Week 14 - feeling Great!

Jan 07, 2014

It's week 14, wow the time has flown.   I had my 3 Month follow up with my Surgeon, Nutritionist and Psychologist this morning.  All said I am right on target or doing well.  Improvements is to be more consistent with my Vitamins, I have gotten lazy with taking part in the morning but skipping the evening ones. So we have moved most to just the mornings, so that should help. 

GREAT news is I am officially down 60 lbs since starting this journey and 49 since surgery date ( I lost 11 on the pre-op low carb diet).  I am feeling hopeful and proud.  Definitely energized for the road ahead.

Issues: I have started getting bouts of heart burn, which they are going to keep me on omeprazole. Hair is starting to fall out, not noticeably, but I see more in the shower and brushing my hair now, I have added Biotin in my vitamins.  Also, I am starting to notice irritation/moisture under the lose skin, particularly in the lower abdomen and inner thigh areas. The Doc says this is normal and as the weight comes off this may increase. If I notice any irritation call him but for now he gave me some powder to place in those areas.

My gym time is becoming more of a happy place, its still hard to be dedicated and can still be swayed, but once I am there, I seem to enjoy it now.  I am going to look into a couple 5ks to do for fun to work towards and challenge myself.  I can't over do it but even walking them would be a great achievement.

Feeling good!


Week12 & Week 13! Lab work and more work!

Dec 31, 2013

Okay, I have been feeling more determined and had set a goal of 50 lbs down by New Year's Day (tomorrow) to challenge myself to be present in what I was eating and how I was spending the fuel I was feeding my body. I tried to walk more, swim, do the exercises as prescribed...I would say I did this 90% of the time. I still had down days and days less focused. But these past two weeks were a success! I finally pushed past that goal and made it being down 50 by NYE! Technically, I made it down 54! Now to set my next 50 goal, April 1! That will be my official 6 month surgerversary...bring it!!!

On a side note: I fell ill on Christmas Day and since then I have had a visit to the ER (2 bags of iv, CT contrast cocktail, CT scan, some pain killers and anti nausea meds), a impromptu visit to Dr. (3 more big bags of iv, some anti nausea, liquid Tylenol, and a stool collection kit to take home), a visit to a Radiologist (head CT), and well back to Drs today... man I love Christmas.... Not sure what all its going on but I'm having headaches, which they thought were brought on from dehydration, that started from a virus they found in my colon at ER. But now they think differently. Either way my head is still pounding. IVs didn't stop that. The first CT revealed that my Sleeve is in excellent shape and doing greatly! So this is most likely NS related.

My head is up, my sites are set, bring on the new year!


Week 11 - feeling blah

Dec 18, 2013

This is odd, I usually do not feel blah or blue or down and for the majority of the time feel positive and upbeat.  For the past few days I just haven't felt myself.  Went to support group last night and still feel this way (maybe because I feel like my situations different?? who knows).

Eating is timed. I am no longer feeling hungry unless I waited too long in between meals.  I have noticed that I have been drinking my "empty" feeling away with water, which is causing me to wait longer between meals and a mild heartburn.  This makes my stomach feel annoyed that I'm drinking then I realize it and put protein of some sort in as fuel.   Next thing I know I feel blah...

On a happy note I weighed in last night and am down 3 more pounds!  This feels great, I thought it was only 1 until I looked at this blog and saw there was a 3 lb difference: YIPPEE!!!  I am almost to where I wanted to be by the end of my first 3 months: 50 lbs down (currently at 47 down and  2.5 months in). 

Need motivation on the exercise front: my PT has given me some challenging goals, and so far I loathe them. I like them when I do them, but hate them after... but as I do them more I am sure that will change. Getting to the gym has been an issue too. He wants me there 5/6 days a week and I have been attending consistently 3/4 and a few times hit 5/6.  New year will be a recommitment, that is for sure!



Week 10! Time is flying by

Dec 10, 2013

Man, it seems like yesterday I was waiting for approval, now its 10 weeks Post-Op!  I haven't weighed myself this week, however I did fit into some "skinny" jeans, lol.  They are size 22, and were tight compared to the other 22s.  I am still working on the 20's though I think I am still a week or two out from that.

Motivation: I booked a trip to Cabo - in May, hoping to be down 100 by then.  I think I can do it if I continue to lose 1-2 lbs a week. 

I am still swimming and walking on the treadmill, now I have added in pushups, steps, planks, and free bell weights oh and the stretchy rubber band thingy.  Last week it KILLED me to get through the sets 3 times, so I bumped it down to  3 sets of 1/2 the reps.  Much better, still sore but not to the point I couldn't pick up a phone or grab a steering wheel.

