Tuck Me In

Jan 17, 2011

Now, I know I am thinking a little far ahead ...

But I have been wondering if I could get a tummy tuck after I get close to my target weight.

I have excess skin from back when I was pregnant with the twins and now my body is disproportionate. I went from a little over 100 lbs (pre-pregnancy) to well over 200 lbs (at delivery, and I delivered them at 34 1/2 wks). My weight has fluctuated since then. I've been self-conscious about it for 11 years now and figure that, with the weight loss surgery as a factor, there may be a glimmer of hope that my doctor could direct me to a plastic surgeon for reconstructive surgery.

I know that insurance mainly covers it when it's really needed but who knows? Doctors can pull strings and make things happen that we can't always do on our own. It's worth a shot so I am going to ask the doctor about it when I see him tomorrow. If anything, maybe he could hook my mom up with a surgeon because, after her RNY, she's been left with a lot more skin than I have.

If I don't qualify for it at least I will have lost the weight. At this point in my life I am not looking for a man (never thought I'd say that) and I just want to look good for ME. However it turns out I'll get over it.

I don't want to sound superficial because I know there are so many others in way worse situations than mine. A girl can dream, can't she? I may just have to start collecting change and start selling my jewelry to save up for it.

I'll let you guys know what the doctor says.



About Me
Alton, IL
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2010
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