Week 36 and week 37 - still moving :)

Jun 18, 2014

So the scale is still moving... ever so slightly, but a move is a move.  Went to support group last night.  Feeling reprized about getting moving more often.  I am getting steps in, and started being a little better with my vitamins... now to get myself eating meals vs snacks,, which seem to be my issue.. like skipping  breakfast... getting lunch in, then snacking til bed.

So I have made myself drink 1/2 a muscle milk on the way to work - that will be breakfast til its habit... snack at 10 lunch at 1, snack at 4 dinner at 7 snack at 9... bed :) this should help :) 

226 at last nights weigh in :)


Week 34 and Week 35 - Vacation and VSG

Jun 05, 2014

I did it! I went on vacation - for the first time since VSG... I was scared... trying to make sure I had all the snacks packed or what food sources were available in another country... would I eat appropriately... do I or don't I take my stash of vitamins etc...Work out??  Track my food intake?

Well lets say I quit.

I chose to not take any vitamins (bad choice).

I chose to not track my foods (bad choice).

I chose to not go to the gym... but I opted for walking a ton and swimming :) (Good choice).

I chose to eat carefree... I chose better options and ate protein first when I could and well... I can't say I was perfect.

The result, I gained!  2 lbs the night I got back. so I waited til morning.. still up ONE pound!!! I think of it as a win because I did drink, I did eat poorly, and I didnt stick to my routine things.. but it was VACATION.  I didnt drink soda, I didnt skip the proteins and I didn't become inactive :)  OH - I achieved that by losing so much weight with my VSG! :)

All in all I am happy.

Now back to reality... my work has a 10k steps a day challenge... so far on an average day I hit 17k with a workout... and well 3k without (Office job)...so workout it is!!! Lets get this show on the road I have another 100 lbs to go!!!!


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Week 33, 1lb is 1 lb

May 20, 2014

So the scale moved.. 1 lb. I am happy!!!! Tonight I'm going to a support group, I have missed the past couple months, mostly due to schedule conflicts, but It really feels like they go hand in hand with the weight loss motivation.  To try to move the scale, I finally got back into the gym daily; I leave for vacation next week and I was motivated to get down a few more lbs before I left.  We shall see.  I kicked up my protein (started tracking again with my fitness pal) and started really thinking about my choices for quick foods.  Not to say that this has made a difference, but I feel better.  Now if I could tackle my forgetfulness with vitamins!!! 



Week 31 and 32... still stalled...

May 14, 2014

Still stalled, but not feeling discouraged.  I haven't been tracking my food... SO started this week, I am not getting enough calories!!! So back to basics and adding in protein powder (unjury) to things... see if this kicks it up a notch.

6 lbs still to the 1/2 way mark... need to press!!!!


Week 30 - still stalled Changing Tactics

Apr 30, 2014

Okay - so I am still stalled, with no additional weight lost :( Boo...

However, I am doing tons of reading and finding that this is common at 6-9 months... so I won't fret.  I am cutting out sugar and trying to remember vitamins, lets see if that makes a change.  Not sugar from fruits, more other like adding it to my tea etc.

On the brite side the sun is out and I walked an EXPO without feeling winded and looked at Kayaks :) I feel a reward coming if I get out of this stall soon!


Week 29 - stalling

Apr 23, 2014

Well, I am stalling... by my own inability to get to the gym I believe.  I have had a week of changes  in my personal life that has made me get back into the excuse of being too busy... Need to kick that.  I did not lose any weight. 

New deal with myself... I need to hit the gym consistently. My body needs it!




Week 28 - chugging along!

Apr 15, 2014

I am happy to report I am down another 2 lbs.  Yes its just two but I like that the scale moves at all on these weekly weigh ins!

This week I am committed to getting my vitamins in... I have been so poor about this.  I have been moving either walking or gym time... getting my protein in... but vitamins. Ugh. 


Wish me luck!



Week 27 :)

Apr 08, 2014

Okay this one is short - I had my 6 month check up all is good. I need to bump up my vitamin D and my PT has given me a new routine... 12 minutes of pure evil... at least this week it is. 

Run through this cycle over and over again until 12 minutes is up... 3 planks to a push up back to planks etc, 6 squats to a seated position with 25 lb dumbbell between my knees, 9 Kettle Ball thrusts, and the ever lovely big ball of fun to do 12 crunches on... this is new to me, I actually like the ball... can we say sweating my butt off???

Day one was Friday, I just today (Tuesday) can walk up a stair or two without grimacing or grabbing my thighs in agony... not bad, so will run this routine again today :) see if I can walk tomorrow, wish me luck!

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Week 26 (6 Months to the day!)

Apr 01, 2014

Wow, these 6 months have flown by, I am so ecstatic at the results and the drive I have to keep pushing myself to achieve more success and health.  At the start of this journey, I knew I would see results, and finally felt that this choice was my only choice for success after several, and I mean  several, times of trying and trying and only achieving small bouts.  Today I am down 88 lbs, not once has the scale moved up; only down or stayed the same. This alone is positive reinforcement for what motivates me.

I have set scale victories and achieved each one to date.  I have set goals in the gym, and met them... I have had set back with dealing with being sick (unrelated to surgery) and then had to "get back on the horse" so to speak. But with the results I am seeing it doesn't take much more than self head talk motivation. I have gone from a size 30 (3-4x) to a comfortable 18/20 for pants and 14/16 Large for tops.  To shop in a "average/normal" sized store... its humbling... I find myself starting in the 2x section then move down to the 1x.. the XL...Not sure when my brain will retrain, but for now, it makes me happy to put back all the clothes I pulled to try on, so that I can grab smaller ones.

I feel great.  I know I am lazy with my vitamins and hitting my 100 protein goal, though I come close... It my constant battle.  Mostly because I don't do the shakes and added powdered proteins. This is something that I do hit my goal of 100 when I do drink that shake, or eat that processed bar etc... but for the most part I really like the foods and try to avoid the shakes and bars.. though I do have a drawer full at work and a bag of them in the car.. they are my go to when I am not near "real foods".

My next goal is to be down 100 lbs by my 8 months as that is when I give myself my first "Reward", a trip to sunny Cabo!  I booked it when I lost my first 50lbs.  Wish me luck!

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Week 25 - Still moving!

Mar 25, 2014

Okay - so no scale movement, but I am moving :) Been trying to be consistent with walking at least every day, and hitting the gym for higher level of cardio , like the swimming/treadmill and the dreaded weights... not so much the weights as the holding  them in position... :) Wish I had a work out partner for those ones.  That is where I need motivation for sure. 

Well thats it for this week - nothing too exciting. 



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