September 1st !!! - TRYING TO REACH GOAL IN 4 MONTHS!

Aug 25, 2011

September 1st I'm going to calculate my weight to determine how much I need to lose to get too my goal of 190.  I'm hoping to be 299lbs by 9/1/11, that would be a beautiful birthday gift to myself.

I then want to break that weight into 4 months and really get it done.   So I'm getting myself ready now mentally, because that's all it is, MENTAL!!!

I shut down my gym membership because I wasn't going, so I'm now emailing the owner to reinstate it 9/1 and I'm also going to do my Thin and 30 DVD.  I purchased this set, and haven't been doing it, and although I'm losing weight, it clearly shows that I'm all wobbly and jiggly  LOL   So I definiately want to firm up while losing.

