rainesmom posted a discussion topic 5 years, 4 months ago

I’m 14 years out and experiencing low blood pressure. Dr can’t figure out why. Anyone else having this problem??

rainesmom posted a discussion topic 5 years, 4 months ago

I'm currently 14 years out. I've never had any issues with my health after surgery until this past year. I started with daily headaches. It moved to reactive hypoglycemia then to top it off I have low blood pressure. The doctors can't figure out what i

rainesmom posted a discussion topic 5 years, 4 months ago

I’m currently 14 years out. I’ve never had any issues with my health after surgery until this past year. I started with daily headaches. It moved to reactive hypoglycemia then to top it off I have low blood pressure. The doctors can’t figure out

rainesmom posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

my BFF is scheduled for the sleeve on Friday!  She is active and wants to go to the rodeo 5 days after surgery. What is the pain level?  When did you start moving around and doing "normal" activities?  We also have a cruise planned for 2 minths out. Wh

About Me
Anahuac, TX
Aug 22, 2005
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