Big Day Finally Here

Oct 16, 2011

Well tomorrow is my big day. I have to be at the hospital at 6 am.. I am calm and I so ready. My hubs is a basket case. Better him than tuned for updates from me.

4 days to go

Oct 13, 2011

Well earlier this wek I thought they were going to have to reschedule. But thank God I recieved a call at 9:15 a.m. saying Bobbie are you ok for Monday..Heck Yea...I have been waiting on this countdown for 3 years.

I am proud to say I have completed my million to-do's: arrangements for the kids, house is spotless, all the laundry is done, and my grandmother had my carpet shampooed today, bags packed for hospital. Now I am going to enjoy my family.

So I guess I will chim in on Sunday while I am on my liquid diet before surgery.

Thanks to all my OH family that have been in contact with me.

7 days to go

Oct 10, 2011

Well OH family I have 7 days to go and I am so nervous. I am still waiting on final clearance from my insurance company. Praying I hear something tomorrow. I have done all my grocery shopping and made arrangements for my kids and my grandma. I am packing my bag tonight and finishing household stuff tomorrow (laundry, cleaning, etc..). I have no idea what I am in for but I do know its a ride I have been wanting to take.

10 days to go

Oct 07, 2011

So the time is coming close and I must admit I feel really good about everything. I have went to the grocery store and got things that I will need after surgery. I am doing great on my pre-surgery diet. I am under 300lbs, which I haven't been in years. I have a massive to-do list that I plan on having done by surgery for this to run smoothly.

I was diagnosed with h.pylori and the doctor has me on antibotics to get rid of it before surgery. The diet is not so bad but I am getting sick of eating the same things. But I feel that it is worth it. My support team is so awesome and my kids have been great.

I will be updating my page daily.


Issues caused a date change

Oct 04, 2011

UGH!!! I knew it was too good to be true. I went for my plumonary appoinment and the doctor decided that I should have a sleep study. Well, my insurance didn't approve it and the doctor waited too long to do my clearance so yesterday I felt hopeless and as though I shouldn't have surgery.

Well today I recieved an email that my clearance from the plumonologist came today.. YAY Back on track with a new surgery date 10/17/11.

I will keep you updated.


14 Day Diet

Sep 27, 2011

Well today I started my 14 day diet. I didn't think it was going to be that hard but whew lord I am I can't believe in two weeks I will start my new life. I am still nervous and a little scared. I don't have a clue what to expect and I think that is scaring my more than anything. Pray for me OH fam...I need it.

Surgery Date

Sep 21, 2011

Yippee.... I went yesterday and met with my surgeon and he set me up with my surgery date. October 11, 2011...I am so excited but I am nervous as hell...kmsl

Psych Eval

Sep 07, 2011

I went for my psych eval on the 2nd and all went well. I am no so nervous, but I don't know why. I have an appointment with my cardiologist on the 13th and the plumonogist on the 28th. Waiting on visit with surgeon...Whew time has flown by, I am really ready to be on the loser bench.

6th dietician visit

Aug 03, 2011

Today I went for my sixth dietician visit. Wow this has passed by really fast Now Sept 1 I have an appointment with the surgeon. SOOOOO Excited. I have my psych eval coming up in a week and I am praying all goes well with that so I will be having WLS at the end of Sept....Its about dang time.


5th dietician visit

Jul 15, 2011

I had my 5th appt today and yes that means that I have one more meeting before scheduling my RNY.. Yippee!!!  I have not lost any nor have I gained any. Yay... My husband and i talked today about a will prior to surgery. He has had a change of heart about the procedure and is supporting me. My mom backed out of the procedure so its just me and my hubs.. I am still thankful for the opportunity.

About Me
Belton, SC
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2009
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