BigBob Notforlong (Gizmo)

Christine Hood 18 years, 1 month ago

Good luck on your surgery! We'll be rooting for ya! See ya on the other side! Christine

Christine Hood 18 years, 1 month ago

Good luck on your surgery! We'll be rooting for ya! See ya on the other side! Christine

WannaSew 18 years, 1 month ago

Bob...Congratulations on your surgery today....I am praying for your quick and painfree recovery...Good Luck and God Bless....This is the next step to the NEW YOU....Blessings, Debbi

WannaSew 18 years, 1 month ago

Bob...Congratulations on your surgery today....I am praying for your quick and painfree recovery...Good Luck and God Bless....This is the next step to the NEW YOU....Blessings, Debbi

WannaSew 18 years, 1 month ago

Bob...Congratulations on your surgery today....I am praying for your quick and painfree recovery...Good Luck and God Bless....This is the next step to the NEW YOU....Blessings, Debbi

calgal 18 years, 1 month ago

hi amanda and jake's dad, prayers have been said for a safe surgery and a nice recovery for both of you. see you both , soon , on the losing side of life.. hugs, sally

Frances S. 18 years, 1 month ago

You are in our thoughts and prayers as you take this bold step toward "life more abundantly." Onward!

Ms Court 18 years, 1 month ago

Bob, you are in my thoughts & prayers today. Wishes for and easy & fast recovery coming your way. Can't wait to welcome you to the losing side. :)

* Leilani * 18 years, 1 month ago

Hello Bob - <b>CONGRATULATIONS</b> Your special day is FINALLY here. I hope the emotions you're experiencing are full of excitement, hope, anticipation and peace. I wish for YOU all the health, joy, energy and wonderment that Ive found with weight loss surgery. It never ceases to amaze me, daily, all the wonderful and special moments that are now available to me with regaining my health. You'll be experiencing those same "special moments" yourself - make sure to keep up with your journal so that others can share in your happiness too. This is a second chance to LIVE again, no words can truly express the freedoms that come with LIVING LIFE rather then merely existing through it. This surgery has been nothing short of a miracle for me and I will be forever grateful. I've lost 230 lbs total and have been at goal in maintenance for 2 years now. I can honestly say there are absolutely NO REGRETS!!! :) I'll end this with one of my FAVORITE quotes...... <i>"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally <u>unlike</u> your past. Your history is not your destiny." -- Alan Cohen </i> .....<b>So very true! : )</b>

* Leilani * 18 years, 1 month ago

Hello Bob - <b>CONGRATULATIONS</b> Your special day is FINALLY here. I hope the emotions you're experiencing are full of excitement, hope, anticipation and peace. I wish for YOU all the health, joy, energy and wonderment that Ive found with weight loss surgery. It never ceases to amaze me, daily, all the wonderful and special moments that are now available to me with regaining my health. You'll be experiencing those same "special moments" yourself - make sure to keep up with your journal so that others can share in your happiness too. This is a second chance to LIVE again, no words can truly express the freedoms that come with LIVING LIFE rather then merely existing through it. This surgery has been nothing short of a miracle for me and I will be forever grateful. I've lost 230 lbs total and have been at goal in maintenance for 2 years now. I can honestly say there are absolutely NO REGRETS!!! :) I'll end this with one of my FAVORITE quotes...... <i>"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally <u>unlike</u> your past. Your history is not your destiny." -- Alan Cohen </i> .....<b>So very true! : )</b>
About Me
Mechanicsville, VA
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 72
