March 2013 update

Mar 05, 2013

Has it really been that long since I posted?  I still periodically visit this site to read the forums and recently I've been viewing the before and after photos as I did when I first started this journey.  I even submitted my own before and after in the hopes of inspiring someone like I was inspired during my pre-op phase.

I was supposed to see the endocrinologist  again this week but after doing the required blood and urine tests last Saturday I had a brainstorm Sunday evening and thought 'I'm going to cancel that appointment'.  Monday morning first thing I did just that and felt a huge sense of relief.  Lots of people have WLS and never seen an endo afterwards; they get their labs done through their g.p.    I had already shared with my g.p. my feelings about the specialist and he had said he was fine with me getting future labs done through him. 

I had been a little worried about those lab results since I haven't been consistent with my vitamins.  The results came back in the normal range except for two which were just one point outside of normal. Those were related to potential iron deficiency so I MUST start taking that liquid iron or find myself the iron supplement that is taken most often by those on my local post-WLS board. 

I'm just over 13 months post-op and I hover around 150 lbs.  I go to Curves 3-4 times a week and really enjoy feeling stronger.  The energy difference in weighing 110 lbs less is extraordinary.  I love being able to move quickly without getting winded and fitting comfortably into average seating.  Buying 'regular' sized clothes is also great but I'm not a clothes horse so I haven't gone all out in terms of replacing my wardrobe.  A woman at work had the same surgery last October and I've passed along some clothes to her to use.  It's nice to be able to do that than just donate them since she's midway through this journey and doesn't want to have to buy new stuff yet.

Well, I think that's it for now. 


About Me
Victoria, XX
Surgery Date
Dec 23, 2010
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