5 Month Post-Op

Sep 10, 2009

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to drop a blog to let you know that I am doing good.  At 5 months post op I have gone from 270 lbs to 193 lbs and down from a 22w dress size to a size 12.  I AM FEELING FABULOUS!  My blood pressure is normal, I have no more joint pains, I can climb stairs without getting winded and I got a grandbaby on the way that I will be able to keep up with, so life is good!

Me and my husband just celebrated our 3-year wedding anniversary on Sept. 7th and we had such a wonderful evening out on the town.  We got to enjoy the jazz club and got to hear the 18-piece Harlem Renassanice Band. They were spectacular!  

This club speciaized in 'Swing Dance,' now mind you, I dont know a thing about swing dance and let alone haven't danced for years; But me and my husband were seated at the table for dinner watching everyone else, when one of the Swing Dance instructors calls 'me' out to join him on the floor out of all people, I nearly DIED!!!! 

For years I avoided the dance floor because I wobbled more than I danced but I was so honored that he pulled me up and started teaching me a few steps right then and there and the audience went WILD!  Oh God I had so much fun just to laugh again, I felt like a million dollars that night. (see photos)

My husband later joined me on the floor when the band acknowledged it was our wedding anniversary and they dedicated "Satin Doll" to us as we shared a romantic dance together, singled out, on the dimly lighted dance floor.  Oh it was so beautiful, I felt like a teenager again as eyes adored us from across the room.

I tell you guys this because it is enchanting, it is inspiring, and it is wonderful to live LIFE again!!! To create memories that will last a lifetime.  To celebrate all the good in life instead of complaining about it...I love each and every one of you and I celebrate all of your victories with you.  Stay inspired, stay healthy, and stay encouraged through it all.  And remember ulookfabulous!

7 WK POST OP Update

May 23, 2009

I am now 7 wk post op and I am down from 270 lbs now to 227 lbs.  I still have quite a ways to go but I am so happy with my successes.  For all that I want to do in this life, I just thank God that I can do them healthier.  My kids are constantly telling me how small I am getting and truly that makes me feel really good.

I continue to take my vitamins, get in my protein and liquids and of course make the gym about 3 to 4 times a week.  Just wanted to give everyone an update.  Doing fine and thank you for your encouragement!



May 12, 2009

Just wanted to wish all the mother's out there a very Happy Mother's Day!  I pray your children treated you well, I know mine did and it was a most excellent day!


5 Week Post op Update

May 07, 2009

Hi Everybody,

Sorry I have not posted in a while.  but I just been pretty busy lately.  However, doing well, feeling good.  I am 5 weeks post op now.  Before the surgery I was 270 lbs and now I am down to 234 lbs.  I have lost multiple inches  all over my body.  I am down two dress sizes and that feels absolutely wonderful!

I have cleaned out my closet of all the clothes I cannot wear anymore and have donated them to Goodwill.  I have taken out clothes I could not fit and hung them in my closet. Some things I could wear now and some things are hanging there for inspiration till when I can fit into them.  I am so excited with the new changes!

I have started going to the gym religiously with my husband at 5:30 am to get in our workout. He is a great support system to me and encourages me often.   I do a 30 minute cardio on the elliptical machine and a 30 minute weight training alternating my upper body and lower body.  It's work but its worth it! 

ATTENTION ALL LADIES  I found out something that really works and I thought I would share it with the rest of you.   I bought some solar shorts and a solar waist trimmer belt from Walmart in the excerise section.  I wear these two items with a T-shirt every time I work out.  I have found that doing a workout with these two items has shrinked inches around my waist, hips, buttocks and thighs dramatically.   I have a fear of getting lose skin and I really want to avoid getting a tummy tuck after I lose the weight, so I am finding out by using the waist trimmer and the solar shorts is first shrinking inches around my body, including my stomach and also decreasing "CELLULITE!"   

Yes you heard me right..."CELLULITE 
 from the back of my legs, underarms, and hips LIKE YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE!  It works, try it and see what you think...I am looking fierce!

