And road block

Jun 29, 2015

Literally was ready to submit to medical group so then could be submitted to insurance and my job decides to fire me. Literally 2days after informing them that I was going to be having surgery and requesting fmla/short term disability paperwork. Coincidence?? So now I'm stuck paying on pre-surgey apointments and tests for a surgery and can't do. FML

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I can see the starting line.

Jun 11, 2015

Finally, I just did my second sleep study(required to be on cpap/bipap prior to submitting to insurance) Now as soon as I get my machine, they will go to insurance and then finally I'll get my surgery scheduled. Right now I'm looking at a late July or early August surgery. Lisa on the other hand, having different insurance will be having her surgery on the 30th of this month and starting her liquid diet next week.


Psychiatrist ... check

Apr 15, 2015

Had my follow up visit with my psychiatrist. He said all is good, no need for a straight jacket anyway ... He's going to finish his notes and get them to my weightloss group. Now all I'm waiting for is the 27th when I can retake my A1C test....



Apr 03, 2015

    Ok, so I'm hopefully only a couple months away from surgery. I've finished my 6 month supervised diet, just had my psych eval on Tuesday(just have to do a follow up on April 14th) Then I just need to have my A1C tested at the end of April, if its good then time to submit to insurance and set a date. Getting excited, but still nervous.

     I also, today, signed up for a gym(at Anytime Fitness); will make much easier to go to as it's on my way to and from work. With my work schedule from 5 pm to anywhere from 3-5 am, I don't really have a good time to work out except on way to or from work. First work out tonight...


Like a dream

Feb 13, 2015

    This all sometimes feels like a dream. Where on moment I'm on top of the hill, everything going right and everything falling into place for surgery. And then now, someone pushed me over the edge and I can't stop rolling down the same hill hitting every freaking rock on the way down.  For some reason when I started my six month supervised diet to get everything going in October my doctor for some reason didn't order a blood test; that was finally ordered by my nurse practitioner at the weight loss center on our last appointment(5 months into my diet). Come to find out I've slipped back to type 2 diabetes according to my A1C test and now have to show that I've been treating it for 3 months prior to surgery. So now am looking at surgery in May instead of March/April. To add to that they are still waiting for my sleep study records from my last study.


1st surgeon consult

Dec 15, 2014

Ok, we had our 1st surgical consultation with Dr. Cahalan and their amazing support team. Kind of a mixed bag of results.  Lisa is ready to go once she has her psychiatrist appointment. I on the other hand he wants to wait for my previous doctor records to see if they will work instead of having to do the six month doctor supervised visits as well as possible sleep study.( Which I've done before, the 1st time I looked into surgery, I was on a cpap for 6 months until insurance denied the surgery. The second study was a couple years ago and it was questionable for the cpap. they said my sleep apnea was at level that it should be watched but a cpap wasn't necessarily needed; so insurance wouldn't cover the machine.) So I guess I wait even longer for them to get my records. Dr. Cahalan said he would like to see me use a cpap for 3-6 months pre-surgery but would wait to see last result before having me do a new study. To be truthful, I'm just tired of waiting, feels like its a game between insurance and doctors, I'm almost ready throw in the towel and take my money to Mexico for surgery. I can get done there for about a $ 1000.00 more than its going to cost me here after my out of pocket has been met.


Support Group

Dec 08, 2014

We went to our 1st support group and it was great. The 1st hour was one of the program surgeons giving info and answering questions and the 2nd hour was a q&a with people who were at least a year out. They also had a protein and calcium supplement test tasting. I met a lot of great people, a couple I've been following on facebook and one that I've been following on youtube. You are awesome Jennifer Beecher.


Support Group

Dec 03, 2014

We have our 1st support group meeting this coming Saturday. We have to attend at least 1 pre-surgery. I can't help but think who wouldn't want extra support?

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Group Consultation

Nov 07, 2014

So, we had our group consult today and got tons of information. Have the surgeon consult with Dr. LaMaster at UnityPoint on Dec. 9 or 10 don't have apt card with me now. 


Tick Tock

Nov 05, 2014

So finally Friday is my group consultation with the surgeon to go over the different options as well as go over insurance requirements. On the extra plus side, I won't be going through this alone. My beautiful fiancé will be joining me on this journey and we'll both be going through this together; with hopes of having surgery the same day.


About Me
Altoona, IA
Jun 27, 2007
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