My name is Kylah and I've made the choice to change my life for the better. I've always been over weight, but my weight ballooned after my brother died in 2005 and today I have a record weight of 316 lbs. I didn't want to live in fear of having a stroke from high blood pressure or loosing my vision or limbs from diabetes at just 24 years old and I didn't want my parent to loose their other child so I'm hoping that this surgery helps me provide a fun healthy long life for myself. I'm scared because I've always been somewhat heavy and I don't know what a thinner me will even look like, I have fears of loosing my boyfriend or looking in the mirror post op and not recognizing myself but I know that if I don't do this I'll eventually loose my life. I want to play softball and I want to live my life like my peers. I no longer want to go to amusement parks and just walk around terrified that i won't fit on the rides, i never want to ask for a seatbelt extender on an airplane again. And the next concert I go to i want to fit comfortably in the seat without feeling like i should have purchased 2 or even worse like I'm going to break the seat. Please continue to check back with me and my profile in the future...the big day is 2.27.07 just about 22 days from today and i couldn't be more excited! wish me well and please please share your experiences and advice with me!

About Me
los angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 32

Latest Blog 10
Greetings OH Family
hello OH
Family Gatheringz
Okay i had to add this!!!
8 WEEKS 3 DAYS post op
3 Weeks Post Op
11 days after surgery and doing good
2 hours and 23 min until surgery
just 6 lil days until surgery
