I was a healthy child, up until I hit puberty.  By age 11 (or 12) I started my period. It was soon after I started having extremly heavy periods for long periods of time and that is when I started gaining weight.  By age 15 I weighed 225 lbs and struggled in school with being teased about my weight.  I had always been active in sports.  Volley ball, Basket Ball and Softball.  Around age 16 I found out that my pituitary gland was producing to much prolatin and my body was acting as if it were pregnant.  Every Dr. I have been to has said "If you lose weight you would eliminate these problems".  My question back to them (after over 15 years of struggling with this) is "How does one lose weight when their body thinks its pregnant?".  My parents and I have both struggled with Dr's and the way they do not want to resolve the problem, but blame it on my weight.  I am not one of those over eaters, who eats when they are depressed, or upset.  I'm not a health freak but I also do not load my house with junk food.  My weight issue has now become a burden to not only me, but my husband.  We have tried several dr's, several diets, and feel as if there is no hope.  I am 27 years old and I'm pretty sure I weight over 400lbs.  I am to scared to step on a scale and its really hard to find one that would be accurate.  My dream is not to be a skinny bikini modle, but to be a healthy woman, who can have children, and be a stay at home mom.  That requires one to be more active.  I am not healthy enough to do this right now.  I am praying that I am able to have either the lab band or gastic bypass surgery. So today is when my journey begins... 

About Me
May 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 4
It's been a year
Just a moment....
So it begins
