Scale going the wrong way

Feb 15, 2012

Well it's been a long time since I've been on here and I have hit a bad place in my journey.  My marriage has ended and I have had a very struggle filled year which has taken a toll on my weight loss.  At my lowest in 2010 I was down to 276 and now I am back up to 328, no ones fault but my own.. I let the stress get to me and went right back to my bad eating habits.

I am trying hard to start eating great again by adding in more veggies and tracking my protein.  I have to get back to helping myself so I can lose what I've gained and get back down because I felt SOOOOO much better..

Any advice and encouragement would be appreciated


Bad Month

Aug 08, 2009

Wow it's been almost a month since I checked my weight and I've only lost 5 pounds.  It has been a very stressful month here, and of course stress eating, I'm trying to get myself under control and subsitute something else for snacking.  I guess it's time to get my crochet hook working again!

My husband has been unemployed for 8 months now and still no good leads on a job and to make the situation worse another local company announced more layoffs this week, we are at the point where we are seriously thinking of putting our house on the market and moving south, My family is in Huntsville, AL and that is where we will be headed.

Also, I have realized that I am close to my first personal goal of being under 300 pounds only 10 pounds to go and sometimes I think that when I get close to a goal like that I get scared/nervous and start "shooting myself in the foot" so I wont feel like a failure, so I have to put those thoughts behind me and remind me of the great progress I've made so far.


Busy week and a small wow moment

May 23, 2009

Wow what  a busy week I've had, I never even made it to the gym!  Between work and my daughter's softball games I think I had one night to myself all week.  Well at least this week will be better, no games until next saturday. 

I know I need to get more exercise in, I guess I need to start getting up earlier and doing a fitness tape the days I know it is going to be impossible to get to the gym.

My little wow happened yesterday, I put a pair of jean shorts on that are size 28, not elastic etc.. and they buttoned and zipped right up I was so exicted, because last years shorts were size 38W!!!! and they now fall off which is great.

Happy Memorial day to all! Have a safe healthy happy weekend.


Back to the gym

May 04, 2009

Well I am pleased to say that I went back to the gym today and it was great to be back!  My Doc wont let you back to a gym work out for 6weeks and I've passed that.

The trainer was great, happy to see me. Wanted a breakdown of how I was doing etc... and then enough chit chat and lets get to work.  It felt wonderful to be working out again .   I know I will sleep great tonight becuase of it  

OH and to let you all know I joined face book this weekend and what a blast!  I have met up with a lot of the people I went to high school with and we have had the best time catching up.  I owe big thanks to my cousin in law for introducing me to it!!!  I know its been around awhile Im just a late bloomer.

And... I've posted some more pictures on my page I know they are crazy sides ways etc... but it shows I am making progress.

Passport to real food

Apr 13, 2009

I am just so darned excited, I had my 4 week nutritional appointment today and I have been advanced to soft food!  I can't believe that I can start eating real food again.  What a nice change from soup it will be.  I just had a string cheese and it was wonderful!!!

Now the big event for tonight is what to fix for dinner  .

The only bummer of the whole thing was that I am not allowed to go back to the gym yet, I have to wait two more weeks for that.  I am ready to go back and start getting more of a workout than walking but I guess waiting is the right thing to do, I sure dont want to get a hernia.

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Back to work

Apr 06, 2009

Well yesterday was my first day back to work and after catching up with everyone it was a good day.  It felt great to be back at work and being productive.  I was a little tired at the end of the day but nothing more than normal. 

I have sorta hit my first stall, I must say that it is a little frustrating, but after reading all the good advice on here I know that it is just my body adjusting to the new way I am eating and the trauma that it has just been through so I will just deal with it and hide my scale for the rest of the week.

Oh and I made my first protein "mistake" I bought some of the unjury chicken soup, it is great when you follow the directions properly.  I heated my water this morning and grabbed it out of the microwave and poured in the mix, boy you should follow the directions to make sure the water is not over 130 degrees because I ended up with a huge amount of lumps in it. ewww  I will make sure from now on to check the temp!

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Post op 1 week

Mar 25, 2009

Okay so technically it wont be til tomorrow but close enough.  I have been feeling really good, I am still a bit sore but that's about it.  I haven't had to take a pain pill since Sunday.  I am however getting very tired of Jello and Broth.  My doctor keeps everyone on a clear liquid diet for the first two weeks and my two week appointment with my NUT is next wednesday.   I did hop on the scale yesterday morning and I've lost 16 pounds already!!!  I was just stunned when I saw the number.  

I get my drain out tomorrow morning and I will be very thankful for that!!!  I will post after I've been to the doctor.

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Surgery Day

Mar 18, 2009

Well today is my day!  I am nervous, excited, scared etc...  I will be leaving for the hospital shortly with an approximate surgery time of 1pm.  I know everything will go great.  I'll post when I get back home, thanks for all the well wishes!



Feb 11, 2009

Well I decided that I had not posted much on here lately so.  I have made some progress, I finished up with my 6 months of supervised weight loss with the dietician in January.  I will miss meeting with her every month, she is just awesome! and drum roll ........ They sent my paperwork in on January 29th and I was APPROVED on Feb. 2nd !!!!     I am working now to finish losing the 20 pounds the doctor wanted me to have gone by my next meeting with him.  The one thing that amazed me was the road seemed so long to get to a surgery date, but now it seems to be moving like lightning, I have appointments all set up for everything pre-op.  It's hard to think that this coming Monday I will only be 30days out.  



Oct 08, 2008

Hi All,

I am a 39yo woman from Upstate New York.  I am starting on this journey again and I have already made if further than before.  I don't seem to have the roadblocks ahead of me this time. (knock on wood)  I have had my consult with my surgeon, intake group, meetings with the psychologist and dietician.  I love my dietician!!! She rocks.

Today I have my physical with the PA, hopefully all will go well with her, a new friend to meet. : )

I'll update after today...

About Me
Elmira Heights, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2004
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