Not Doing Well

Apr 23, 2011

I haven't been around here much.  So busy with life, not much time for computer, and less interest in sitting on my butt at the desk.

Months 3, 4, and 5 have been pretty bad for me.  Weight is coming off so rapidly that I can hardly keep up with what I look like from day to day.  Personality changes that I think are awesome (increased confidence, more assertive, more vocal, etc), are being frowned upon by friends and family.  "When will we get the old you back?"

I can hardly keep up with who I am from day to day.  How could I ever expect anyone else to?

Diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma in February, 2011.   Its a tumor growing on the nerve that connects your ear to your brain.  It is now extending into the cochlea.  It has caused permanent hearing loss and tinnitus in my right ear.  Surgery will remove the tumor, but I'm a little too weak from bariatric surgery to proceed at this point.  So for now, we just do an mri every couple months to watch it and make sure it  doesn't do more damage.

Losing weight in my feet and increased activity has put too much pressure on the bones in my feet.  Barred from exercising till they can fit me with orthotics.  My insurance won't cover orthotics unless i'm diabetic.  Because of surgery, i'm no longer diabetic.  They are trying to find a way around that.

Took a bad fall on February 18, 2011.  Sprained the ligament that goes up and down my spine and also several ligaments that go in between the vertebrae.  I can't take anti inflammatories (and injections didn't work for me) so its taking forever to heal.  Muscles on either side of my spine are trying to compensate and get so tight, especially under stress, that they are pinching nerves causing weird nerve things all throughout my body.  Pain is so severe that I have been given handicap parking.

Pain and mood and stress has been causing me not to eat or take supplements.  I was eating about 100 calories a day and 10 grams of protein.  (another reason i'm too weak to have surgery for the tumor).  I'm striving to get 60 grams of protein each day, but the sudden increase in food has me so constipated that I can hardly wear pants.  I don't think I've had a real bowel movement in 2 weeks.  Phillips is not working.  Currently working with masseuse to resolve this issue.  

Stroke symptoms sent me to the er and caused me to be admitted to the stroke center this week.  Ct scan and mri showed no stroke.  Still waiting for blood tests to come back.  They suspect vitamin b12 and vitamin d deficiency causing facial paralysis (my left side) and extreme weakness and lack of sensation in right side extremities.  Hopefully I can get my levels up quick enough so that the damage is not permanent.  2 months ago, my blood levels were well within the normal range.  I had no idea it could drop so rapidly to cause paralysis.

Car was stolen and totalled last month.  I got it repaired, and it was in better than new condition.  While i was parked in the er parking lot this week, someone hit my car and ran.  ugh.

Sister has severe concussion.  I think there is more going on.  She's been off of work for several weeks.  She has severe mood issues and cognitive issues.  She's been a real bear to deal with. 

Despite all this stress, my mood appears to be good and I'm in decent spirits.  I have a good sense of humor that keeps me going.  Oh, and i forgot to mention, I've been off all bipolar medications since early January.  Doing fine.  Bipolar appears to be in remission. 

I'm exploring some more eastern approaches to my treatment with great success.  Massage, acupuncture, energy work, meditation.  No vitamins or herbs, though.  Not sure those would be too good for me.

Take care and comments welcome,


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Houston, TX
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