Day 2....I got this!

Jul 29, 2014

Well day one went better than I thought!! Every time I set out a routine and schedule for my exercising, dieting and life in general, I give up 1/2 way through day one because I lose all self control and give into temptation. SO I was very proud of myself when I went to bed because I took self control my the hair of the head and dominated!! Now I am on day 2 and I am feeling even more motivated to keep going! They always say the first 3-7 days are the hardest, and it's true, but I've got this...I also suffer from daily headaches and at least 1 migraine 2-3 times a week, I have been tested for causes and found I am sensitive to ALOT of products, so did I change my habits when I found out? Hell no. I kept on truckin. BUT guess what? yesterday, due to eating healthy what I am supposed to and can eat, and exercising I didn't have any headaches at all! SURPRISE! Who would've thought listening to my Dr. would've ended up helping! haha I know I will have down days and feel like giving up, but the feeling I got yesterday was a feeling I haven't felt in YEARS and definitely one I want to feel EVERYDAY! 

I am planning on making an instagram and possibly facebook page for prgoress, motivation, recipes, exercise routines, etc....I want to help others! Hence the reason I am becoming an R.N. lol

I can do this, I have so much motivation, (which I am going to post my list later) and the means to accomplish my goals so why not do it?

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Day 1

Jul 28, 2014

Today I am starting my exercise routine and getting my lap band fully filled after 2 years of it being fully emptied. I am on good schedule and have realistic goals and workout routines that suit me and my needs. I also started Dexyfen with my husband, so having him on board will help keep me going! I've got lots of motivators to keep me going. GO ME, I CAN DO THIS!! 


Here I go again....

Mar 22, 2014

Yet again ANOTHER weekend has arrived and I am beyond motivated to get my butt in gear. I had, what I guess can be called a wake up call, today and I am ready to get back on track with my health!! I am afraid that come Monday I will yet again talk myself out of it and give up, but I am going to do everything in my power to NOT let that happen again!! Tired of giving up and feeling like a failure, and I am more than tired of being FAT!


About Me
Olympia, WA
Mar 22, 2014
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