January 11, 2009 - Week 1

Jan 11, 2009

Well I guess the 5 day pouch test was too good to me when I did it before New Years, I lost 4 pounds and was Psyched!  Back on Track last week, watched what I eat, and also made a ton of recipes posted by Shelly at
Recipes, Rambling and Food Porn  www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com 

I love her Blog and she gives me so much inspiration!  Thank You Shelly and I truly appreciate you staying up late at night figuring out great, easy to do recipes, that are weight loss friendly.

Also, last week, I logged in 5 hours on Wii Fit, splitting the time between Yoga/Balance and Aerobic.  I will get all Perfects one day on the Step Aerobics. LOL.  Also I love the run. 

Did I dance around this long enough --Well here it goes -- I GAINED!  4 Pounds! There I said it and made it public.

How -- I don't know? But boy is that a slap in the face.  I t is really easy to be discouraged, but I will not allow that to happen.  I am going to fight it.  So, just exercise a little longer, be more careful in my choices and see what the scale says next week.

Stay Tuned.  If it is not good, I may have a Wii and Wii Fit for sale on E-bay  

