8 weeks post op; 2/2/07

Feb 02, 2007

February 2, 2007
Todays Weight:  200
BMI 36.6
Start Weight 233.6 on 12/8/06
Total Lost: 33 pounds
Height:  5'2


Nothing much to report.  I am 8 weeks post op and have lost 33 pounds.  Almost in Onederland again.  Last time I was there was in 2003 and I am looking forward to it.

My weight chart is listed below:

Date Weight Week Number Lost this week Total Lost
12/8/2006 233.6 Surgery Start Weight 0 Start Weight
12/22/2006 220 2 weeks WLS -13.6 down 13.6 pounds
12/29/2006 214.2 3 weeks WLS -5.8 down 19.4 pounds
1/5/2007 212.2 4 weeks WLS -2 down 21.4 pounds
1/12/2007 209.8 5 weeks WLS -2.4 down 23.8 pounds
1/19/2007 206 6 weeks WLS -3.8 down 27.6 pounds
1/26/2007 204.2 7 weeks WLS -2.2 down 29.4 pounds
2/2/2007 200.6 8 weeks WLS -3.6 down 33 pounds

I am pleased with my progress.  I will be 2 months post op on February 8, 2007 and I will post again then.  I am going to a valentine's ball on February 9 and must buy a dress for the occasion.  I am looking for something reasonable because I know I won't be able to fit it again for my next formal affair, which will probably be my cruise in August 07.

Well, see ya next week! God bless and Good luck!

6 Weeks post op update

Jan 21, 2007

Friday, 1/19/07

Weight 206; Start Weight 233.6 on 12/8/06; Total Lost: 27.6 pounds
Height:  5'2

I had my 6 weeks post-op anniversary on Friday, 1/19/07. I have been "stuck" at 206 since 1/15/07 but such as life.  Although today is 1/21/07, I am still there but I fully expect it to start going down again, just hopefully sooner rather than later.  I weigh daily and really trying to make sure I am getting all my water in and eating 60 grams of protein daily.  So far, it seems that I am NOT eating/drinking 60 grams of protein and I think that might be a slight problem.  

Every day is a new day.  I have started to drink a protein drink for breakfast every day, even on the weekend so hopefully that will help.  Another thing that I want to do it to drink another one right before I leave work.  Problem with that:  I drink my protein on the way to work, I drink my water at the office then I go to lunch.  After I eat lunch, I have NO DESIRE for the rest of the day to eat anything.  I just seem to be too full after lunch and I sip my water but as far as eating, I dont want to.  This is good in a way because it means that I do not snack or anything like that but I feel I must eat more, at least 3 protein meals per day.  

Its not that I am eating too much at lunch, yesterday, I drank my protein drink on the way to work, about 1 hour later I ate my 3 pieces of turkey bacon, then I drank my water.  About 4 hours later, I ate 1 bacon wrapped shrimp and 1 fajita strip (1 strip of meat) that was leftover from the day before.  And I ate 1 square block of cheese.  Later that night, I was able to eat another beef fajita taco but about halfway through it, I was questioning whether I wanted to eat the rest of it.  I dont really feel the full feeling, I just feel like I dont want anymore.

On Friday, the day before, I ate 1 beef fajita taco and 1 bacon wrapped shrimp and was stuffed the rest of the day. Nothing for dinner. 

Today, I drank a protein drink for breakfast and then went to Chilis about 6 hours later and had about 5 boneless buffalo bites and was finished.  Cheap date.  I drank a propel 20 ounce bottle about an hour later and that is all for today.  I am doing well with my liquid intake. 

I will resume my workouts tomorrow.  I took off this whole week because I got my tubes tied on this past Tuesday and didnt want to do all of that bouncing around at the gym.  I think working out will help and may make me want to eat more and may jump start this weight loss.

I went to visit my sister yesterday at home and my nieces all said, "nana, you are skinny", they are so funny.  My husband is very happy.  I always ask him what will happen if I get too skinny, he said, "well, can't they just put your stomach back to the way it was..." don't think so.  He said he is very happy that I am losing the weight.  It was no secret to either of us that he prefers me smaller as opposed to larger and I agree, I prefer me smaller (and healthier too).  I already see now that I have to beat him off with a stick and I have only lost 27 pounds! When I say he loves me smaller, he looooves me smaller.

