whine whine wine
Jan 06, 2009
Wishing everyone -- and me! -- success and joy in this New Year!
Ups and Downs
Nov 05, 2008
UP: had the "touch up" cosmetic surgery to take care of more loose neck and it's all healed. Not exactly what I thought it would be like, but certainly better than it was and definitely not bad for my age. I've updated my avatar with a photo from about 2 wks after surgery in July.
DOWN: very down. and very discouraged. I always said that my greatest fear after surgery was that I would wake up FAT again. Self-fulfilling prophecy? Probably. I've put on about 25 pounds in the last year. That's how I got to be 300 pounds prior to RNY surgery. Feels like dejavu all over again! I'm really wanting to regain some control but feel immobilized. Recently learned that I'm also pre-diabetic, another of my greatest fears, since adult diabetes is everywhere in my family. Hard to say if it's chicken or egg -- did I gain weight so easily because of the insulin resistance or did I become insulin resistant because I gained weight? Either way, the answer appears to be diet and exercise. [tried meds and had side effects]. It's hard to bear the disappointment in myself that I feel and that I see in my husband's face.
GETTING EVEN: I swore I'd never forget what it was like to be morbidly obese and what it took to stay normal. But time passes and memory does indeed fade. I have a photo of my abdomen from a few days post-op that reminds me clearly of what I've had to go through to lose weight. Today, I'm starting over again. I made an appointment to see the dietician at the bariatric treatment center and have written a meal plan for the next week.
THANKS: "Mainegal" sent me a note that brought me back to this space. I expect I'll be here a while, taking whatever support might come my way and, I hope, offering whatever I may that might be helpful to others on this path of ups and downs.
Photos as Promised
May 05, 2008
Because I remember being awfully curious to see what a face lift might look like, I've posted a few photos for anyone who wants to see mine. Viewer discretion is advised. (Note that the pictures uploaded out of sequence.)
I can truthfully say that it looks a lot worse than it was. During the first four days after surgery, I had discomfort but didn't have pain. The surgeon's protocol for pain management is responsible for that, I'm sure. Also the fact that most of the face and neck remains numb. Sensation is beginning to return, but not totally back a month later.
There is still room for some improvement, particularly in the area of the medial neckline. That's a little discouraging, but I'm told we may be able to do a bit more later on to get a better contour. But 75% satisfaction isn't too bad a deal...
Face Lift
Apr 05, 2008
My face and neck lift surgery on Wednesday went very well. At least as far as I can tell. I'm covered with this "mummy head" bandage and have tape on my upper and lower eyelids where the blephoroplasty was done. The drains came out the next day and the dressing was changed in the office. I got a quick look at my new neck and have to say "YIPPEE!!" It already looks fantastic. These few days later, my eyes are turning from bright purple to pale green, my cheeks are still very swollen, as well as hard and numb. All to be expected. I'll have sutures out on Tuesday and expect to enjoy my first post-op shampoo within minutes thereafter!! Let's wait a while on the promised photos. Wouldn't want to frighten anyone with the "before" looks. Will just say I've gone from the bloodhound look to a greyhound. Feeling fine!!
About Me
Before & After
rollover to see after photo