18 Months Post Op

Sep 28, 2010

Hey Everyone,

Just got back from my 18 month check up with my doc.  Dr. Craig says I am looking great and just wanted for me to get my labs done to make sure that my body is doing okay with supplements, protein etc...Well I got a call from Debbie, Dr. Floch's medical assistant and she says my bloodwork is perfect!  There are no concerns with anything at this point.  She said I am getting enough protein, supplements are good, iron good etc...She told me to keep up the good work.

Thank God for that I was a bit woirried during that time when I lost a lot of weight but my weight has pretty much stabilized now.  I am between 155 and 160 at present coming from 270 pounds pre-op.  I feel great about me and try to do all that I can to be successful at this WLS. 

I do want to stress how important it is to try and attend those Bariatric support groups as much as possible.  They are so good for your overall well being and allows you to discuss concerns you may have with your WLS.  I make it my business to try and attend my groups on a regular basis.  Also, any nutritional support groups your doctors office may offer are also very beneficial.  I was able to make one on last week with Nancy Murphy RN and it was great!  She gave us some awesome new recipes and techniques for cooking for the Bariatric patient. She also helped me personally to know just how many calories I should be getting in per day to maintain my weight goal which is about 1600-1800 calories with my weekly workout routine.  What a help this group is especially if you feel your falling off track. I admonish you to really look into these for full support.

And if I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat.  I thank God for my WLS and would not have it any other way.  I will soon upload some new pics for u guys.  Love ya and much success to all of you...



Sep 15, 2010

Hello Everybody,   
I wanted to directly post this information to make everyone aware of a new spam virus thats getting into your contact list by using a familiar name from your address book to solicit potential clients to some VIAGRA link.  This is a spam virus corrupting contact lists by sending out an email with 'your' email address or name but.  Once you open this email it has access to all of your contacts (address book) where they can send out this VIAGRA link to your unsuspecting contacts using 'your' name.  This is truly IDENTITY THEFT via email!!!!  Its improper representation making friends, family, business acquaintances etc...think that you are selling or a part of this God forsaken product called "Viagra." 
Please be aware that there may not be a way to stop this as it is Spamware to the second power! The only way to spot it may be if you see an email from one of your contacts in bold writing using their first and last name or their email ID with "no subject" appearing in the Subject line.  DO NOT OPEN!!!  If this is indeed a message from your friend or acquaintance, it should have a subject line.  And if by any chance you do happen to open it, know that if it is truly your friend they would describe the link they are sending to you and why not just a link to some website unknown and unfamiliar to you.  Many of these fraudulent websites get unsuspecting people in this way so please be aware! 
If you received anything with my email address on it and this Viagra link, please know that this is NOT FROM ME!  I would never solicit my friends, family or business relations in this way.  It is horrible, degrading, and manipulative to say the least.  Please make all of your contacts aware by posting, forwarding, facebook or texting to friends, family, etc...BE AWARE OF THIS MISLEADING SPAMWARE  AND PASS IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

"Ouch, don't say that word!"

Sep 08, 2010

 Hey Family,

Just wanted to share a couple of things that was on my mind this evening.  Many of you are on this journey of losing weight, getting healthy, and developing new habits.  Well all aboard, cause I am on the same train u are.  On my journey, one thing that I have done since the beginning of my surgery, is that I incorporated "EXERCISE."  I know many of you are like'Ouch, don't say that word,'  but its needed and it is soooo beneficial even down the line.

Being home only 2 days after surgery, I got up and simply 'walked' around my block for 20 minutesJUST 20 MINUTES, made such a difference, then I  started doing it at least 4 times a week after surgery until I got to my 6 week check-up when my doc when he said that I could now start going to the gym..

At the gym, I did the elliptical machine for 30 minutes only! then left because everything else was too hard and hurt my knees. Then I later after the weight started dropping off and my knees felt better, was able to incorporate strength training for my legs and arms to help with any loose skin, flabbiness and also that bloated look around the waist. (you know the bubble roll that comes up above the jeans above the belt?) yuckkkkk! 

