3.5 years out

Nov 07, 2013

I just thought I would reconnect with the why I had wls in the first place.  It feels so good to still be at my goal weight I am between 168-170 a few lbs above 165 im working getting back down.  I have had some set backs with my fitness but my eating has always been in tact.  I am blown away at the fact that I am still doing this yay me so Proud of myself.  


11 months post op

Jan 08, 2011

My day starts off with this little voiceinside of my head that says get up get up lets excersice..I use to hear good morning lets go 2 mc donalds. What a change and a complete transformation I have made.  My eating habits have completely change and my emotions are in tact.  The hardest thing ive had to overcome and still deal with from time to time is my emotional eating. Recognizing it and not feeling into the trap.  Especially since its been a little colder then usual one ofmy fav.things to do was to eat and stay in bed I still allowmyself to do that however my food choices are completely diferent now.  I sometimes get upset with myself that I was indeed FAT/OVERWEIGHT and I never considered myself to be heavy even on the day of my surgery I didnt think I was heavy.  My bmi was 42 my weight was 287 when I decided to have all the preop testing for my surgery on the day of my weight was 265 and now I am currently @ 164.8 9 lbs to my goal weight WOW I cant believe it.  Sometimes I feel like im dreaming and its all going to end.  My biggest fear is getting FAT again im very strict with what I put in my mouth and the food I choose to eat this was a life changing decision  that I made and to me it doesnt make any sense to have the surgery and not to changemy life completly and to really took a hard look at myself and say what brought me to this point whan did I do or put into my body to  cross the line with my eating and what are my triggers? and how and what can I do to change those things that blocked me from being the best me that I can be? I am happy and excited everyday to see the little changes that have been happening throughout this journey.  When I look in the mirror now I like what I see somtimes I see the old me but im getting use to it I went from a sze 22 dwn to a sze 7 in pants a sze 18/20 in shirts dwn to a sze s/m my feet shrunk as well I was a sze 10 now im an 8 1/2 or 9 1/2 depending on the shoe. Im extremly pleased with my decision and with my wls journey.

its been a while (5 months post op)

Jul 12, 2010

I have been so excited about my weight comeing off the only down side is that my hair is falling out when I shower when I brush it it just comes out its not the basic little hairs that fall out its like clumps.  Makes me want to cry but im taking BIOTIN I havent started seeing any changes but I am hopefull.  I wear a size 8 in dresses but I still have a booty and I can fit into a 12 in jeans only some styles the 14 is kind of big doesnt fit me right.  Thats funny I never thought that I would be saying that.  When I shop now im not sure were to go I automatically go to the plus sizes its just a habit im still in disbelief im not buying anymore clothes until I lose all my weight 44 lbs to go I am 199 and I want to be 155 soon I will be and im excited..
1 comment

10 weeks post op

Apr 20, 2010

Its been a while a good month or so I guess i had to get myself on  a routine its been hard but i bekieve ive done it thanks to my amazing husband he has been so supportive through this tryng time.  Im grateful that ive had this surgery and so excited Ifitminto a size 14 jeans and a large shirt wow i want to fitm inot a size 7 and a med shirt cant wait.  My eating habits have changed drastically because this was a life choice for me not just a way for me to lose weight but a new way of life.  My taste buds are changing food taste different to me I do not eat burgers havent had one I wanted one a double double from in-n-out or from the burger stand hey but its so worth it to be free from my weight that has kept me down.  I remeber I used to eat at mcdonalds for breakfast and come home and sleepmthen get up and eat again.  I never thought that my eating was out of control it was the food choiuces that I made and they were bad.  With the weight coming off so are my emotions as well im grieving in a sense saying goodbye yo the old me and welcoming the new me.  The one thats been hiding.  After 4 kids and gaining weight and not being able to take it off this haqs been a true true blessing. 

6 weeks post op

Mar 22, 2010

Things have been slow lost 4 lbs this week yeah for me pms sucks go min for my 2nd fill on thursday and im exercising too.  @ miles a day on treadmill my ass hurts.

4 weeks post op

Mar 09, 2010

well I did not lose any weight this week in fact i gained 2 lbs thanks to mother nature.  PMS isnt it great I started to exercise a little but have not gotten into a routing I am currently at 239.0 so I lost a few oz.  I was disappointed but things are moving along.  I am so hungry like im not getting full like I was when I first had my surgery.  I go in on thursday for my first feel I am anxious because I am practicing self control not really eating a whole lot Im really thirsty.  Keep you posted
1 comment

3 weeks post op

Mar 01, 2010

I am 3 weeks post op this has been the longes week ever.  I am adjusting to my new life almost like I am relearning everything all over again.  I am so happy that I have made this decision and I am transitioning blissfully into the new me so to speak.  I have my moments I am patient or learning to be patient.. Thank u Jesus


2 weeks pot op

Feb 22, 2010

Well im happy to say I lost 20 lbs so far.  Im so happy and im so excited its been challenging i have been frustrated and cried but I wouldnt change a thing.  This is the best thing I have could have ever done for myself and for my family.  Thank you Jesus...

7 days post op

Feb 15, 2010

Well this has been so fun i have been so effn hungry its unreal.  My kids went to Carls Jr and I sat in the car and cried 1 reason because I was in pain but because I was so hungry I just wanted to eat food.  Isnt it funny that when were hungry or when im hungry the first thing I want to eat is junk food well anything i can get my hands on my food or my meals are never planned out there sparratic.  My husband was sad he said this is what we do we eat out together and when he said that  began to grieve for the way that I was or have been and suddenly I felt fat like really fat I never looked at myself as FAT well over weight to be nice about it.  I have been coming to terms and say goodbye to my old lifestyle and embracing this one since my surgery on 2/8/10 I have lost 11lbs I think maybe off by one.  To me it doesnt make anysense at all to put your body and your mind through this and not follow through with the intended goal.  I am still in a little pain I take my pain medicine evry 12 hours instead of every 6 hours im progressing slowly and im eating very little.  Broth,protein shakes,flavored water, mmmmmmmmmm yummy.  Today I get to yogurt and thick liquids yeah for me...

feb 11,2010 i have been banded

Feb 10, 2010

I had my surgery on feb 8 2010 wow what pain I have or have had.  I do not regret this decision i have made I guess I was a bit nieve as to how much pain  I would be in.  Its getting better now update more later

About Me
lake elsinore , CA
May 14, 2009
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