Sep 26, 2008

Today was a great day.  When I got on the scale, I was down 100#.  What a great feeling... I thought I would never get there.  I still have quite a bit to lose, at least 75#, but I know I can do it.  My DH has been so supportive of me, and that is a big help too!!!  I LOVE MY RNY.


Aug 30, 2008

I just got back from a 9 day vacation.  I went to South Dakota with my great hubby, his mom and her boyfriend.  We all had a really great time.  I actually did not have to use the seat belt extender on the airplanes!!!  That was a huge WOW for me.  I also felt like I had more energy, and did not get winded walking around.  I was able to go on a bobsled type slide/ride that I know 80# ago I would not have fit on.  I tried a few new foods, and did fine.  I had a few bites of buffalo prime rib that was just great!!! 

4 Months Post-op

Aug 18, 2008

I have made it to the 4 month mark.  I have lost 87# so far.  I had wanted to be at 100# at 4 months, but now wondering if that was a little to high of a goal.  I do feel much better.  I have more energy. 

I am fitting into sizes 2-3x and 24-26 clothes, depending on how they are made.  I actually bought a shirt at Kohls the other day for the very first time.  This was a huge WOW moment for me, because I have always had to go to the "fat lady" store tor catalog to shop. 

It is still hard to see the weight loss unless I compare pictures.  I am starting to eat a little more variety of food also.  My labs are pretty good, protein is just a little low, but hemoglobin is good!!!  I just wish I would loose a little more around my middle, oh well, hopefully that is to still come. 

I am going on vacation in the next day and I am really hoping that I don't have to use my seatbelt extender on the plane. 

My husband and family are still  a great support, and I could not have made it this far without them!!!

Till next time....


Jun 22, 2008

I have made it throught the first 10 weeks.  The emotional roller coaster has been a little bit of a surprise!!  I didn't think I would feel so down at times.  It is getting better.  I also thought I would be down more than I am.  To date I have lost 56.4 pounds.  I guess that is not too bad for 10 weeks. After all, when was the last time I lost 50+ pounds?  I do notice my clothes getting bigger, I have had to put some of my favorites in the Goodwill pile.  I still go to the gym, not as much as I should, but I am trying to change that.  I still keep track of everything I eat, and pretty much stick to my diet.  I still have the fear of dumping on sugar, so I have not cheated in that department.  At this point I love that fear, it will help to keep me on track.  I struggle to get my protein and vitamins in daily, but I do think it is getting a little easier.  The thing I hate the most is the calcium; the chewable calcium I bought is horrible!!  I will be trying some new calcium soon.  Over all I would still do the surgery again!! 

4 Weeks Down

May 14, 2008

Well not much has happened.  I did get sick trying to eat some deli turkey.  I will be staying away from that for a long time!!!  I decided to take a little more time off of work because I get so tired so quick.  I joined the gym, and enjoy going.  I have been in a stall for about a week now,  hope it gets over soon.  I am slowly adding more soft foods, I can now eat chicken, tuna, mashed potatoes, very soft carrots, soft green beans, soft cheese, melba toast, and saltines.  I am getting a little tired of chicken though!!  I can tell my clothes are fitting looser, and a few outfits that I had that were tight before surgery are now a little loose.  It feels great to have some clothes getting big.  Thats all for now. 

2 Weeks since RNY

May 01, 2008

So I am 2 weeks out now.  I have to say that everything is going very well.  I have not had any side effects so far (knock on wood).  I am getting between 40-60 gm of Protein in a day usually.  I usually get in my water, but in the last day  I have been a little short of my 75 oz/day goal.  I am still off of work, and very glad of it.  I don't think I could make it through a 12 hr hospital shift yet.  I am starting to want to eat more food, that is the only down fall.  I'm not really having any specific cravings, I just want something that isn't mushy.  I want something crunchy!!!  This weekend I can start to add some solid food, one day at a time.  I bought some melba toast today to try this weekend.  I also find that I get tired quickly, I can be going and going, and all of a sudden I am exhausted, I suppose that is to be expected.  I have actually gone back to sleeping in the bed, which I am glad of.  I was getting sick of the couch.  I have lost about 26 pounds so far, so that makes me happy.  I would really love to be down 50# by the time I go back to work.  I can see it in some of my tops, how they are just a little looser.  My hubby has still been great.  He really keeps on me to take my MVI, and helps to keep count of my protein each day.  A few of my incision sites are still scabbed over, and hurt if I bump them too hard, but not awful.  I have been off the narcotics for over a week now, and I have only needed to take Tylenol once in a while.  The back pain has gotten a little better too, but seems to come back in the mornings just after I wake up.  I am hoping that will get better with more wt loss too.  

Thats all for now.

Its been 1 week since RNY :)

Apr 22, 2008

One week ago today I was heading for the hospital.  I remember being so scared of having the actual surgery.  (I have never had real medical problems before)  My husband was sooooo supportive of me.  The day went by fast, and I was home the next evening.  Each day has been really good until yesterday.  Yesterday I got my JP drain pulled out.  That was by far the worse pain I have had thru out this whole ordeal so far.  I basically lounged at home all day after that.  This morning I am still sore, but I think I feel a little better.  Its hard to believe that I have lost about 18# so far, it is so great to see those numbers on the scale going down!! 

I am really grateful for not having any of the problems that I was anticipating.  I really only had nausea once, and that was the first time I tried to get out of bed, and only lasted a few minutes.  I haven't had any cravings for food I cannont have yet.  I am able to get my water in, and I have been walking everyday!! 

Thats all for now....

About Me
Toledo, OH
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2008
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