Wake-up call at 4.5 months out

Jul 13, 2012

It takes some courage to write this but I want to be honest.

Had my second visit with my endocronologist yesterday and she put me in my place. I'm 4.5 months post-op and haven't consistently taken my vitamins from the start nor met the daily protein requirements. I started well with exercise but haven't kept it up in recent weeks. I was ' lucky' with my blood work as things were okay and she said my iron, b12 and vitamin d have all gone up since my preop tests. I've lost 95 lbs. (45 were preop) and, after the appointment, I realized I've let things go because I've met my g.p.'s weight loss goal and my surgeon's BMI goal. The endo woke me up though - and definitely got me back on track! - by reminding me that by not meeting my protein requirements and exercising regularly (she wants 60 min. daily) that once the honeymoon period is over and I plateau I won't be able to lose more weight and regain will be exceedingly difficult if not impossible to lose.  She put it like this:  "No one is going to be able to help you then."  Also:  "Only 1 in 20 people get this surgery so don't waste this opportunity."

I've got the next two weeks off work so I'm re-dedicating myself to ALL that is required and have created a daily check-off list to ensure I do it all. Trying not to be overwhelmed but realize I'd better get 'on track' or this could all go sideways.


About Me
Victoria, XX
Surgery Date
Dec 23, 2010
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