Back to work

Oct 18, 2007

Well I'm back to work.... what a treat.
I so needed that extra week, and could have actually gone for another one. I'm pretty tired by the end of the day, then have so much schoolwork. I do school online, and believe me it's so much more work then physically going to a class.

I'm dying to eat regular food. I don't care about sweets, I just want my salad and sashimi.

I go back to the surgeon on Monday, I hope she lets me up to some "harder" foods, causing I'm going a bit stir food crazy.

Starting to feel human again

Oct 12, 2007

Well I attempted to go to work last Monday, but company doc said I was pushing myself...... Um Ok who am I to disagree.

So I was home for another week. I go back this coming Monday (I'm dreading it, which means time to start job hunting). 
But I feel much better then I have in awhile. I still have random pains, but other than that all is OK so far (note the knocking of wood).

I'm feeling depressed for many reasons, so I decided to go to my Mecca- the mall. Well they were having a really good winter jacket sale, so I said OK I need a new one. Well I'm a 3x, or so I thought. Well I was a 26 then recently a 24 and they are getting very baggy on my. (poop in the pants looking). So I bought a pair of 22 pants and they were lose. But all pants fit different so I'm not getting to happy, but back to original point. The jacket I bought was a 1x, ever so slightly snug (well for my tastes I usally do the baggy clothes thing) but it zipped up with no hesitiation. A 1x!!! I almost cried in the store. Oh to reach my 1st goal of size 18...... I can almost see it over the horizon

Bad Bandarella

Oct 02, 2007

Went to my PMD and Surgeon yesterday. I thought I was gonna end up back in the hospital. I dehydrated myself and could barely walk 2 feet without being completly winded. I didn't drink enough fluids.

But today I paid attention and up'd my fluid intake and felt a lot better. I also advanced to mushies, but I still get that back pain after I have them. I'm not sure if I'm taking too big of gulps, if it's muscular or just gas. I'll have to see I go back to Surgeon on 10/22/07. Hopefully I'll be much better by then. She did take some fluid out of my new band and I think it helped a bit.  But with that vomitting episode from the pain meds it makes me nervous. But once you've had a slip- I think you live in slip paranoia forever.

Still can't sleep on my side

Sep 28, 2007

Well here we are it's been a week and a half and I still can't sleep on my left side. Due to gas pain, it hits me right in the middle of my upper back.... ah tick tock tick tock...................

Oh lets do this....

Sep 16, 2007

 Ok todays the day I go into the hospital. Hopefully, if all goes as planned surgery tomorrow. I've been nervous and thinking about the last time and I'm making myself sick. So I say Oh lets do this and get it over with... On the way to the hospital....Wish me luck!


Sep 12, 2007

So I found out on 8/13/07 that my band slipped and on 9/11/07 I got the word that it's ready to be replaced. I'm going in the hospital next Monday 9/17/07 and surgery should be 9/18/07.
I have to admit I'm getting scared. I'm having memories from the last time coming rushing back and the difficulties I'm going to have to face. But I did this to myself and hopefully I will stay on track and get to the point where I want to be in my life........

Back in the saddle

Jun 28, 2007

I'm embarking on my journey. I let 2 good years go by and didn't let the band help me. But, I've learned from my mistakes and I think this time really will be it......

About Me
Bayonne, NJ
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2005
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 17
It came back like a hurricane.....
