
Apr 25, 2008

My post-op screening went very well. I met with Lissa Benson and blood and urine was AOK. Lissa is a RNY and has lost 125 pounds. 4/25/08

Protein Drinks HAve Arrived

Apr 14, 2008

I decided to start the protein drinks early. I was to start them on tax day but decided to start Friday the 11th. I purchased a new scale of which I weighed in at 372 pounds on Friday morning. Well I am happy to say I have managed these drinks with a small meal in the evening usually around 5PM. I am down to 359.5 pounds from Friday. I could not believe what the scale read but I did check my weight before and after 3 different times. I know much of this weight was water weight but that’s ok with me. My face looks thinner and my pants are slipping from my waist. Two weeks before surgery and I plan to go to the hospital weighing even less to get an early jump. 4/14/08

Surgery Date Is Quickly Approaching

Apr 10, 2008

It’s off to pay for this surgery in the morning. Just a few days before I begin my two weeks of pure hell of drinking protein drinks, but I know I can handle the starvation of food as this surgery means so much to me. Paying out of pocket kinda forces me to succeed in this journey when Aetna has failed me in not covering Lap Band.

I look forward to the days to be able to walk into a store and buy a shirt that is not 4x, not 3x, but 2x and to have the ability to wear clothing that’s form fitting again and not baggy.

I purchased the book, “Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies” this week and its got a lot of great info. that I can refer back to when needed. It’s written by a gal who had RNY but there is still good info. for those going the Lap Band direction.

Well its late and the body is tired after a long day with very little rest. 4/10/08

Surgery Date

Apr 04, 2008

My surgery date has been set for 4/29/08. 4/4/08

Group Support Meeting

Mar 29, 2008

Went to my first group support meeting today, I found the meetings of interest and can see how we all have to support each other with this battle of the bulge. I plan to continue to go to these meetings and plan to expand to going to the evening meetings as well. Doctor Schwartz came in and talked for a few minutes of which I thought was great. The meeting consisted not just Lap Bander’s but RNY’s as well. One gentlemen was a wealth of information that I believe could help all. While he has lost hundreds of pounds he also is fighting an addiction to alcohol.

This meeting had a group of individuals that have used doctors within the state as well as one gal who just moved here from Ohio . I was enlighten being in a room who nobody cares how you look but more important they care how you feel. 3/29/08


Mar 28, 2008

My appointment with my Psychologist went very well. Teri was very polite and we spoke on a level as if we were friends for some time. She asked many questions that I answer truthfully. I also asked many questions, she was very knowledgeable of the Lap Band surgery. At the end she felt that I was a very strong candidate for the surgery.

Can't Wait

Mar 22, 2008

I am so excited to get this process in full gear. I know that I will be successful and the pounds will drop off. I plan to attend a support and a seminar meeting next week. Its funny now that I am in this process of having wls I’m watching my food intake. I know what’s coming as I have read many articles. I have even gotten my hands on a can of Bariatr X Essentials in Dutch Chocolate from a co-worker who had surgery recently. I have yet to try it or even mix it with something to see if I like the taste. I think I would prefer Vanilla, but time will tell. It’s my understanding I will need to consume two protein drinks plus a Lean Cuisine dinner each day for two weeks leading up to the surgery.

What I think I will dread most are the brain hunger attacks as many of us are never really hungry. We simply over-eat out of boredom or stress.


Mar 19, 2008

Today I let my fellow co-workers in on my little secret of getting weight loss surgery. Never expected some of the comments though, many of my co-workers were surprised and taken back that I would resort to such extremes to lose weight. If they only knew the pain that I endure daily with my knees and back. My left knee is waisted and I can not continue living on Ibuprofen to get through the day. The TENS Muscle Stimulators worked for awhile, but I stopped using it. I have my good days and bad days. Raining cold days are the worst.

I am told with the weight loss that there is an 80 percent chance that my Sleep Apnea will be gone as well as having high blood pressure. I guess I am lucky that my blood sugar is AOK, I don’t smoke, don’t drink, and don’t use any drugs.

I have an appointment with the Psychologist next week.

Moving Forward

Mar 16, 2008

Had my first visit with my doctor on Friday, was hoping to receive an information regarding the surgery but I am sure it’s too early for this info. I am scheduled to meet with Terri who is the Psychologist for Dr. Schwartz in a few weeks, and then I will meet with Lisa at St. Joseph Hospital for a work-up of my current health. I hope to have a surgery date set within the next 3 weeks with surgery sometime late April or early May. Paying out of pocket I believe things appear to move much faster. 

I wish that Aetna would treat Lap Band as a surgery to help lower the potential future medical cost and cover the cost, but Aetna treats this surgery as experimental and will only cover Gastric Bypass which I think is a joke considering what the cost to Aetna if something worse were to happen to me, but what do any of us expect out of HMO’s… Luckily I have had the same general doctor for nearly 20 years while my HMO provider has changed a number of times. Well I don’t have much more to say but I am excited to moving into a new direction in my life…




About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2008
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The Band Is Now Working
Back To The Hospital
Received My New Port Today
Port Being Replaced
I Am Back
Had 1CC removed
My 2nd Fill
My First Fill
Fill Me Up
