Consultation today

Jan 30, 2009

So I went and had my consultation today. I really liked the physician's assistant, Diane. She and I really hit it off. She thinks I'm an excellent candidate, and she said it's pretty much a "slam dunk case" as far as she's concerned. I have to say, my palms are sweaty right now.

So what happens next? Isabel said that if I get all my stuff done fast, I can have a surgery date in two or three weeks, depending on the time the insurance takes. I'm so nervous all of a sudden. I cannot believe that it's actually going to happen. Did anyone else have this kind of reaction? Geez.

I'm feeling a kind of sadness, too. Like I'm saying goodbye to my really unhealthy relationship. I think I'm just so hopped up on the whole thing right now since I just found out four hours ago. My psych eval is Tuesday night, and my physical and dietary eval is on Monday. I need to get someone to watch my little munchkin. So how's that for taking care of things fast?? 

I'll write more when I'm more settled, but right now I need to do some busy work to work off this nervous energy. Here I come, laundry!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2009
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