a's harder to fall..if you have many good friends and a wonderful support system to help hold you up.

So I encourage all the people who feel like they have not done please get involved with a support really does make all the difference in the world.

Oh and one more thing..for newbies..

I read posts about "this isnt what I expected"..never go into this..expecting to lose a set amount of will most defintely be disappointed.

Also..your body doesnt "stop or decide to stop losing" can get to any weight you want gotta work for some must change your behavior and eating habits..

Sorry..just some thoughts..and I thought that if people who have been there, done that and got the tshirt..could share how they do woujld help others..because as us oldies at a few years postop is VASTLY different than the first 2 years or so..

It breaks my heart when I see people desperate to get to that number..and I know that i've learned over the years..that I refuse to let a number define who I am as a person and I refuse to let a number define what success really is...we didnt want our worth to be defined by a number why should we want our value to be determined by a number postop?'s JUST a number...our goal for this surgery is to be HEALTHY..

Success for a postop, is losing at leat 50 percent of the excess weight..success is being able to get up in the morning and look forward to living that day..success is not being a slave to medication..success is not being a slave to food.

There are so many different ways to define it..much moreso than what we weigh..

Some will lose all and then some..some will get within 25 pounds..some will get within 50 pounds..and some will never get there at all..

It's totally in our hands..the pouch doesnt determine what weight we end up at..we do..we're the only ones who have the control.

I'm just glad I get up in the morning and can do anything I want..within reason of course ..

I'm just grateful I was given this chance :)

My Birthday

Feb 05, 2007

Well it is my birthday made it to 96lbs off but didn't hit that 100 yet. Might in a week or two. Other than that had sushi and loved it. Went to Curves and worked out. Been working on the computer and just taking the day easy.


Feb 02, 2007

Down to 218 according to Curves. I have lost now since the start of the year with them 19 total inches and 10 lbs. They were really shocked that in just a month's time I had lost so much.

I redid my ticker while not only setting my new weight I decided the 140 goal while nice I wanted one more realistic. So changed it to 150. Now after I hit that goal I'll change it to the 140 the doctor wants and really he wants me to be 138.  But for now I like 150 better.

So that means I have 68 lbs to go until August. I think that is a doable goal. And all the better if I loose more later.

I hate scales

Jan 28, 2007

While I love the numbers on my OBGYN's scales I have to go with my WLS doctor's and so had to roll back a few pounds. So now it is 224 not 221. I want those 3 pounds back off that in fact I want 10 more lbs off that number. Sigh well I will just have to work harder on it.

Birthday Goal

Jan 23, 2007

Today I found out my stall is over and I lost another 8lbs. I have 7 more to go before my birthday goal on Feb 5th. Then I will have a really BIG present of having lost 100lbs!

Pain in my Side

Jan 19, 2007

For the past week or so my lower left side has been hurting with very sharp pains. At first we though it could be something related to the surgery so went to see Dr. Moazzez about it all. He found my white count up and yes after some poking and prodding found I was right my lower left side hurt very bad.

So off for blood work and a CT scan stat. That took around 6 hours for a 15 min scan. Then I go home with some heavy duty antibotics. Call the next day because some of the warnings and do list for the antibotics seems to go against my program.

The doctor had the report from the CT scan in and good news everything looks good from the WLS side of the coin nothing obstructive bowels look good etc.

Now the bad news is what I thought female side of the coin. I use to on the right side get a lot of pain that was traced to my ovaries. Well now the left side is acting up and he found that I have hemorrhagic ovarian cyst that is causing all the pain.

So now I am making appointments to see a  gynaecologist. The problem I have is this town goes through them like candy so I have never seen the same one twice and had to search for the new one's number. Finally made a appointment so I get to add yes another doctor to my growing list.

Hopefully it is a easy fix and nothing to worry about. Ovarian cancer is not common in my family cervic is the one we all worry about. My only worry is having yet another surgery when our current buget is already pushed too far. In the mean time my side still feels like someone is stabbing me and I can't work out at Curves so this month's membership is all profit for them. And these antibotics are making me very tired. Sigh.