I will list my weekly and monthly weight loss chart here that I created.  These charts help me with tracking my progress.  I also track my daily weight on a spreadsheet.  Ok, I like to see things broken down in different ways.  I am closing now, thanks for reading and God Bless.

Date Weight Week Number Lost this week Total Lost
12/8/2006 233.6 Surgery Start Weight 0 Start Weight
12/22/2006 220 2 weeks WLS -13.6 down 13.6 pounds
12/29/2006 214.2 3 weeks WLS -5.8 down 19.4 pounds
1/5/2007 212.2 4 weeks WLS -2 down 21.4 pounds
1/12/2007 209.8 5 weeks WLS -2.4 down 23.8 pounds
1/19/2007 206 6 weeks WLS -3.8 down 27.6 pounds

This is the one I am doing monthly:

Date Weight Month Number Lost this Month Total Lost
12/8/2006 233.6 Surgery Start Weight 0 Start Weight
1/8/2007 211 1 month weigh in -22.6 22.6
2/8/2007   2 month weigh in    
3/8/2007   3 month weigh in    
4/8/2007   4 month weigh in    
5/8/2007   5 month weigh in    
6/8/2007   6 month weigh in    


Happy MLK day everyone!!! January 15, 2007

Jan 15, 2007

Dr. Martin Luther King made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be free.  His selfless act has paved the way for so many of us.  I am thankful and appreciative that this man lived and we are honoring him today.  

My mom, another great, selfless person, celebrates her birthday today too!  Happy birthday Mom!

I have resumed weighing myself every day again.  I am tracking it along with my eating and my workouts.  I will not allow it to control me, I am simply tracking it.  I am still doing the same things right and will continue to do so.  My workout plan is on hold this week as I have a surgical procedure tomorrow and I dont know how I will feel.  Today is out too because the weather is really cold and rainy.  Strange weather for Houston because it actually feels like winter at 31 degrees.  I like it to be cool but not cold like this.  But its a good break and allows us to wear our "winter" clothes, coats and boots.

I weighed today and have lost a total of 27.2 pounds!  I am 5 weeks post-op as of this past Friday and I feel good.  My BMI is now 37.7 down from 43.2.  I am still comfortably fitting into my size 16 clothes which is good because they fit well, not too tight.  Most of my jackets and shirts that I could not button, now button and there is room!  I have 1 jacket that I can now wear as a dress instead of open with a shirt under it.  I have some knee high boots that I still cannot wear because my legs are too big but I suspect that will all change, I am ok with that even if its next year when I can fit them.  They are timeless boots that never go out of style.

I was able to eat some shrimp on Friday and that is now again my new favorite food.  I have always enjoyed shrimp but was not able to eat it per my surgeons office.  Now I can eat it and I am lovin' it!  I have been eating more protein and balancing it out with low carbs (good carbs like veggies and fruit) so that I don't cause problems with my kidneys.  I am eating about 3 meals per day and still about 2 ounces at a time.  I dont snack at all, unless its on cantaloupe or yogurt.

I will update again on Friday, for my 6 weeks post-op report.

Good luck and God bless.


Appt with Surgeon today- 23 pounds gone!

Jan 10, 2007


Hello all,

I had an appointment with my Internal Med Dr as well as an appointment with my WLS Surgeon.

These are the results:

Weight- 210.6 Thats a 23 pound weight loss

Blood Pressure 126/79--I never saw it that low.  I am still wearing the patch and hope that I can stop when  go back to him in 3 months.

Both Dr. Ferrari and Dr. Nguyen were happy with my progress and so am I.  I feel good, I have energy and I have no pain.  Dr. Ferrari told me that I could start eating all foods as I can tolerate them.  He suggested I try 1 new food per day so that I dont get myself in a situation.  I go back to Dr. Ferrari in March (will be 3 months) and Dr. Nguyen in April just for a normal check up.  In between all of my appts, I did make it to the gym as well.

I am ready to start eating shrimp again and hope that it works out for me.  I havent had shrimp because I wasn't allowed in my eating plan.  I ate a fajita taco today from Taco Cabana as I am diligently trying to make sure I am eating enough and that I am getting iron-rich foods and protein in.  I ate catfish tonight.  Both meals went down well, the taco was better than the fish.  I didnt love the fish, it just was not interesting to me.  Why am I bored with food?  It wasn't that good (but I know it would have been good, because I seasoned it well and my family tore it up) and I ate all 2 ounces of it because I knew I needed to eat.  I just didnt lick the plate like I would have in the past.

