crystalsno 16 years, 12 months ago

Yayyyyyyyyy you! You are doing excellent and I am a bit jealous! Keep up the excellent work April! What's your secret to losing so much? Please let me know! Just thought I'd look in to see how you are doing since it's been a while since I heard from you! Keep up the excellent work and keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours! <hugs> Jolynn

judyanne 17 years, 1 month ago

Tuesday is your day! Just remember you are on the journey of a lifetime. Try to enjoy every minute. It may sound weird now, but know that you are cared for and prayed for here, and all too soon this will be but a memory and you will be an inspiration to someone else. I am waiting for you on the losers' bench! ~ Judy

future former fat chick 17 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! I will be praying for you, and I know you will come through surgery with flying colors. Pretty soon, you will be a big ol’ loser!! I’m not going to tell you that the first few weeks after surgery will be a bed of roses because it was pretty bad for me. I had lap RNY surgery on 5/24/05. But today, I feel fine and the only thing that I regret is that I didn’t have surgery in 2004 when I first started researching it. So, if you find that you’re having a hard time coping right after surgery, please know that it DOES get better. Don’t ever hesitate to email me if there is anything I can do for you – even if you just need a pep talk! So here’s to you… may you have a successful surgery, improved health, energy galore, many “wow moments”, and fabulous before-and-after pics! God bless! Hugs, Tracy

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 17 years, 4 months ago

Congrats on your approval! WOOHOO! Just popping in to wish you a successful surgery and a rapid recovery. May luck follow you where ever your journey may lead you!! Hugs & Shalom (May you be blessed in every aspect of your life) Toots

Native G. 22 years, 3 months ago

Namaste (the light in me greets the light in you) April, I'm wishing you luck in getting everything in order. Hang in there and don't take no for an answer. Be polite but FIRM with everyone. Make them take you seriously. You are a beautiful person! Love and Light to you and yours.
About Me
bristol, TN
Surgery Date
Feb 20, 2002
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2-22-08 Surgeons visit
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ER and Seatbelt
