3 Years and Now Pregnant!

Jun 23, 2010

I am finially at my goal of getting pregnant! I am 12 weeks as of today. I feel fine, no nausa but I am a little anemic. I do not know if it is because I had the surgery or if it would of happened but once I started taking Iron I got alot of energy back. I have only gained 2lbs so far and have been trying to watch what I eat making sure the amount I am eating more is not junk.

Almost 3 years!

May 03, 2010

I have gained about 9 pounds, but some days I swear the scales shoots up a few more. I now wear a size 6 but I bought some 8's just to be comfortable but it is a good thing because I just find out I am pregnant! We stopped using condoms about 7 months ago and it just happened. I was always concerned about gaining weight during pregnancy but now I just want my baby to be healthy. I had to quit smoking cold turkey and I want to kill someone.

2 years 4 months

Sep 23, 2009

Just a quick update!  weight is 150 i gained a few but keeping hold of it. Thinking about having a baby but scared of the weight gain. I have a friend who had surgery and got pregnant with triplets now 6 months after they were born she is still 80lbs over weight.  Life is good

Its 1 Year, Are You Kidding?

May 22, 2008

1 year wow. So I am the same weight I have been since February. I did get down to 139 but I was sick. I will be starting a new job on June 18th, I will be back to managing a restaurant. I should easily get to my goal of 135 once I start working on my feet again for 45 hours a week. I have to say things are better with my husband, my eyes are not straying so much. I think this is the only time I ever remember being actually happy on a normal basis. I am going to Ireland june 5th to 17 its going to cost alot but it will be worth it. I hope everyone else is doing good. I had a drink for the second time and I dumped for the first time, I may have before but this was real bad. I think it was the combo of sugar and alcohol. I will be putting up a new pic. I will try to update after my vacation.

9 Months

Feb 27, 2008

Wow it really seemed like it was taking a long time to get here but I look back and can not believe it has been 9 months. I now mostly wear a size 4 and if I didnt have this roll left above my belly botton I think I might be truly happy with the way I look in clothes. now naked is a different story! I do find my skin is sloooowly catching up to the weight loss, my boobs are doing much better, my back and armpits are better, my legs are slightly better but I dont think I will be wearing anything shorter than board shorts this summer. I went from a 42DD to a 32 C They seem so small to me but at least they dont seem like 2 more rolls of fat anymore.My lower stomach looks like I had sextuplets like on Jon and Kate Plus Eight but it doesnt get in the way and no one has to see it. I can not believe that my jeans are baggy in the butt and legs, I always had a big butt and legs, my mom alway thought I got it from her like my sister but I actually have my dads chicken legs. I tell you it does not make everything else better, in fact that is all the same but I am different and I am happy to look in a mirror which I am still forgetting to do since I am not used to it. I am much hornier that I was, I think I turn my self on but sadly I do not have anyone to take that out on and my eyes have been straying in some really bad directions, the grass always seems greener on the other side. I love my husband but I just do not know how long I can go. 

A new year! A new me!

Jan 08, 2008

145lb. I have made it to 100lbs lost! I was on a stall for awhile. I think I figured out with the holidays and all I was not getting enough protein. As soon as I upped my intake I had lost 3 lbs in 2 days. I must admit, but I am sure most people do not do so, is I eat bad foods. Foods I know will make me feel bad. I had half a bagel with cream cheese. felt like I was going to die. So a month later I did it again because sometimes I really just crave things of bread nature. I found out if I lay down after I dont feel so bad and usually go to sleep. 1 hershey kiss will put me to sleep, I get so tired when I eat sugar. I think I am lactose intolerent. I get the worst gas pains from milk. I have half and half in my coffee(decaf) in the morning but I drink it slow and I only end up drinking about 8 oz. I am usually constipated so I take a chewable benefiber (orange flavor is pretty good) I only take like 1 or 2 in a day or I get really bad gas pains. A special tip for anyone who wants to feel good- go to Old Navy and try on SweetHeart style jeans, almost everyone will wear a size smaller than normal, I just bought a size 4 when most of my pants are an 8. I dont really like the jeans but I unbottoned them in my parents kitchen just to show them the size! I think the last 3lbs I lost were from my boobs, they were doing ok but now they are really looking like empty sacks or tube sock as I read from someone else.  I still do not believe the mirrors.