I went today also to the OB/GYN to discuss getting my tubes tied.  Yep, I am done having children and this sto is about to close.  I was asked 3 times at the Dr. office if I didnt want to have any more. No, I have a 3 year old (will be 3 in Feb) and he has a 15 year old sister.  His cousins are just a car ride away and he will have plenty of friends because most of my neighbors have new babies his age.  I truly love my kids and love being a mother but there comes a point in time that you are not able to do the things that you want when you have more than you have.  I enjoy being able to provide for them like we do and will work on NOT spoiling them but just giving them a good childhood and a good life.   Besides, childcare is awfully expensive and so are diapers.  I am almost done with potty training and can't wait.

I know they just get more and more expensive and that is why I am limiting my family.  We are perfect at 4 even though my daughter does not live with us.  

I go in next Tuesday 1/16 to get that procedure done.

Now, if I could just stay off of chadwicks.com.  I have been ordering clothes like a fool. But, I have NOT been "fool-ish", I have been ordering them at low, low prices, like 6.99, 8.99, 14.99 and in different smaller sizes, I have even been anticipating the season that will be when I get to those sizes, even though most of the clothes are seasonless, if thats a word.  I bought a lot of colors that I can wear all through the year, pants and shirts, mostly work clothes.  One jacket I bought is adorable, I will try to take a picture in it (I am wearing it tomorrow, cuz it already fits).  It was only 8.99 and fully lined.  Chadwicks send me coupons and I have gotten so many good deals.  Now, as long as I don't skip over those sizes, I am straight.

I don't want to be stuck out when I get to a point where my existing clothes are just too big.  I was asked the other day to get rid of some pants that I wore, thats only the beginning.  I am trying to wear all of the clothes that I have because I dont want to be wasteful.  I will give them away to people who need them once they are just too big to wear and look decent.  

My sister is back in the hospital from a procedure she had done right after Christmas.  She should be getting out this weekend.  I have been praying for her as I always pray for my family.  I'm not used to my sister being down.  I need her and depend on her, we are thick as thieves and she has a husband and kids that need her well.  Hopefully the doctors have cleared up what ails her and she will be back home soon.

My other sister-friend Sabrina is going into the hospital tomorrow to have hernia repair and tummy tuck.  Look out, cuz she is gonna be baaaad when she is done.  We are all praying for her and rallying around her, she has a husband and daughter that need her.  We have been friends for over 20 years and I love her like a sister, she is my sister.

Well, I guess I better stop here, my son keeps saying he wants "mommy bed" and not "cameron bed" so I must tend to him and convince him that his bed is the place to be.

God Bless.

1 month post op update

Jan 08, 2007

I am 1 month post op today! I had surgery on 12/8/06.

Current Weight: 211 - Body Mass Index = 38.6
Starting Weight: 233 - Body Mass Index = 42.6
Total Weight Loss:  22 pounds

I also made it to the gym tonight.  I did 2.5 miles on the treadmill and I worked it for 45 minutes.  Yay me!!

God is good! I am so happy that I have been given this opportunity.  I am making sure that I get all of my liquids in and my protein first.  I am able to eat about 2 ounces of food (I measured) and that satisfies me.

The only thing I crave is mexican food.  I can eat 1 taco or 1 enchilada and thats it!  Ido not eat the chips at the mexican restaurant but I can eat the salsa, even the hot one without any problem.  I can eat cantaloupe and really do well with beef and cheese.  I am also able to eat eggs and drink milk without any problem.

I am a work in progress.  I have an appointment with my surgeon on Wednesday of this week and I will get the results of my bloodwork and will make any adjustment needed.

Well, thats all, thanks for reading and supporting me and God Bless.

Jan 1 2007 update

Jan 02, 2007

I returned to work today! Glad to be back but missed my time off at home.  I am posting new pics that I took yesterday on 1/1/07.

My stats are as follows:

Sun 1/1/07 Weight 212.6 / Loss -21.4 pounds
Fri 12/29/06 Weight 214.2 / Loss - 19.8 pounds
Fri 12/22/06 Weight 220 / Loss - 14 pounds

Surgery Fri 12/8/06 Weight 234 Height 5'2

I plan to resume my workouts on Monday.  I was able to fit into some clothes that I could not wear before so I have seen some big improvements.  I am still able to wear some of my normal clothes, they are just a little baggy so I will still wear them.  

