New Year, New Me?

Jan 02, 2011

Yes, it's 2011. What does that really mean? It means that I need to try to find some purpose in my life again. I am trying to get things lined up to get back in school. It also means that soon I will become the healthiest me I have been in a long time. I have to stay positive in order to make the most out of my 4-6oz "tool".

The past two weeks have been a bit irritating. I have hit my first plateau. I'm trying not to freak out about it but I am a little disappointed. I mean, I know my "surgeversary" is tomorrow and I am only beginning but after initially losing so much I had my hopes up that I would still be losing fast. I know it's only 2 weeks so far but it's got me a little down I need to remind myself that 43 lbs is a great success for only 2 1/2 months.

There are 3 conclusions I have drawn as to why I've plateaued:

1.) I haven't been exercising regularly because of the weather.

I can deal with cold weather but we had a few bouts with snow and ice so I got stuck in the house. Not to mention that the kids were off school so I slacked off from my morning routine.

2.) I am eating a full diet (except for red meat).

I figure that maybe eating more normal food (as opposed to mostly soft foods/liquids) has something to do with it. Maybe I am absorbing more fat/carbs than I was before. I don't know. I do my best to eat healthy and I think I am doing a good job but who knows?

3.) I am STILL not getting in enough fluids and not enough protein.

I HATE drinking fluids, especially water. I don't usually make half of what I am supposed to each day. That is normal for me. I just don't drink much nor do I have the desire to drink unless I am already dehydrated. BAD, BAD, BAD! I have to find something that works for me before I end up in the hospital. I wish I could just get an IV and be done with it. lol I am pretty sure this is the number 1 reason I've plateaued.

Protein is getting better. I've been getting most of it in by having a fruit/protein smoothie for breakfast. Yesterday I found some great recipes for all kinds of flavors of smoothies. I just need to go grocery shopping now. I am excited about that. If anyone wants recipes just send me your email address and I'll send them to you.

Whatever the cause it I need to get on the ball.

I hope everyone else is continuing to be successful.

Stay healthy, stay happy, (and for all my sistas out there) stay nappy.



About Me
Alton, IL
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2010
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