Good news and stalling

Jan 06, 2007

Well let's see here where to start?

I have lost a lot of weight in a short time and that is great. 86-87 lbs in 5 months. And my doctor visits are great news all around. Don't great, looking good, keep up the good work your doing it and more.

Since just before Christmas I was down to 229 that has only gone down and back up by 2 lbs since then. So pretty much I'm at a stall right now. I don't mind it since this gives me time to work out and tone up the sag but still I would love to loose another 20lbs before stalling.

Right now joined Curves and working out everyother day then taking a long walk. I'm still chunky but for once my boobs (in bra) are showing more than my tummy. I have been not bothered showing my arms or wearing a sports top while walking. Over all I look better than I have for years. I don't get tired doing my hair or talking a shower. I have engery and doing good.

Still I would like to loose that 20lbs so I will be closer to my 200 mid goal for Feburary. It would be nice to be under 200 lbs for my birthday. 

Well just going to keep working out and making sure I'm eating well, drinking my water and taking what I have been told to then see what happens. I have a lot of work to get done too. I have a book to get finished and published as well as a magzine done too. So much to do and very little time. Most of the work still requires me to sit down at the computer.

I'm going to budget my hours so I have at least 4 to walk around and do stuff outside the house each day. I am also in mid January going to look for a part time job. The first one in 14 years. I did own a shop for 4 years but most employers don't count that. So it has been a while since I offically worked.

So this will be interesting. I would love to work for myself again and I hope the publishing and gamming company my partner and I are forming will do that for us by the mid of the year. It would be nice. But still getting a part time job will give me some cash to spend on myself. That will be nice.

Anyway there is a update in general of what is happening. Trying to get more active now that I have the engery. I'll have to update my drivers licence I hate the current photo. I'll get a new photo up soon as the camera works.

Tired of hearing "NO" or getting denied?

Dec 28, 2006

This is a repost from a friend of mine who has had to go through the insurance loops for other illnesses. We talked about the issues people are having here with Insurance denials and such and he had a lot of inside informations. Prompted by me he posted this info for everyone to use and share. I hope this helps a lot of you out when it seems you can't get anywhere with the insurance companies. I will also repost this in my blog too.

Amy you might want to save this info or flag it as a sticky. -Jaz

It has come to my attention that some people are in trouble due to the end of year insurance changes even when would/should be using the same medical insurance company.

Some hints for dealing with any big company:

You probibly have a genuine idea if your being screwed over. 
Just your gut instinct and stop calling the companies 1-800-number.

Those folks who answer the 1-800-number do not know or care about you. They sit in a cubical for 8 to 12 hours a day and plug in data into forms on their computer as they speak to you. The computer spits out standardized answers based on ONE SIMPLE IDEA: Denial of your request means they do not spend as much money. Less money spent = more profits and bigger company bonuses for the executives.

Bypass the "No-Patrol" and talk to someone with the power to say yes.
They do not even really need to power to say yes, but they need enough position they they do not want to be caught in the middle by automatically saying no.

You can try reading through the policy or the paperwork they send you, but I can pretty well assure you that you wil not find and information thats actually useful to you. [b]Go online[/b] and search out the companies Public Relations or Press Release point of contact. The key here is that these are usually NOT 1-800-numbers. These numbers will be standard longdistance or maybe even a toll-number.

You see, reporters do not mind spending money on a toll number or long distance charges talking to a corporate executive, the reporter is using his/her own news company phone.

This way you bypass the 9-5 desk-monkeys who are part of the NO-Team and you now have a number to an actual person. Once you bypass the 'normal' chain, your no longer Joe Idiot Public and they are less eager to openly " JIP " you or do you wrong.

Have your information, paper, pencil, the name of the person your calling and detailed notes regarding the person and the discussion that took place as you talked with the NO-Team on the 1-800-number.
This is not the time to put someone on hold and find anything.

It is necessary that you have all your talking points listed out on paper before you call. This person will WANT to refer you back to the No-Team, but thier position requires they handle things with a bit more finesse. Do not be rude, but insist that they either hear you out or personally give yo the contact number of someone who has the authority to audit, review, and/or make exceptions based on reason for your account.