My new years day dinner consisted of about 10 black-eyed peas and a piece of baked turkey.  It was good, the only thing I craved was cabbage (strange).  I didnt crave any of the other stuff that was being served at my Mom's house.  I refused to touch the cabbage.  I am not allowed to have it right now anyway but it is supposed to be good luck for the new year.  Not to worry, I ate my black-eyed peas which will bring luck too.

I got tons of compliments today when I went back to work.  I felt good and was able to comfortably fit into some old pants that I had and a shirt that I wasnt bustin' out of.  I also fit into some shoes that used to be too tight.  I really have NO need to buy any clothes right now, I can truly shop in my own closet and do that for quite a long time.  

I went to lunch today with my friends and me and my other friend who had WLS too shared lunch.  We split the hamburger.  She ate the fries (about 5 of them) and I ordered mashed potatoes.  I ate about 1/2 of the 1/2 hamburger patty (no bun) and about 5 bites of the mashed potatoes.  The best part of that was our meal was 8.00, so she splurged and paid the whole bill.  Our other friend ate a salad, she is working with us to be healthy and fine in 2007 so she was on the right track too.  

My sister in law and mother in law started a diet today too because they want to get in shape for our upcoming vacation in August.  My sister is on board, she had surgery last Tuesday and is now ready to get her workouts back on track.  Finally, my husband said he will resume his workouts too, I can't wait for him to do that because he really has it goin' on when he is cut and toned (which does not take long for him).

Well, its pretty late again so I will be turning in for the night.  Gotta get the 2 year old in bed, tomorrow is a work day and school for him!

Good luck and God bless.

Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2006

I am wishing everyone a blessed and abundantly happy 2007!

We are staying home tonight, not getting out, pretty boring but fine for me.  I was asked for my 2007 resolutions on the main board today and this is what I wrote:

Pay off some bills
Get to my goal weight of 130
Exercise an average of 5 days per week
Schedule and have Tummy tuck, breast reduction, tubes tied and Laser eye surgery
Florida in July/ Cruise in August
Get OFF blood pressure meds
Get my husband BACK IN THE GYM

Continue to enjoy my family and nurture my relationships so that we can all be happy and healthy.

I have been blessed in 2006 and every year of my life.  I have complete faith in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ that He walks with me every step of the way and will deliver.  He has not failed me and making it to this upcoming year is just another example of how He has always provided.

I posted a picture of my daughter that we took on Christmas day.  She is so beautiful and sooo skinny! I told her that when she comes back in the summer (she lives in Shreveport with her birth mother), I will be abe to fit her clothes.  That will be very interesting, to say the least, but she is hopeful and excited for me.  Its hard to believe that she was only 3 years old when I met her (she was 2 when I met my husband) and she is now 15 and growing fast. 

I also want to get my family back in health and in shape.  I have already started to cook more nutritious meals and not buy so much junk.  They get healthy junk!  The only exception to that is my husband is allowed his Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream.  Everything else is sugar free, low fat, low carb and as natural as possible.  My husband says he will get back to working out with the new year and I plan to be right along side him to make sure that he does.  He can tone up and lose weight without even thinking about it.  I tease him that I am 20 pounds from fine, so he may need to work extra hard to catch up to me.

Well, I will close now, we are watching a movie - Madagascar- and I want to enjoy it.  

Good luck to you all and God Bless You and Keep you in 2007!





21 days post-op update/ Christmas update

Dec 29, 2006

Hello all,

I am 21 days post op and have lost 19.4 pounds!  I have been doing well, eating what I am supposed to and taking my vitamins.  I have not been in pain and can now sleep on my side.  Still cant sleep on my stomach.  I had a fab Christmas (my family is official disfunctional) and laughed so much on Xmas eve that I thought I would bust something. My family is the best and they are a lot fun.  We are very close-knit and so happy when we are together.  I got to see all of my nieces and nephews together which is rare but they were all at my moms house (except 1 in California).  God has truly blessed us and we were able to have a good time drama-free.  Everyone was happy with their gifts and just being together.  

