Wedding Anniversary . . .

Apr 11, 2006

April 12, 2006 - Today is my 37th wedding anniversary. WOW
I think we are just planning to go bowling this afternoon as we always do, then go out to dinner tonight. (eating out is always a challenge since surgery). But pouched fish is a safe choice.
Then tomorrow I believe we are going to one of the Casinos (about an hours drive from here) and just play around for the day. Nothing exciting.
We are saving for the OH Mexico cruise coming up in Sept.

Half the Fat Is Gone . . .

Mar 20, 2006

March 21, 2006 - YEPPY! Today I made it to my half way point. I have lost 70 lbs. in 17 weeks. Now on to the other 70 lbs. I can do it!!
I feel good all over. Praise God, thank you Kaiser and bless my husband he has just been great. The best possible support person in the world. He has even lost 37 lbs. by just eating healthier.

Meeting other OH Members . . .

Mar 15, 2006

March 16, 2006 - I am the angel for another OH member. We live about a 2 hour drive from eachother. Her and her husband spend 2 days at our place here at the coast. My husband and I really enjoyed our time with them. OH has also helped me get in touch with another mmember that lives here near me. And we met for lunch a few days before she went in for her surgery. Today is her surgery date in fact. My prayers and thoughts are with her. Thank you OH for being here. Great support, information and now new freinds.

I have only 3 more pounds to go to make my half way point. I have lost 67 pounds total. I am now 3 1/2 months post-op and doing fine. bowels are better thanks to Benefiber daily. I have been taking my Iron and Potassium so hopefully I'm doing better there. I have blood test next week. But I do have somedays that my pouch is fussy. It makes strange noises and feels uncomfortable no matter what I eat or how little I eat. It even fusses over water. Sometimes I think it has a mind of it's own.

3 Months Post-Op . . .

Feb 21, 2006

Feb. 22, 2006 - Well I had my first 12 week blood work done and I am low on Iron and Potassium. So now I get to take a iron pill once daily and drink the potassium stuff twice daily. This just gets more and more fun all the time. Yeppy!
No, I joking. It's really not that bad. But it does explain why I have been so tired all the time. I have not regained my full energy back since surgery.
I'm just now getting over a flu bug. So I haven't been exercising for a week now.
Had a Doctors appointment today and we talked about my insomnia. I have had sleeping problems most of my life, but they have gotten much worse since surgery. He gave me some Ambien to try. I've heard many of you on the OH board talk about how it has help you. So I wanted to see if it will help me as well. Also got some meds for my lower back pain to use as needed.
So hopefully I'll get some sleep at night. Now that's something to Yeppy! about.
My weight is coming off, but slowly. Much slower than I had thought it would. I just don't want to miss or waste my honeymoon period. I worry about the hunger setting in before the weight is gone. But 12.5 more pounds and I will be at my half way point.

Happy Birthday . . .

Feb 05, 2006

Feb. 6, 2006 - Boy I have to posted for a while. But then not much has changed. Still going to Curves, still trying to eat right. And still losing very slowly.

But on a better note. Today is my Birthday. I had a nice day. Got up at 10:00. Went to Curves at 12:00. Treated myself to a pedacure at 2:00. Was taken to a movie by two friends at 4:00. Went to dinner with my husband at 6:00. Then took a hot shower at 8:00. All in all, it was a great and relaxing day. Hubby bought me a new laptop :)


Real Food ! . . .

Jan 13, 2006

Jan. 14, 2006 - I am off soft foods now. Free to try others things, just chew well and eat slowly. Had a piece of pizza, ordered light on sauce and cheese and topped with veggies. It tasted ok, and went down well. Also tryed raw veggies, but not carrots yet.

My only problems now are constipation and insomnia. I am typing this right now at 3:00 am, just can't fall asleep. I use to have sleeping problems before surgery, but it has gotten worse now after surgery. And as for the constipation, I have tried several fiber drinks and chewable tablets and all I have to say is YUK!

Went to my first movie ever with no popcorn. I took a protein power crunch bar to nibble on.

Oh yea, and no heartburn, the Prilosec twice a day is doing the trick.

Went in for my first B-12 shot since the hospital. I was going to learn to give them to myself. I chickened out. So the nurse showed my husband how to give them to me. And he did a good job, I didn't even feel it.

Happy New Years . . .

Jan 02, 2006

Jan. 3, 2006 - Well this year promises to be a good year for losing. Weight that is!
I am starting back to Curves today. Most of my tummy pain in gone, so I feel healed up enough to give it a try. I have got to start getting more exercise. I just am not losing as fast as others who have had the surgery about the same time as me. The weather has been to bad most of the time to get out and walk, but I try to when I can. I know I will feel better once I can start back to exercising. Before surgery exercising gave me so much more energy.
I am able to take in alittle over 800 calories a day. Keeping my protein at or above 60 grams.
I am still having good days and bad days. What I mean by bad days is some days I am so nauseous and have bad heartburn.

One Month Post-Op . . .

Dec 27, 2005

Dec. 28, 2005 - Well I had a Doctors appointment yesterday with my regular care provider. He set up my blood work to be done every 12 weeks, to keep an eye on how I'm doing. And I made an appointment to go to the Nurse's Treatment area for a lesson on how to give myself the vitamin B-12 shot each month. The Doctor put me back on my Prilosec daily to help with the heartburn.

I was down 8 more pounds, so about 4 pounds a week. Not to bad. I think it will go faster once I can get back to Curves and exercise. I'm feeling pretty good, I may go try it out next week, after the 1st. I'm still on mostly soft foods for another 2 weeks yet. I'm getting in the mood for a nice crisp salad and a apple, without the skin of course.

Support Groups are Important . . .

Dec 19, 2005

Dec. 20, 2005 - I have a support meeting tonight. This is the first one since surgery. I know they are hoping to see me there tonight.

I am doing good. My bowelmovements are doing much better. I started drinking about 4 oz. of prune juice a couple times a day, I think that helped. I am eat most foods very well. Slowly of course and not a very big volume. I tryed 1/2 slice of toasted bread this morning and it went down well but I feel like a rock is in my pouch. LOL! I also had one hard boiled egg and 1/2 cup applesauce. Pretty good I think. But I have had eggs twice and both times got sick. No more eggs for this girl for a while.

I have been trying to walk but it has been so cold and wet here. I have been going to some big stores just to walk around and get active. It also gets me out of the house, which helps with the depression as well. I am hoping to get back to Curves soon.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Home Sweet Home . . .

Dec 14, 2005

Dec. 15, 2005 - Well, I'm home, settled back in and feeling much better. "There's no place like home". We came home right after my post-op on Tues. Dec. 13.
The only problems I have had to date is, heartburn, going back to more, liquids for a few days. I think the foods are a little ruff on me. I also turned wrong last night and pulled on something, wow! it felt like something tore, a burning pain. Moving very slow and careful today.

I knew I might have some depression after surgery but mine is more like just very emotional. I can cry at the drop of a hat. But this to will pass. All in all I am doing great. God is good in all things.

About Me
Long Beach, WA
Oct 09, 2005
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2 1/2 years out
2 year anniversary
Trying to pick up the pieces
Sad Times