Stayed consistent at least 3 times a week, had to make time for it though if I wanted to do something good for my body.  1 year later, 112 pounds thinner, stronger, and healthier.

DONTSStopped going to the gym for one month and noticed a change in my body.  I Fell down but got I back up and started back at the gym again (3) times a week with effort and feeling better about myself.  NOTE:  If you stop exercising for too long you start to get flabby and bloated along the waistline which isn't good.  The skin will also loose its firmness which lacks elasticity especially after WLS and believe me u don't want that!

DONT GIVE UP ON U, U ARE SO WORTH IT!!!!  Among others, Exercise is so vital to our overall success down the line and its so good for u and 'to' u.  Make the effort to be the best that u can possibly be.  God will strengthen u for the journey and help u along the way!


Almost 17 months...

Aug 17, 2010

 Hey OH'ers 

Just wanted to post a quick update to let all know who follow my blogs how I am doing and what is happening with me.  I appreciate all of your support and love, ur encouragement means a lot.  I will be 17 month post op on the 27th of this month and have lost over 100 pounds and doing well.

I am happy to say that I have been able to gain some of my weight back and feeling good about myself.  I cannot tell you how WLS has help to increase the quality of my life.  I don't take one day for granted and thank Jesus for it all.  I am back at my support groups and that feels really good and also back doing the things that post op bariatric patients should be doing like getting enough protein, taking your meds, exercising, going to support groups, and encouraging others along the way.  Its been a wonderful ride and I look forward to all the new things to come...God bless to all! 


Yikes! I'm too small!!!

Aug 08, 2010

 Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to blog a little bit about something I just had to undergo since Weight loss surgery.  As many of you know i have been under my goal of 160 pounds for the last 4-6 months.  However, since I have been doing this stage play, I noticed from all the dancing that i do in the production that I am burning fat and calories like you would not believe and I have not been eating as well as I should have been.  Shame on me,   I know better but because of my busy schedule just not making the time to do what needs to be done. (No excuse, I know...) 

Anyway, after getting back from tour, my family noticed that I got a lot smaller and they could not believe their eyes when they saw me.  So I jumped on the scale to see if there was really a major difference and found out that I had dropped from 157 to 148 pounds... OUCH!  Oh no! have I really gotten that small in just a few weeks?  I was simply disgusted with myself...

I immediately called my doctors office in desperate need of what do I need to do to stop gain some of my weight back and was told that a gastric bypass patient could continue to keep losing weight up to 18 months after surgery before their weight starts to balance out at 18-20 months.  The best treatment for this is higher calorie & higher fat foods...what did u say? A LICENSE TO EAT MORE FOOD!!!!!! 

But to find a balance, work with my body, stay 'watchful' on intake and see what regulates me to maintain my goal.  I was told to do (2 ) protein rich, high calorie, low sugar shakes a day.  (I found a great tasting one by Cytosport Muscle Milk, 2 scps=300 calories and only 2 grams of sugar (strawberry).  Also I was told to do some "snacking" in between meals so I been snacking on 'Townhouse crackers' with an onion & chive cream cheese topping (9 grams of fat)  I still continue to eat (2) square meals with my regular liquid intake and I got to say, I am doing okay by the grace of God.  

For extra protein, I found this great tasting cereal called Protein Plus by Benefit Nutrition, at Shoprite in the natural foods section.  It has 12 grams of protein and taste soooo good! So right now I am just trying to find a balance and I have been able to put back on a few pounds since I been back and have gone from 148 to 153 lbs in just a couple of days.   yehhh!

I never thought I would be in this place of having to put weight 'back on' it has always been the other way around.  I love being a size 8 with curves.  I am 5'8 and lean and when I am too small, I look like a drag queen on crack!  I am working to getting back to 160 again as I was not too thin and not too thick, with just the right amount of "curves!" 