If you have followed all the steps and procedures they wanted, but they still deny you, put the burden back on them.
Tell them what steps you have taken and ask what needs to be done to become in compliance again.

See often they will have a system for a client to do "X", but once "X" is done, they will not renew a policy. Point out that YOU followed all THIER steps and now they have stated a problem with continued service. Ask them to guide you through the steps needed to remedy this.

The key is to treat them like they provide YOU with service YOU value and want to continue, while also putting them in a place where THEY have to take the unreasonable stance and THEY have to jump through a few hoops themselves.
Nobody in a company who rates high enough to have thier phone number posted on the internet wants to be the name you state when you bring up dissatisfaction.

Company Carrie will at first be "So very sorry, but you need to call your 1-800-number", because if CC answers your questions or interacts with you in anyway, CC will be tied to any complaints you file or more importantly, CC will be the name you give the newpaper or the TV reporters.

You calmly tell CC that you have spoken with the No-Team and they tell you that even though you followed ALL the companies rules, the company is not meeting its OWN mission to provide quality and compassionate care to its members.

You can say that because EVERY health based company uses the words "Quality and Compassionate Care" or words just like it. [b]Better yet, look up the companies mission statement.[/b] When you calmly and politely feed that crap back to them it is hard for them to keep trying to feed you crap and claim it is cake.

Always stay calm.
If you get angry or upset, they will use it as an excuse to say your too hostile to continue business with.

Give them an out.
You already got CC's number. If she tries to pawn you off on one of her colleagues, let her IF she gives you the full name of the person and the direct number.... just incase you get disconnected. After all your being sweet and nice and helpful to her... You do not want to have to call her back and bother her if the other person can help you better.

If the person gives you the same run around, let them. Eventually you will talk your way through the whole building and get to Sad Sam who will try to pawn you off but ... all the names SS gives you are already on your list, you already talked to them.

SS will either have to deal with you or bump you up a level. Then you will start the process all over with a higher level of executives. This is annoying but it is good. The higher up you get the less time they want to spend on customer service. They will just want you happy and off thier phone. Since you want to be happy and off the phone, this is a good thing.

Be patient and prepared
I can not state this strongly enough.

Be patient and ready to repeat your detials ten dozen times. If you have the ability, type all the information you gather into a Word Doc. (*Save frequently, very frequently*) When you speak with a new person, offer to fax or e-mail the Word Doc. Include notes of who you have talked with already.

Do NOT send them your talking points or questions. Just the company specific detials they would need to access your account info and be able to address your needs.

Giving them TOO MUCH information would be bad if you come across someone who is more clever than the average bear and they will very politely and delicately start trying to trip you up and use your own words against you by stating your own Doc just enough out of context to have you talking in circles until you give up.

.... Now my disclaimer .... I work in the medical field and I know medical terms and industry key-words which forces specific responses. I am not a lawyer or a professional problem solver. You will have to use a fair amount of common sense and acumen yourself as you deal with these people. Keep in mind that thier number one job is to: [b]Take your money, keep your money, confuse you until you do not expect service in exchange for the money you gave them.[/b] Sadly, in the for-profit health industry that run-on sentance IS one all inclusive thing andthese companies will spend BILLIONS to keep you from making them spend a dime.

Your task, should you chose to accept it is to bypass the frontlines and get behind the corporate defenses. Once there, you can look behind the curtain and see that Oz is not so impressive. You will find that once your dealing with an actual person, and not a cog on the No-Team machine, fighting your battles will be more civilized and reasonable.

I hope this helps those of you who are having problems with Insuraces deninals and those who are loosing their insurance. As my friend said above work the system and believe me I know he can get them to march to his tune so can you. If the above fails there is also the media and insurance companies hate bad press. Even then only state facts and keep to that you did everything they asked. Remember one 5 min spot of bad press can make or break a company no matter how much good press they have.

About Me
Orange Park, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 30, 2006
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Friends 78

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