No Night Munchies!!!!!

Feb 23, 2011

For about 7 years, I've fought (and lost nightly) the battle of night munchies. Some times it was just some cereal. Other times it was half a box of cereal. Sometimes a piece of lunchmeat and cheese.  Other times 3or 4 pieces of lunchmeat and cheese, etc.  Tonight, I have NO NIGHT MUNCHIES!  With my history, I can't trust it will stick.  On the other hand, The optomistic side of me wants to say...THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF MY NEW BEGINNING.  Losers bench here I come.  My first fill was yesterday.  I go back in 2 weeks.  I had gained 2 oz yesterday, and Dr. W was not upset.  In fact he said it wqs normal. Dare I hope that I might be in charge of my eating, instead of the other way around. 

8 days till my first fill

Feb 13, 2011

Since my surgery on January 14th, 2011, I have had some successes and some failures.  I feel like I'm at loose ends.  Am I expecting too much from the surgery and not enough from myself?  I HAD been very good about sweets and had really, REALLY cut back on them, till last night and today.  I really don't like the way I feel when I eat sugar on an empty stomach.  I had also done very well about walking or working out, till the snow. But I know  I will resume that.  I don't want to let sugar get a hold on me though, because it used to have a strangle-hold.  Now I'm much more interested in meat.  I don't know why that changed. I only know it did, about 3 or 4 months ago.  I just hope I haven't gained some of my 10 lbs. back when I go for my 1st fill...but I bet I have.

4 weeks post today

Feb 11, 2011

I guess for a while, you're always waiting for something. Now that I'm waiting for my first fill, I find out that for most the 4th fill is the "sweet spot". But everyone is individual in that so maybe mine will come sonner. I sure hope so because my appetite is back and so are the dreaded night munchies.  I keep trying to exercize mind over matter, and lose every night. My next strategy is popping into bed a bit earlier. Exercise has gone from consistent to sporatic, because of the snow. Gotta go, hubby is meeting me at the library in 30 min.  We are such a rowdy couple.

2+ weeks post-op

Jan 29, 2011

I am now 2 weeks post-op and feeling good. Too good. At this point as long as it's at least soft, it goes down easily. Only cold is a bit uncomfortable. Warm goes down great, as long as I don't eat too big of a bite or eat too fast. It's a good thing I'm walking 30 minute daily.  My skin seems to be getting a little wrinkley so I'll add more water. Looking forward to my first fill in 3 1/2 weeks.

Working on those Night Munchies

Jan 19, 2011

 Got a recipe from someone on OH for fighting Night Munchies.  I have ALWAYS had a problem with that, and it;s part of the reason I got in this shape.  At least for last night it worked.  It is a Butterfinger Protein shake.  1/2 a banana, 1 T of P eanut Butter, 6 oz of  Coconut Milk, 7cubes of ice, 1 scoop of Choc or Van protein Powder.  Blend well...Delish! It worked well.  You can't drink it very fast so the protein powder has time to satisfy.

Night Munchies...Not Again!

Jan 19, 2011

Well, for the first time since surgery, night munchies reared it's ugly head.  I have such a hard time with this! I did get a high protein shake recipe that sounds delicious, and is supposed to satisfy night munchies.  I will have to find vanilla coconut milk. It's been 6 days and I'm feeling really good.  Had my first outing yesterday.  Went to LR with Jane.  We went 1 place and came home.  Was glad to go, getting housebound, but was glad to get back.  Eating things that can go up a straw and being careful about sugar.Really doing well, but my apetite is returning and that's scary.

I'm Now Post-Op

Jan 17, 2011

Well, I had surgery early on 1-14-11, and it is now 1-18-11.  My first 3 days were all about gas pains. A nurse told me just before I left the hospital that when they put you to sleep for surgery your gut goes to sleep too.  If you take the perscription pain reliever, it wants to continue to sleep.  She said if I could handle ibuprophen things would wake up quicker=less gas issues.  I don't know what's normal in the gas department, but day 4 was better, and today, day 5 seems to be a lot better.  I do need to remember to take my ibu about 2:00pm or I have a sinking spell about 3:00pm. and feel kind of crappy.  So far it seems to be the only time I feel like that. I have started  a new healthier life.  I agree with whoever said it's not WLS (weight loss surgery) it's HLS (healthy life style).

Less than 12 hours to go

Jan 13, 2011

In 10 hours I will be up and showering for my surgery.  I feel more positive than ever about having the lap band surgery in the morning.  I will ask my doctor if he's had his coffee.  Since I'm the first, I want to be sure he's fully awake.  Just kidding!  I have a lot of faith in Dr. Wellborn. And I plan to be a terrific patient.  I will do what I'm told, the way I'm told to do it. I'm all stocked up on clear liquids, and stuff to put in the food processor and smush up. This is a new beginning. I will make the best of it. As happy as I already am, I hope to be even happier with myself, and to spread happiness.  Live, Love, Laugh!!!!!!


It's ON!

Jan 11, 2011

Well, I guess the surgery will go on in 2 days.  I was able to see my surgeon today, and was afraid I couldn't because of the snow.  Jim was out of school so he was able to take me.  I would not have gone by myself.  But found out I could have because the main roads were fairly clear.  Dr. Wellborn spent a lot of time with me and really put me at ease.  He is so down to earth and easy to talk to.  Therefore Jim and I will be leaving about 4:20am on Friday because my surgery is at 7:30am and I have to be there at 5:30.  I'm all in!  Nervous, scared, and can't wait all rolled into one.

Failure NOT an Option

Jan 10, 2011

I am disappointed because when it snows in AR, AR shuts down.  I feel it will affect my appointment with my surgeon tomorrow and thus my surgery on Friday.  More days to doubt myself and my dedication to this.  More days to worry about failure.  Knowing I've tried SO MANY TIMES, and so many ways to lose the weight, only to regain it.  LAST CHANCE.  I cannot blow this one.  I WILL follow doctors instructions.  That will insure success permanently.  This WILL WORK for me.

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