Nov 20, 2007

90 lbs in 6 months is unreal! I do not see it. I look down and do not see it. What I really notice is I got a part time job at Old Navy and I am folding size 18 and 20 pants and I can believe they were too SMALL for me. All this shopping so I figured I better get a job to pay for it and get a discount. My weight has not changes in about 3 weeks I go between 155 and 154. I also quit my full time job managing a restaurant to go work in an office. I feel like I do not do any real work and I get paid the same amount. Another reason I got the part time job was because I never have to stay late or work on week ends so I feel like I am not really working enough. So I quit my job because the owner was getting out of control, wanted to reach unattainable numbers because he didn't know how to figure them out. But the main reason is I dont want people to ever know I was that fat and no one at the new company does except my husband because he works there too. I make sure they never met me in the past year. Also I knew all my customers and they were asking way too many questions about my weight loss, I was sick of lying and answering them. Things with my husband have gotten a little better. He still has and never has tried to take my clothes off to see. But he definitely like my boots with my new dress, almost got it stained 10 minutes after I got it home, that was definitely new! I would like to take him shopping to pick out an outfit he would like to see me in. I haven't been going to the gym since I got a second job and now I mostly sit for my full time time and don't get the running around  I used to. So I think that is really why my weight loss has slowed down so much. 5lbs to normal!

I lost track of how many weeks!

Sep 28, 2007

166lbs. So for an update, I know no one cares about personal things, so lets get to surgery things this time. I can really eat anything. I stay away from high fat and high sugar foods. I feel weird when I eat too much sugar. I drink orange juice everyday about 4oz but not all at once or too fast. I am obessed with it. I started going to the gym at the end of August. its ok, I think it is much better when I bring my IPOD. I go 3 to 4 times a week. I have some hanging skin around the middle and the worst is the tops of my thighs. They look fine in pants or even shorts but not in undies. I also never feel good when I eat roasted chicken, maybe its the stringyness. But I do eat steak, fish, other chicken, pork tenderloin. I eat grapes, melons, mangos, and most fruit. I think I am pretty good at judging how much now.  I threw up some in August usually from over eating and that was around the time when my grandfather went in the hospital. My scars are fading but still alittle raised. I want to go tanning but they have been stopping me. I have bones poking out and I tend to walk into things at work but now it hurts with out all the cushioning. I also am cold alot like when it gets down under 60. I am freezing. I hope this helps. And I forgot, nothing has changed with my husband at all.

4 Months

Sep 20, 2007

172lbs. I am no longer obese! Only overweight. Size 10. My Grandfather died on Tuesday 9/18/07. The funeral is today. I noticed alot of people have someone close to them die with in the first six months after having surgery. This is my second funeral since surgery. I am sad but he was 91 and when I saw him on Saturday, I had to leave because I didnt want him to be like that, it is not living. My clothes I bought for the funeral are pants size 10 Old Navy and shirt size large. I also finally told the rest of my family I had surgery, it is alittle noticable now. I have at least 1 customer a day say something. It is crazy.

15 Weeks

Aug 31, 2007

179lbs. Size 12! Busy busy busy! I had my 3 month check up, Vit. B1 thiamin was low, added those, watching protein and vit A. They said 3 to 5 pounds a week is how your weight lose should average out and I am right on track. I have started to have some hair lose but when I can wear a size 12, I really do not care!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2003
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 42
Its 1 Year, Are You Kidding?
9 Months
A new year! A new me!
I lost track of how many weeks!
4 Months
15 Weeks