I am getting my protein in through shakes and different meats like chicken and fish.  For some reason I can't really do the beef or pork right now.  It makes me nauseous, so I stay away from that.  However, I am finding myself a bit more constipated than usual.  My doctor told me to try the 'Miralax' or a stool softner.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but I am trying to increase my fluids to help things along.

I see my doc again on the 14th of May.  Dr Craig is great!  I know he will be pleased with my results.  Well thats all for now.  I will try to post again after I see my doc.  Hollar back when you guys can...I love reading your responses.

Take care my Gastric family and talk to you soon...

1 comment

3 wk post update

Apr 21, 2009

Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to let you all know that I am doing good and feeling good.  I started keeping a food journal and documenting my journey on Fitday.com.  It's great!  I have also started incorporating "The Leg Magic" system to work out my lower body.  I have omitted the abdominal exercises until I get the okay from my doctor but it is sure kicking my butt.

However, each day I do the video, I am getting stronger and I can go at my own pace.  I seem to be losing inches all over my body right now.  I am at 243.2 from 270 right now and look forward to continual shrinkage. 

My coats have gotten a bit large for me and my big jeans too!  I love seeing the results.  Keep me in your prayers and chat with you again...
1 comment


Apr 17, 2009

That incision site seems to be healing fine.  There is no more discharge as its starting to dry up and look better. THANK GOD!

Found out my favorite food right now is "creamy grits."  God do I love these grits! I make it with part water and skim milk, butter, garlic and seasoning salt.  I place about 2 oz on a saucer and it is absolutely delightful! I LOVE THIS, I LOVE THIS! Try it, this dish is filled with protein and calcium. 

UPDATE: Incision Issues

Apr 14, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update, I am 2 wks and 4 days post op and overall doing well.  My incisions seem to be healing nicely as the bandages are off and the skin is healin.  However, noticed a little tenderness around one of my incisions.  Had to go to the doc for them to look at it.  Seems I may be a bit allergic to the dissolving sutures they use to stitch the incisions up after the operation.  Experienced some discharge and tenderness from  the incison but other than feeling a little sore I am doing fine.  I was told to use peroxide and antibacterial ointment and it should be fine.  Otherwise, I am doing well.

Thanks to everyone for all of your care and support. during this time.  You just don't know how good it feels to get your friendly replys and encouraging emails.  Thanks so much....
1 comment


Apr 10, 2009

Hi Everyone

I know I have not posted in a whie but just starting to settle down a bit since my surgery. My surgery went very well.  Feeling good, dong good, and in wonderful spirits.  I am 2 wks post op and have lost 25 pounds already.  I am so excited abot the new transformation of my body and look forward to what's in store.

Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers.  It really means so much to me.  I am on the Stage 2 diet, puree foods. Not everything agrees with me but I am learning what does and what doesn't as I go along.  Otherwise, I am doing fine.  Thanks again everyone and drop me a line or two and let me know how yew' doing?




Mar 19, 2009

Hello Everyone,

My name is Bre and I stumbled on this site as a link on my Dr's website.  I love it!  I need support right now.  I am due to have Gastric Bypass Surgery on March 25, 2009 at 12:30 pm but I am going absolutely "BONKERS"  on this Pre-Op Optifast diet!  Oh my God! I miss eating food.  I have been doing the liquids, broths, jellos etc...but on the second day I thought I would literally lose it. I got so desperate, I chased my husband around the house for a pack of Raemen Noodles and he refused to give them to me.  "Why, Why, Why!"     He said I was not suppose to have it and made me call my Dr. Craig to see if I could and of course the good old doctor says, "NO SOLIDS, ONLY LIQUIDS."  I dream these words in my sleep!

Nobody told me it was going to be this 'hard' or expensive...For the 10-day Optifast diet and 3 bottles of the Isopure purchased from the doctor's office, was $200.00! (ouch) Somebody help me to get through this thing...I'm on day 8 of my 12 days before surgery.  I'm so HUNGRY!!!


About Me
Stamford, CT
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
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