Sad news :-(

Jul 12, 2009


The time has come to pack up and go back to Australia, no more extensions to our "2 year" contract.


After more than seven years of calling this our home and growing very fond of it, we have to pack up and return to our other home.

Hopefully our tenants will leave our house in time for us to move back in.


We get to have our trip to Germany (July 17 to August 12), and then we start packing up.


We don't know the exact date yet, but we will leave some time between August 31st and mid September.


I will miss a lot of people,  my home, the pretty Washington State, and more…….. heck,  maybe I'll even miss the rain at times.


I will miss support groups, because I don't think I'll have much luck finding them in Oz. I have no idea how I'll go finding protein shakes and all the other stuff, either.


We are all very, very sad - nobody in my family is ready to leave, we would have so loved a few more years over here.

On I'll keep hanging around the WA board, just because I'll leave such a big chunk of my heart over here and I'd miss you guys too much.


If you ever want to come visit Brisbane, Australia, make sure to drop in and visit. You'd all be welcome to our guest bed (one at a time, please, don't jump the line and push others out the way, ok?).

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Brisbane (Norman Park), XX
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