What a Great Week and Weekend

Jan 04, 2009

Jan 4, 2009, Sunday Night

Back to work on Monday after a long Holiday week off.  Honestly I am looking forward to going back to work, have my lunch packed, and plan on going to the gym before I get into the office for a quick workout. 5:30am is early (I get at 4:45am), but it is worth it.

Today,Jon and I got up early and went to Walmart to get Wii and Wii fit at 6:00am. Figure it was a practice run for work.  Anyway, one Walmart did not have it so we went to another one 10 miles away, got it.  As soon as we can home, we hooked it up and created our avatars and did our base line.  It is so cool!  I love it and it just cracks me up   Anyway, the good news is I have the fitness of a 38 year old!  I am 47!!!  But the bad news is, I am still obese and have a BMI of 38.  But I am so looking forward to working with Wii -- it is Awesome.  Have good week everyone...

