Three Weeks Out

Apr 22, 2008

Sorry I haven't checked in lately. It's been a wild few weeks and we were out of town over this past weekend. Today marks three weeks out from surgery.

For the most part, I feel really good. I have much more energy. And I've had very little pain; in fact, I've only had to take six Tylenol in three weeks (and those were for headaches). 

I've been tolerating about 98 percent of foods really well. They moved me up a level last Thursday and I'm supposed to try one new thing at a time. That is when the no-tolerance of certain things started. Once I forgot and ate way too fast with a new food...DUH! My fault, totally! My new tummy didn't like brussel sprouts (pureed with a little spray butter, salt and pepper), grilled honey mustard chicken (cut into itsy bitsy teensy weensy bites), tuna salad (with low fat mayo and sugar free pickle cubes). The strange thing was I had been eating it off and on for several days and then didn't go down so well. I've had the "white foamies" and a slightly sick tummy three of four times since Saturday. But it doesn't last long (luckily).

I bought a battery-operated digital timer at "Target" for $5.99 (manufactured by "Taylor). It's great for reminding me when I need to eat and when I can drink after that. I had one that winds up; but the tick-tick-ticking was driving me crazy. LOL

I am working with a home physical therapist, but that is difficult because in the process of working out with him last Monday, I reinjured my knee (which was the last thing I needed to do). I am trying to walk as much as possible, but the pain is fairly bad. But when I went to the surgeon last week, he said I can resume going back to my water aquatics class this week. So that will be much easier on my knee! Hallelujah!

As of last Thursday, I had only lost about five more pounds since surgery; so with my pre-surgery modified liquid diet, that makes 29.6. If they had weighed me after they took my urine sample and my blood, I'm SURE I would have topped the thirty pound mark. Oh, well! Of course, I would have loved to have lost more. But my weight is definitely better than it was six weeks I'm happy with it.

Unfortunately, my scales don't go over 300; so I can't weigh here. Hopefully soon, it won't matter!

Another thing...I'm off of all diabetic medicines and Fosinopril, too. Yay...well, heck...let's just shout yahoozy from the rooftops!!

I went back to work part-time this week. So far, so good. I work from home; but I just have to remind myself that I am supposed to use this time to work on me. My clients have been more than patient (I just hope that continues).

Well, that's all for today! Tah tah for now!


Home And Feeling Doggone Good!!

Apr 06, 2008

Hi, everyone!

Thanks to all of you who dropped me a note the past week! Your prayers and thoughts lifted me up and I made it through...I'm finally on the loser's bench! Hurrah!

I came home Thursday afternoon...and other than having some leg weakness, I feel pretty doggone good. I didn't even get my Oxycodone filled! Yay!

However, I had some rough going in the hospital. I was allergic to the pain meds they gave me and the draping they put over my face, plus I was very, very nauseated on Wednesday. Two of my IV lines "blew" and I was told repeatedly what a "hard stick" I am. Well, I always knew I was hard-headed...but now this, too??? LOL

My main problem was the itching due to the allergic reaction which is finally under control. But my face looks HORRIBLE. I have petichia (small red or purple spots on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes as the result of tiny hemorrhages of blood vessels) all over my face and scalp. Each day, they get a tad better. 

I would be interested to know if any of you had this reaction.

Anyway, I am so glad I did this and that the surgery is over and to be home again!

P.S. Here are my photos from four days before surgery. Also shown are my wonderful surgeon and my fantastic nutritionist.

3282008_pre-surgery_photos.jpg picture by CCRH

Surgery Date! Hurrah!

Mar 17, 2008

Yay, Yay, Yay! I finally received insurance approval and my surgery date is scheduled for April 1st...No fooling!

I am so ecstatic! I can't quit smiling. I feel like I'm finally on the way to being the old me...or the younger, healthier me.

And the modified liquid diet hasn't been so bad. I'm surprised at the amount of food I can eat daily and I'm actually having trouble getting it all in.

A side note: I had the intestinal flu two days before I was scheduled to begin the "MLD".  So after having one cracker in 72 hours, I was thrilled to start this. And yes, I am an eternal optimist...especially if I can find something good out of "Montezuma's Revenge"....LOL

Best of all, I've already lost 15.5 pounds in 10 days! Yippee! I CAN AND WILL DO THIS!

More soon!

Back Online Again

Feb 21, 2008

Hi, everyone!

