I'm 48 y/o. Have lived in Las Vegas since 1985(grew up in NY). Been married for 23 years to a guy who still wears a size 30 waist;he eats constantly and I hate him!! LOL... I have 2 sons-Nick is 21y/o;Mike is 19. They're both small framed like dad;hate them too! They both wrestled in H.S. so there were times that they had to cut or maintain weight(yea;6-8 lbs. NOT 180!) They both wrestled well enough to become Nevada State Champions!!!!Not not too proud am I? Nick thought about wrestling in college and then decided,"I never want to have to cut weight again" I weighed 129 lbs @ age 21(and had to watch every morsel). Weighed 180 in 1986 after I had Nick. Weighed 185lbs. in 1988 after I had Mike. So I say that I'm still trying to lose the baby fat after 19 years!!! Too bad I've also gained 100+ lbs since then. Never had health issues until 2 years ago(minor) but it's time to do a 360 before minor issues compound into MAJOR ones.Ron(hubby)extremely supportive about my RNY(comes to all of my appointments). Nick-doesn't say much;Mike doesn't understand how I'll live the rest of my life only eating 2-3 ozs. of food @ time. But he's the one who said we'll have to go shopping for expensive designer clothes! Can't wait until 12/6/07-the first day of a new LIFETIME!!!