We went to my in-laws house on Xmas day.  They are SO NOT inlaws.  They are my real family.  I am sooo blessed to have them.  My mother in law and sister in law totally spoil us--all of us!!! My son and daughter got so much stuff and they are just totally happy to give, they know the true meaning of Christmas and are happy  

We went to see Dreamgirls the next day.  Jennifer Hudson is da bomb!! She was my pick for American Idol, even though Fantasia was a fav of mine too.  Well, it just goes to show that God is in charge, Jenn was very upset about getting voted off AI but look what she is doing now!  You should never question the hand you are dealt.  Now HE opened another door for her that was better than winning AI but she didnt know it at the time.  Well, the movie was very good, Beyonce is my girl too and I am very proud that she came from Houston.  Jamie Foxx is awesome--I love him and Eddie Murphy, well, he's pretty good too.  I can't wait until the movie is on DVD.  jennifer had the theater in tears and standing up applauding her, hard to believe she is only in her 20's and is a BORN performer.  Whew, enuf about Deamgirls.  Its a must-see.

I am able to get out and about and have been hitting the streets.  Today is my last weekday off from work, I go back on Tuesday.  I miss working but I like being home too.  Cant wait til Vacation!!

I had a not so pleasant encounter today at Lubys with the blackened Tilapia.  I will NOT be doing that again any time soon.  It started out just fine, even though I could not get it on the Luann platter, I wanted it anyway so I paid full price, knowing my baby stomach could not eat even a third of it.  Anyhoo, I eat about 3-4 bites of fish, about 1 bite of mashed potatoes and pico de gallo and about 15 mins later, all HELL breaks loose.  It felt like food poisoning.  The rolling pain started and I knew this would not be good.  I tried to smile and talk thru the pain, I was with my daughter and son but I told my daughter that I didnt feel too hot but we continued on laughing at my son eating all the taters.  

Well, I got up to walk thinking that would help--it didnt.  I packed up the offending food and we got ready to leave.  I got up to the counter, handed the lady my Visa GIFT card 25.00 to pay for our meal- 24.31 and signed the entire 25.00 to Lubys, I was feelin' that bad.

Well, I told Alexis, get your brother, I gotta go to the bathroom.  I didnt know what I would do in the bathroom but I figured it was a good place to start.  Didnt know if it would come out the rooty or the tooty.  Well, the minute I got in the stall, it came out of the rooty---thank God, in 2 hurls (or earls), I was on empty.

I felt 2 thousand percent better all of a sudden and was ready to go to Walmart.  I think it was the blackened-ness of the fish that didnt agree with me--shoulda got the chicken or just the veggie deal.  They had plain baked whitefish but no,I wanted some flair..didnt work.

I will not do that again.  We went to wal mart after that and all was right with the world.

I was on straight liquids for the rest of the evening, my little baby stomach acted a total beotch today and I cant have her/him acking like that.  We know who's in charge.  Brought me to my knees and broke me way down.  Wont be pissin her // him off again.

I drank some delicious tealicious from bariatriceating.com for my dinner- 23 grams of protein and I think I will stop at that for this evening.  I will resume my good behavior tomorrow.

My plan for the weekend, take down Xmas tree and decorations.  Make some sense of the laundry that has invaded my sons bedroom and get myself ready for next week.

I been shoppin like a fool with Christmas goodies---I wont buy clothes, so I think I am taking out in other areas--I did buy 3 pairs of boots at chadwicks.com.  One pair of beautiful boots only cost 23.99--that was a steal for some leather knee length boots--maybe by the time I get them, my calves wont look like sausages and I can actually fit them.  I cannot wear those knee length ones right now cuz my legs too fat.  I used my gift cards today, some of them, at JCPenney and online and Barnes and Noble.

I did clean my closet--I have a bunch of clothes in size 16 that I am about 10 pounds away from being able to fit.  I had lost weight back in 2002 and 2003 and still have quite a bit of pants and shirts from then that I could not get rid of.  I just hope I wont skip sizes and get to wear most of it before I have to give it away.  People are standing by with baited breath to get their grubby hands on them........  and my shoes......I love shoes.......I was looking at my weight loss chart and going through my WLS stuff and it was amazing that I am now very close to the size that I was back in 2003 and that I have been very large since 2003.  Thats amazing that I have been carrying this weight around that long.  I am now NOT eligible for WLS!! I don't weigh enough. Praise God!!

