I come from a hispanic colture, most of the food we eat has flour, or is deep fried, at least in my family. Obesity runs deeply in my family, since I remeber I've always been obese. I was the big girl in school, from all the girls in the family, i was the biggest. I came to a point in my life where nothing mattered to me. I didn't care if I didn't have a job, I didn't want to go out of the house afraid people would judge me. I didn't want to be near or around my significant other. I was terrified of the monster I'd become over the years. About five years ago I had a(n) anckle surgery, so I was in a cast for six weeks, after that nothing has really been the same. I was already big at that time, so I wasn't able to run, or walk for long distances not because of short of breath but because of back pain, and my anckle would be killing me. Long story short, I ended up gaining about 40 lbs. it may not seem alot but I am only 5'2 and at 240 lbs.. that was a huge amount of weight. At the age of 18 I tried getting surgery and insurance denied me. Bummer!! well I decided to loose wieght on my own, and I did loose some but very little.. and i regained double what I originally lost!!! (horrible) Thank my God, this past October I decided to re consider surgery hoping insurance would cover, and to my suprise insurance gave me the green light on the first call!!! (thanks God)  and I thank him for everything!! Although I've had my stomach closed twice and been in the ER dehydrated, it is all worth it. today I am 198 lbs. I went from a size 24 to a size 18.. and I know I'll reach my goal. I dont miss the fast food, I don't crave anything other than my steam veggies, or my chicken. This surgery has made me look at life from a different perspective, a positive one, a better one. I don't have the right words to say how amazing this surgery has made my life. Despite the negative comments and things said to me, I am the happiest person on earth. This is not the easy way out, its my second chance at life my God has given me. Eyes closed I'd do it again. 

About Me
Long Beach,
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2008
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