It's been a year

Jun 24, 2008

It's been a year since my last post...and i still have not had the surgery.  I kind of put it on hold myself when i found out that its going to cost a lot more than i thought it would.  Looks like I have to come up with 20% of the cost *sigh*.  So now, I'm in the process of the 6month diet requirement and looking for a surgeon.  It's funny how insurances can't look at my 15 years of struggle and go off of that, nope they want you to wait 6 more months, just to make sure you are overweight.  What a concept...hmmmm.

Anyway, I'm looking for a suregon in the baltimore area.  I really would like to go have one either at GBMC.  Not sure if anyone knows of a surgeon there.  

Off to search....

Just a moment....

Jun 04, 2007

Well, I've been trying to be more active and be more conscious about the food that I eat for the last 2 months.  I started a new job at a law firm back in April and I make it a point to take the stairs instead of the elevator and I walk during my lunch break and over the last few weeks I have noticed that my hip doesnt hurt anymore when I walk and I do not become out of breath as quickly as I used to.  I'm encouraged by this because I just want to try and get as healthy as possible before my surgery.  I know I don't have a date yet, and I dont' even have the ok from my insurance company but I'm just trying to be optimistic, something I haven't been most of my life.  I think I become stressed out thinking about all the work one goes through to try and get this surgery approved by their insurance company and then to be denied (like I was last june) and to feel as if you were defeated.  
Now I'm trying to look at it with a whole new perspective.  It can be difficult at times but I know I have the stregnth to fight for this.  My life depends on it....


May 31, 2007

Well, we have one step in the right direction!!! Today I received a call from Dr. Schweitzer's office to set up my consulation appointment.  Its 8/6/2007.  I have already started doing the "" log again so I can show what I eat and the excersize I do everyday.  I also am thinking about starting to go to WW with a friend of mine.  Who knows.  All I know is the Dr. is going to want me to lose weight either way if he is to do surgery on me.  I really want to be in somewhat of good shape so I can heal faster.  I'm pretty excited about the phone call and just pray that things will roll smoothly =)

So it begins

May 30, 2007

I called and spoke with my insurance company about a week ago and found out that they do cover it with an 80/20 plan.  I have already contacted Michael A. Schweitzer to meet with him concerning my surgical options.  I have Care First Blue Cross Blue Sheild PPO and according to him, I would have to pay for the consultaion fee $212.00 and the Surgeons fee $5,500.00 but everything else would be covered under my insurance.  My mom (who had the gb surgery 2 years ago) said that it is tax deductiable so we shall see.  I am looking for a support group in my area so I can see if they can give me more information on if this is how it is for every surgeon or is it because Dr. Schweitzer is out of the network.  The journey continues...

About Me
May 29, 2007
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It's been a year
Just a moment....
So it begins
