EMMI Video received and done

Aug 12, 2012

One of the things that my Healthcare facility requires is for each person to watch the EMMI video. Explaining the surgery and what to expect and gives you a refresher on the importance of the vitamins and protein and fluid intake. It has to be done before you can get surgery. I finally got the thing in the mail. Went to town and picked up someone's WIFI to watch; since all I have is dial-up. One more things completed.

Now the Last meeting with the Surgeon and final weigh in and the pre-admissions physical and schedule time of the surgery is on Aug 20th. Then Pre-surgery meeting on Aug 24th, where they refresh what to expect from the time you get to the hospital on the day of surgery up to going home. Then they cover your eating/drinking/vitamins and give you more paperwork to take home with you. 

THEN it's SURGERY DATE on August 28th! 

It's been a long haul for me and I finally feel like I am informed enough to actually make this tool work and for me to be healthy and to live longer. I am excited, anxious, nervous, worried about the pain, scared about potential problems (ok, my whole family worries). The worst of the whole process so far is the losing weight and keeping it off! That has been so hard for me. I have gained it back and lost it again over & over; since I met my pre-weightloss goal.

Now it's countdown time and I am scouring my home, getting everything in one place (easy reach for me, so no bending required). So I can just concentrate on sip. sip, sip.....walk, walk, walk. 

I thank God every day that this tool is available too me and that I am lucky enough to have found OH to help me get educated.


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New Berlin, NY
Mar 01, 2012
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