Is there anything to this feeling?

Jan 28, 2010

I decided to write this because I'm kinda wondering if there is anyone who has experienced something similar..... and if not maybe someone else will have a similar experience and can relate. I have been discussing the prospect of having wls for awhile. I decided to get serious about it about 2 months ago or so after I found out that it is a covered procedure under my insurance. So I then started the process of referals and all that. (Tues is my first surgical consult)

My husband has told me a couple of times that he thinks I should wait until after we move to have it done. His reasoning is that there will be better doctors when we move from TN to Myrtle Beach, SC.  He also was worried that I would suffer from  depression after the surgery since I suffered from post partum depression after our last daughter was born. I will be moving to SC about 6 months or so before him and will be down there alone with our girls, he said if that was to happen, he couldn't physically be there cause he would still be here in TN. (I advised him that that was what phones and email were for)

My husband is a very sweet man. He always supports me in what I do. He is a stay at home dad and has been while I have been in school.  He works from home (we own our own business) and goes to school from home, and this allows me to come to school and go to work outside the home. I know there is just about nothing he wouldn't do for me. We talked a little about it the other day and he has confessed that he has this very bad feeling about the surgery and has had it since I started talking (seriously) about having it done. He is afraid that something is going to go wrong. We normally believe in following your instinct so this has been difficult for him, but even he admits that his  feeling is not always right. I have honestly worried about the procedure... But I think that is more nerves in general. I know that there has been issues with this surgery for some and I know that there has been death from it. But I also know that without losing this weight my health is in big trouble. So this is my problem.

As far as better doctors down there.... I am seeing the same surgeon that my sister did when she had hers 5 years ago. I actually requested him. I feel better knowing someone that has been to him and had them do their procedure. I don't think he understands that I find it a comforting fact. Soooooo.... this is where I am. Could there be any thing to his feeling?


My consult is scheduled! and the heart tests are in..

Jan 21, 2010

Yay! After filling out a mountain of paperwork I got my surgery consult. I know that there is a long road ahead and that this is only the first step but it's in the right direction! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. I'm just hoping and praying that my insurance will approve it. I am counting down til Feb 2nd   
My husband on the other hand is more nervous than anything. I don't think... no, I know he don't understand how it feels to struggle with weight. This is a man that can, and does, sit down with a jar of cake icing and a spoon and eat the whole thing and never gain a pound. Makes me sick! And would literally make me sick if I tried that. Even with eating all his junk he still has a 29-30 inch waist! BLAH!  I know he don't care about my weight, and he's been behind me for all the crazy diets I've tried, but I wish he could feel what it is like to be overweight, emotionally and physically.......

I did get the results from my tests yesterday.  Everything looked good except for my high BP and I have a leaky valve in my heart. Nothing they are going to do anything about at this time... if it gets worse then they will reassess. LOL I get to wear a nifty heart monitor/recorder for a month! Not sure how I'm gonna do that.....  But I'll deal with it.
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a reality check slapped right in my face

Jan 12, 2010

Well I went to the doctor today to get my referal for the surgeon and I was floored! I walked into the office for 1 referal and came out with 2. The first moment of being horrified came when I stepped on the scale. Up 18lbs since last visit!!!!  I couldn't believe it... I wasn't this heavy when I was pregnant with either of my daughters! I wanted to cry right there.  Next was temp and BP.(I actually could have told you that my BP had been up by the way I was feeling.) Yep I was right, so back on the meds I went.  Then upon exam I was told that I have a heart murmur. I have never been told that so Friday I have an echocardiogram and ekg to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the workings of my heart and it may just be BP related.... I'm hoping that I can get things under control so that I can hopefully be approved for surgery and get my life back.
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Bristol, TN
Jan 05, 2010
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