Things have been so strange since I was last online here.  In mid-January, one of my favorite uncles had a massive heart attack and passed away ten days later. Then one week later my 78-year old mother fell and broke both her shoulder and hip.  Very long story...but along with my father, my aunt and my niece, we are now trying to do around the clock home care and rehab for her which means my husband and I are extrememly busy with that.  She only weighs around 65 pounds...yes, I am her daughter! But you'd never know it by comparing our weight.

I wouldn't be online now, but my husband is running a fever of 101; he's had the flu all week.  So we're at home for a few days so we won't infect my parents (hopefully).  I had a flu shot in November...I hope and pray I don't catch it...taking my Vitamin C, ALJ and echinacea; plus I'm drinking lots of orange juice... NEEDLESS TO SAY, MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED, TOO!

I still don't have a surgery date. Still waiting. Completed all prerequisites as of November 30th, 2007. I'm trying to be patient...things happen for a reason. All the cliches about that kind of thing keep running through my head. LOL

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Tah tah for now!

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I'm In Love With A Girl (Gavin DeGraw)

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Late Night Ramblings

Oct 25, 2007

No one ever really tells me that I'm pretty. I've always heard "you'd be so pretty if ONLY you would lose weight"...and that type of thing. My dad is the worst offender. He means well, but those comments are like arrows into my heart and then that makes me want to eat more. Most of the time, I think I have my act together; but when it comes to eating and my weight, I know I am very complicated. Oh, so very!

When I was a size 16-18 (many, many years ago) I was a plus-sized model for a brief time. I did it part-time. I was the manager of a plus-sized clothing store and an agent came in, saw me and asked me if I was interested. Well, I sorta was intrigued; I had never thought of myself in that way. Long story...I did my portfolio and started hearing that this woman was notorious for not paying her models. So I went to another agency and they hired me on the spot. But it was hard to work a lot of the hours they needed me, plus it was an hour's drive (or more) to get to the shoots. So the money was good; but not steady enough to keep me doing it for long. But it did one thing, it taught me how to pose. But I really prefer to be behind the camera. I'm quite the shutterbug. I document everything (to the annoyance of my friends)! LOL

I'm Not A Perfect Girl

Oct 25, 2007

I am new here and will be writing more as my WLS "voyage" continues. I am currently 51 years old and happily married for 32 years. Luckily, my husband is a wonderful person who is very committed, understanding and willing to go through this with me. I currently weigh 354 pounds. Ouch! It hurts to admit that. 

I've always been a very outgoing person; yet emotionally, I tend to be a private person. I keep a lot in and don't share with anyone except my hubby. Once you get to know me, you can't shut me up though! Nor can you stop me from taking photos! I document everything!

As I prepare to lose weight, I am trying to be more open and honest about everything in my life, especially my size and weight. So bear with me as I "peel off my layers" and write about my weight loss journey.  

Yum....Sweet Buttered Biscuits!

Oct 25, 2007

Hello! This is my first post, so I may babble a bit. 

I am 51 years old and just beginning this exciting and daunting new part of my life. I have been overweight significantly since I was 20 or 21 years old. And in advance of my first appointment with the psychiatrist next week, I have been exploring why I think I am fat.

I was born and raised in the of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits and light rolls. Two women I loved and respected the most in my life (so far) were my mother-in-law and my grandmother. And boy, could they cook!!! And boy, did I eat. Hmmm. My mouth is watering just thinking of sitting in their kitchens for Sunday dinners and all the other meals in between. So although intellectually I want to deny that I am an emotional heart and stomach ache for one of their delicious home-cooked meals. But I'm not 100% sure that it is the food I crave. 

In retrospect, I realize that it is the love and the feelings I felt when I was around them that I miss the most. And since they have both passed away, maybe by eating, I'm really trying to get back to that point in some odd way.

They were both very Southern women. My mother-in-law was very country, a real talker. She was the ultimate hostess. Although her house was small and cramped, you always knew you were welcome in her home. My grandmother was petite, humble and less outgoing. But her heart was lined with gold. She was one of the finest people you could ever know. I look quite a bit like her. And people who have known both of us, say I am a lot like her in many ways. 

Inspiring, sweet, caring, thoughtful, intelligent. Both women helped shape who I am (and not just with the food they served). I am very proud to have known them and been loved by them. I never felt more accepted than I did when I was with them.  I hope they both knew how much I loved them back.

Anyway, I know I have a lot of layers to dig through in the coming weeks. And I look forward to reading more of your posts and your stories. I do know that none of us are alone. I'd love to hear from all of you! And I'll respond as my work schedule allows.

Thanks for listening, or should I say reading???

P.S. I'll also try to get some photos posted this week. I don't have many full-figure ones at this time, so I'll get those up as time allows.
