Well it's the day before Yayyyyyyyyy!

Oct 13, 2009

Wow!It's time to celibrate the time is here . its October 13, 2009 emotions are running high don't know wether to laugh, cry, jump around or what. All I know is that I am very happy and scared all at the same time. I took a half day vacation because I knew I would not be able to consitrate at work today and I couldn't. Everyone gave me hungs and kisses!. I work with such a great group of people who have been very encouraging and supportive. This is what you need when your going thru such a life changing situtation and I thank God for all of them. They have been my Angels 6life partner and son will be there with me tomorrow I have to be at Hospital at 6:oo am surgery is at 8:30. Right now I could have me a piece of friend chicken that aint nothing but the devil lol!!!! but oh what a day..I will make it thru this I know I will. I have the help of the Lord on my side and I know where my help comes from. Well I'm off for know.


Oct 11, 2009

Well I went to the last class on 10/8/09 They called  and from Chrias to tell me that I need to contact my primary Dr. for a letter saying I that we have discussed nutriction and how long and what diets I have been on. and they needed the letter by 9/9/10 to get it aggproved. Well the Dr sent a general letter but it wasnt want tey wanted. Misty called me back to see if I ccould get the Dr. to write a more indept letter. I called several times and no one called me back or Chrias back. So I asked Misty if she could just send the letter. Needless to say I got an istant letter and felt like I wasnt going to get it done and it wasn't going to be approved. so I left work on Thursday with a headache.. I got in the car and just prayayed Lord if its for me to have it done you work it out byuecause I am making my self sick. I just felt like I went to call the glasses for 6 MONTHS and I know that it wasn't going to end  like this where I can't have it done. So I prayed and went to bed. I was off on Friday 10/10 I wantdd to call Misty at Chrias but I kept elling my self no news is good news. I finally broke down and called. I spke with  Misty she said my primary never sent another letter or called her she even called but she submiited the letter. anyway. Well about 15 minutes later. the phone rany it was Chrias and it was Misty saying Mr. Moore you've been approved.!!!!!!! she so go and enjoy your weekendand and have some fun because you deserve it. I wasy very HAPPY! I didn't know what to do but say Lord Thank You!!!!! Please keep me in prayer I will be at the hospital at 6 am 10/14/09


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2009
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