Smoother road today. :)

Dec 07, 2010

Great news!  I got a call from the cardiologists office this morning.  They said the results of my stress test was back and I passed with flying colors!  I didn't think I was worried about it much, but I can't describe the relief ... especially after the term "slight abnormality"  was dropped on me out of the blue.    The gist is that my heart is functioning even stronger than they would normally see in a person my age, height and weight.  So I'm pretty excited about that.  So, game on.. surgery is still scheduled for the 20th of this month.  I am on day 2 of my all liquid diet (carnation instant breakfast -sugar free)  I've drank water out the wazzoo because I'm always slightly hungry... I've tinkled constantly (fortunately I've been able to make it to the potty with nanoseconds to spare) and  I weighed yesterday morning prior to starting my liquid cuizine and this morning..exactly 24 hours later, I had lost 4lbs!  Okay, water weight, but weight just the same.  It''s motivated me to get thru today to not sneak a bite of this or that.... that  is quite an accomplishment because I work at a dental office and our patients and the other doctors bring us lots of christmas goodies this time a year.  They started coming in last thrusday and will not stop until christmas!  man, what a time of year to start this process.... the best! :)


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2010
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