Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
pheww! - just wanted to thank everyone who responded to my last post.   I was in shock and very anxious...but reading that I wasnt alone with my feelings was reassuring.  I still am a bit ...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
in what? (long vent) - I will be 13 months out from RNY 8/ main reason for WLS was so I could have healthy pregnancies and raise a healthy family.  Hubby and I activly tried for 2 months (May & Ju...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 12 years, 12 months ago
Brownie Batter=FOOD-gasm! - while at the gym last night, I asked the trainer what to do when I get that late night sweet tooth.  He suggested "brownie batter" jaw literally dropped, but then he told me w...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 12 years, 12 months ago
what do u eat before/after workouts? - Just wanted to see what others do... I work out on my lunch break, a really intense "boot camp" style workout.  I usually have a yogurt and a protein bar an hour before the work...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a comment 12 years, 12 months ago
this is sooo sexy! im so jealous :)

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
1 year post op w/video! - Here I am...just a few days past the 1 year mark.  I can't believe its already been a year since I had RNY.  My life has changed in so many ways.  I am so thankful for this journey...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
1 year post op w/video! - Here I am...just a few days past the 1 year mark.  I can't believe its already been a year since I had RNY.  My life has changed in so many ways.  I am so thankful for this journey...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
1 year post op w/video! - Here I am...just a few days past the 1 year mark.  I can't believe its already been a year since I had RNY.  My life has changed in so many ways.  I am so thankful for this journey...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
feel good monday!? - just wanted to share that I ran ANOTHER 5K this weekend...was my 2nd race, have been running pretty consistantly on my own since the 1st one I did in May, but never thought I would...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
proof that C25K works! - just wanted to share that I ran ANOTHER 5K this weekend...was my 2nd race, have been running pretty consistantly on my own since the 1st one I did in May, but never thought I would...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
im hooked! - just wanted to share that I ran ANOTHER 5K this weekend...was my 2nd race, have been running pretty consistantly on my own since the 1st one I did in May, but never thought I would...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
temping... - hello ladies...I need some input from the "experts" :) I've been temping for a few months, the 1st cycle I noticed that my temps were always reallllly low and I never saw a "patte...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
TTC-man prep? - I know I've read on here before about things/ways that the man can do to "prep" for TTC... I think Chelle had some suggestions about certain vits thats hubby could take to "up the...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Memorial Day WOW! - just another WOW moment to share...even at 10 months post-op they are still happening, YAY! I can't remember the last time that I took a picture with my husband where he had his...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
FGF-Don't Hate, Celebrate- *T&A* - I'm a firm believer in the saying..."if you got it, flaunt it" Call it attention whore, call it lack of self-esteem, call it whatever...if you've worked hard & gotten to a place...

Crazy* ~Beautiful uploaded a photo 13 years, 2 months ago

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
10 months, WHAT A RIDE ITS BEEN! - this weekend marked 10 months for me... I can't say how thankful I am for everything that happened along the way, good & bad, it was all worth it.  I never thought I would get her...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
my fitness WOW moment-pic heavy - Just wanted to share that last night I RAN, yes RAN, all but about 10 steps, my first 5K!!!!! When I signed up for the race, I set my goal at 43 minutes or less....well my officia...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
WOW moment-pic heavy - Just wanted to share that last night I RAN, yes RAN, all but about 10 steps, my first 5K!!!!! When I signed up for the race, I set my goal at 43 minutes or less....well my officia...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a comment 13 years, 2 months ago
keep up the good work...I too am a slow loser, very frustrating...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
OT: your FEEL GOOD song? - share YOUR know the one that matter where you are/what time it is, you feel the need to just let lose?  Right now I am obsessed with "Who's That Chick"- By Rihanna ...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
plastics? - I never thought I'd want plastics...hell I never thought I'd want WLS.  But here I am over 9 months post op and have started asking the question, "how do you know when its time for...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Happy HUMP day...lets show our lady LUMPs? - hahaha not gonna happen, but the board is dead so I wanted to get everyone's attention somehow so lets see me your before and afters (or in betweens)! here are min...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
b( . )( . )bs... - Now don't get wrong, I am so thankful for my RNY and the 2nd chance at LIFE it has given me, but god damn I miss my boobs...I went from a 46DD to a 38D, and they are still shrinkin...

Crazy* ~Beautiful posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
trying not be judgmental... - I get to work this morning and hop on facebook...the 1st status I see is my sister in law's (lets call her S) reads: "SOOOOOOOOOO I HAVE SOME BIG NEWS!!! HUBBY FRIGIN KNOCK...
About Me
East Haven, VT
Surgery Date
Nov 09, 2009
Member Since

Friends 73

Latest Blog 4