So if there is anybody going through or have gone through this delima, would love to hear from u.  This is my story and I worked too darn hard to get where I am at and I realize I have to work just as hard to stay where I am happiest.  Holla back!


"Sam Cooke" stageplay huge success!

Jul 25, 2010

 Cast photo from stageplay

From left to right, Pat (stage manager), Esther Taylor-Evans (Director), Michael Monesterial (playwright & Actor "Sam"), Stephen Jones (Actor), Evelyn Clarke (Actor), Sabrina Kershaw (Actress "Wife of Sam"), Dennis Washington, (Actor & Singer), Bruce Berky (Sound Engineer).

Just wanted to share with everyone that the new stage play, "Sam Cooke; Where you been?" debuted in Woodstock, NY and was a huge success with great reviews!!!  The play continues to tour in upstate NY for the rest of the month raising money for the Haitian Project.  Thanking all of you for your support and prayers for this wonderful production. For additional information or to book the show, please shoot me an email.



Jun 23, 2010

Hey Everybody,
Wanted to share another victory in my life since WLS.  God keeps showing his tremendous favor and everytime I get the chance I am going to give him the glory for it all.  "What God has blessed no man can curse" is his word.  And I say that because so many had written me off to never be anything or accomplish anything good in my life.  Many sat back and were waiting for my demise and my haters became my motivators and this is why I praise him openly every time I get a chance!

Mamy of you know of my professional background in "Theater.'  Well, I had to abort many opportunities in it when I was in my 20's because of having a family young and trying to raise my babies as a single mom after my divorce.  Well, I will be celebrating another birthday on Friday and God has allotted me new opportunities in my later years.  My life has taken such a new direction after WLS.  My health, self esteem, confidence, and so much more has improved that it does not limit me from going out and reaching my dreams. 

The lord has led me at this time in my life, to get back to what he has gifted me to do the most. I just auditioned for a new off broadway production.  Well to make a long story short, I auditioned for the piece on yesterday, did a cold reading that turned into a reading of the whole script and sung 1 bar of one of the songs from the play.  So after about 3 hours of cold reading, direction, interacting, scheduling, I  was casted on the spot to play one of the lead roles in the play!  OMG! I was so excited that I could barely drive back home last night.

This is an awesome touring production where I will be paid to do what I love to do the most by touching others through The Arts.  God I thank you for this great opportunity and this is why I give you the praise for it all!

MeMa's Heart!

Jun 15, 2010

Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to share the next best thing to my heart after Jesus and thats my little 6 month old grandbaby, Joy Brelynn!  She is truly a treasure from God which I simply adore and love to death.  I never knew you could have so much love inside you for a little person that u didnt have to push out of your womb (lol) But God has blessed me with this little angel and indeed she is MeMa's heart!

Thought I would share a few pics of her now.  It is truly an awesome feeling to be a grandma, never knew how wonderful it could really be until she came into my life.  I will be 43, God willing, on June 25th and I thank God every day of my life that he gave me a second chance to experience this bundle of Joy, My sweet JOY!  God bless to all readers...


A WOW Moment!

Jun 12, 2010

Hey Eve3rybody,

Just thought I share an awesome wow moment today.  Today was the day in over 20 years, I decided to put on a pair of shorts and needless to say, I felt FABULOUS! My husband couldnt keep his hands off me and I lovedddd it!  Anyway, here a few pics.  Till next time...



May 19, 2010

Hey Fam,
Had a great time on Dr. Oz.  He is a wonderful guy and just as friendly in person as he is on TV.  Had a blast on the show which will air on next Monday here in the tri state area on channel 5 @ 11 am.  Check your local listings for channel and time in your area.  Thanks everybody for your support!


About Me
Stamford, CT
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
Member Since

Friends 269

Latest Blog 49
