celebrating small successes

Nov 15, 2011

Whatever the reason, I'm not able to do the things I was doing earlier this year.  I don't want to obsess about the why right now.  It is what it is. 

For tonight, I'm going to have to be satisfied with smaller things and acknowledge even the seeming tiniest things I succeeded at-- or I'll drown in a sea of my own negativity.

They picked up my car today.  I requested it.  I knew it was coming.  But it was still hard to see it taken away.  I did have the beginnings of an anxiety attack, but I quickly distracted myself.  I grabbed the leashes and got my sister's dogs from downstairs and took them on a walk.    There are so many other negative things I might have done, but I didn't do them.  That is a success.

I woke up and thought about staying in bed all day.  But I didn't.  I did dishes, I did a load of laundry.  I changed the sheets on my bed.  I showered.  I got outside and did a little raking and went on a couple walks.  

Yah, maybe thats no big deal for me on other days, but today it was huge.  So rather than be mad/sad/whatever about the things i didn't do, I'm allowing time to be grateful for the things I *did* do.

Tomorrow i made plans to go walking with a neighbor in the morning.  Then I have a therapist appointment.  That may be all I am able to do, and if it is... that will be okay. 

There are 5 billion things I can't do.  Why waste my energy on *thinking* about the things I can't do when I could better spend my energy on actually *doing* what I can do.  Small successes will build on one another.

p.s. reminder to self... please eat more fiber.


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Houston, TX
Jun 05, 2007
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