My slip and trip to surgery

Jul 26, 2009

I've just joined this group last week after stumbling upon the site.  I have come to bypass surgery as an option after being hospitalized for dehydration when I met with my endocrinologist, Dr. Perley.    I'm not a fan of hospitals, needles or surgery so this was not easy to accept.  Since I'm one of those individuals that cannot self medicate with needles this was posed as the option best for me.  I'm at the very low end of the scale for this surgery (RNY; BMI 34; weight 208 lbs) so I am somewhat nervous about the surgery and my insurance company's response to the request.  My surgeon, Dr. Dahiya, just submitted the paperwork to the insurance company so we are now waiting for the responses.  I've battled with my weight for the last 16 years and have tried several supervised weight loss programs.  I guess this is called yo-yo dieting.

Three years ago I started on a program that was changing my life.  I began training to complete a marathon on behalf of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in the memory of my grandfather and completed a half marathon while overcoming illness along the way and increased problems with my feet from diabetic neuropathy.  I continued on this path of training on my own and went on to complete six more half marathons over the course of the next year.  The goal was to complete a full marathon (26.2 miles) in Jamaica.  An injury to my ankle and increasing pain in my feet kept me from the final goal. 

So while I was healing I fell into the depression I've heard about post race and stopped training.  I became unhappy with myself and slipped off my diet control. 

Fast forward to 2009 and I got fed up!  I was tired of feeling "off" and wanted to begin training again.  I talked with my Podiatrist and got the ok to start out training.  So off I was to do my three miles around the Rose Bowl.  I got a coworker who was interested in walking and there we were.....moving and shaking.   

I'm not sure how it happened but I really slipped when it came to the basic rules of training .....hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  Oh, I was drinking water but not enough to compensate for the output.  I was also not happy with my doctor's attention to my diabetic issues.  So I found myself an endocrinologist and made an appt.  In the middle of all this I found a puppy that needed to be rescued and we just hit it off.  In this new addition I felt I would have an even bigger incentive to stay on track with my training as Brady would be a part of my renewed daily routine.  I believe that he was my Godsend.

The day I picked up Brady to go home I had my first appt with the new doctor on my team.  I was so excited that day that I just completely forgot to eat, much less take in fluid.  By the time I saw my doctor that afternoon I was in a bad way.  He diagnosed me as dehydrated and admitted me to the hospital.  Not being a very cooperative  patient, I went reluctantly.  There I met the surgeon who will be doing my RNY.    Because of my motivations the two doctors feel that I will be a good candidate for this surgery.  Admittedly I'm freightened of the idea of surgery but trust these two men with my life.

I keep in mind that Brady is the new love in my life and the two of us are going to be so much better off when all of this is done.  I'll have photos on my page shortly. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2009
Member Since

Latest Blog 4