JCPenney had an incredible sale (I luvs that store).  I bought some Nike running shoes (cuz Ima run again! look ma, Ima run again)..I bought a king sized microsuede comforter set for 59.99 and I bought 4 big towels in brown and gold and I spent 90.00.  I had a coupon and they had the comforter, the shoes and the towels on sale.  Eerythang was on sale but I just went to "pick up a couple of items" mainly the shoes cuz mine have many miles on them and I want to start next week off right with my workouts.  What motivation than some new shoes!!  I plan to break them in this weekend so they wont be soooo new on Tuesday.

Well, its late and I must run.  Thanks for reading and God Bless. 

2 weeks post op

Dec 22, 2006

I weigh 220 pounds!! I have lost 13.6 pounds

I am 2 weeks post op.  I feel pretty good now.  I weighed in today at home at 220 pounds.  I have lost 13.6 pounds! whoo hoo. I am now off on liquids and onto soft solids as of today.  Well, guess what I had for breakfast??  A protein drink.  Yeah, I don't really know what I want to eat.  

I am able to get around and walk and get out but must rest and not over do it.  I have been having a crampy feeling right under my left breast.  I think that would be my pouch healing.  My incisions do not hurt any more, just occasionally, I would feel the burning but its not constant.  

Another thing that I will be making a phone call about is last night, I woke up and my outer thigh was burning inside-I feel sure it is still due to the anesthesia.  I have been put under before and I have weird reactions to anesthesia.  I also have real flaky skin but my thigh gets numb (only after I have been asleep for awhile) and it feels like its burning inside.  When I get up and walk, it goes away so I dont know what it is.  I still cant sleep on my stomach but I am able to get more sleep the last few nights.

I got my vitamins in the mail yesterday from bariatriceating.com.  I have been taking my centrum multi-vitamin and my sublingual B12 but will be adding a B complex, calcium citrate and chewable Iron to the mix in the next week or so.  I still have a few more things I want to add based on everything I have been reading but I can't find them in chewable form and I cant swallow pills until after 3 months.  I will add those in when I can.

I have my orders to get labwork done before my next appointment on 1/10/06 and I will get that done the first week in January and then every 3 months after. 

I was able to finish my Xmas shopping and wrapped presents last night.   I will wrap more over the next few days.  I did quite a bit of shopping online.  I think everyone will be happy which is what will make me happy.  I am truly happiest when I can make others happy, I get my blessings all throughout the year so I am not really one to "expect" gifts, even though I do receive a lot of nice things.  My husband bought me furniture for Christmas but I got it about 3 weeks ago.  I love it and must give permission for anyone to sit on it which is pretty funny.

Well, I will close here.  I want to wish everyone Happy holidays and I hope that you all have a blessed Christmas.

1 Week post op!

Dec 15, 2006


I am 1 week post-op today.  I went to see Dr. Ferrari today.  Of course, no weight loss which I knew would be the case because I am still so bloated from the surgery.  I weighed in at 233.6 which is very similar to what i weighed at home (233.4).  

I asked Dr. Ferrari about the pain and burning from my incision and he suggested that I TAKE MY PAIN MEDS!! Ok, ok, ok, I know but I hate taking meds.  Anyway, he said even if I take them before bed that will help.  

On my way back home, I went to Boston Market for some chicken taco soup, OMG, it was good! I ate the broth, ordered a cup of it for a whopping $2.69 and could only eat about 1/4 of it.  I came back just now, about 3 hours later and ate another 1/4 of it.  I cant eat the chicken yet and of course, I cant put the chips and cheese in there yet but it was good anyway.  I am saving it and will eat it as long as it taste ok.  I am on liquids for another week,until next Friday, I will start soft solids at that time.

I have done good with getting my water in and my vitamins.  I think I will feel well enough starting next week to go walk every morning.  If I walk slowly, it makes me feel good so I think I will venture outside in this lovely Fall weather (70 degrees and humid).

Well, I will close for now.  Thanks for reading and God Bless.

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
May 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 181

Latest Blog 65
2 year post op update
Update- I AM NOT the thanksgiving turkey!!
Hello- I missed a few months
I have lost 100 pounds!!
15 month post op-update
13 months post-op; January 8, 2008
One YEAR post-op! I'm a WLS "Graduate"!
11 month post op update! 6 weeks post op tummy tuck 11 8 07
3 weeks post-op Tummy Tuck 10 15 07
Just wanted to post about my sizes!!! 10 14 07