I am still struggling with maintaining 60-80 grams of protein so I have gone back to putting some Unjury in what I eat and my nutritionist has told me to put it in  crystal lite and sip that to get the extra 20 I was lacking. Done!

I will try to weigh in next week... but no promises! lol



Week 8 and Week 9 all rolled into one!

Dec 03, 2013

Okay - so I was slammed last week with the holiday so I waited until now to post for both weeks. :) I am officially 9 weeks post-op today! 

Stats: down 4 for the two weeks. Not bad, its still coming down. :)

This was my first holiday with my sleeve. I was worried about overeating or eating poorly, however I stuck to the tray everything  in bites rule. My plate looked like a micro normal plate full of all the goodies, minus stuffing as I have never been a fan.  Turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberries, veggies, deviled eggs, even pie! Yup it was a very good holiday feast! 

I do have a few things that I forgot... water... liquids were way down, it put me into a few day headache and feeling that I wasn't hungry at all... Dehydration was the culprit. So I am back on the must get the liquid down train.  Glad to have my head not hurting.

This year my Thanksgiving was awesome and I am ever so Thankful for my new chance on life and my loving Tool, Sleeve!



Week 7 - No new lbs lost....

Nov 20, 2013

No new pounds lost, ugh. But on the bright side, i have been swimming (freestyle) laps and walking on the treadmill frequently. Darn near made it a full week without missing. Still feeling good about the lost weight so far and excited for more. 

I did throw up today for the first time.  Not sure what caused it, ate like I normally do then while I was talking with a co-worker, I felt choked up and that was that.

NSV: people are starting to actually mention the weight loss now :) at work and friends.  Very happy and it feels good.


Week 6 - GYM!

Nov 12, 2013

So, I am at the Gym - finally.  I started last week, yes, a week delayed, but never late!  I loathe the Gym.. or at least I used to. I started out swimming, then moved to 20 minutes of jogging, swimming laps (freestyle) and then sitting in the hat tub to cool down (insert laughter here).  That was enough for a couple days, then I decided to try the treadmill, 5 warm up 10 on and 5 cool down... not so bad.  So tomorrow I will be starting to bump that up to see if I can do 30 (5/20/5) minutes! I will lax on the swimming if its too much, but for now that is the plan.

I am now officially down 40 lbs.  Seems like a lot on one hand but on the other, in 6 weeks I have only lost 29 lbs (post op).  That is only 5 lbs a week... Only??? Who am I kidding , that is AWESOME!!!! I am thrilled, love the clothes fitting or should I say not fitting any more, I love the energy, and I LOVE the way I am feeling about this whole process.

Slow and steady wins the race! 

Oh - took my niece to the gym with me... she whispered to her mom (that guy is hitting on Auntie) :) I didn't even notice, until we left and he was walking out and said good night to me... Ahh gotta love the NSV!

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Finding things I have issues with...ugh

Nov 08, 2013

Okay - so I didn't really think I would glide through this process unscathed, but I was enjoying the fact that I had little to no pain, and could easily drink and eat freely within the confines of the stage appropriate things... But now... Ugh. I am finding I am having issues with a couple things that I love!!!

I love Tomatoes and Pickles, extra on anything I *used to eat. I have tried pickles now twice and each time they totally turn my stomach (gut wrenching turn). Last night I had a tomato bisque... same thing!!! Ugh. 

Anyone have a clue why (so I can avoid the commonality between them and other foods) or was this just my luck of the draw?

*5 1/2 weeks Post Op


Week 5, Twohunder Land finally!

Nov 05, 2013

Twohunder Land!!!!

Finally I am feeling some weight come off!  I put on a pair of 22 jeans that I didn't have to struggle to get on (win). I finally think I have a hold on the constipation (added in fruit and veggies to my diet).  I also am enjoying my energy, more and more. Finally started walking for 20 minutes at a time, going to bump it up this week and add in swimming. :)

...now if only I can remember to take my afternoon vitamins!




Feeling GREAT! Week 4 down! :)

Oct 30, 2013

Okay - so I am extra happy today.  I had my 4 week check in yesterday and I am down a total of 30 lbs from pre op and 20 down post op! :) That is great, however its the NSV's that have me the happiest:  Its the way clothes are fitting, the measurements that have come off so far!

I have lost 3 inches off my arms, 4 inches off my Hips, 1 inch off my Waist and 3 inches off my Thighs! :) That is 11 inches of yuck, gone!

Other highlights of week 4, were, getting a handle on constipation, switching to a new less bothersome multivitamin and I got some new clothes!

I get to start exercising now... so Goal for the week is to get to the gym!!!



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About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2013
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