I am 43 years old and have been overweight since 3rd grade. I began investigating WLS 2 years ago when some of my co-workers had the surgery. I have been very slow about pursuing the surgery because I felt like I was a failure for having to resort to WLS to lose the weight. But on the other hand I know that my weight has been an issue for 35 years, and I don't see anything happening to change that in the next 35 years. I also felt better after I found out that in the surgeons opinion the overweight persons body is too efficient. I know about 20 people ages 30 to 55 that have had the procedure since 1998 and everyone is doing fine.

I have a niece, 2 nephews, and a host of other kids that I dearly love. They have truly made my life a happy place to be. I have a 9 year old Pomeranian (Bitsy), and I love spending time at home reading, working in my yard, or just sitting on the back porch. I have a few close friends that I enjoy hanging out with at the lake, dining out, or catching a movie.

I have been employed at the same company in the same department for 18 years. I recently transfered to a different department into a position that I have been wanting to work for the past 10 years. The new job has been such a positive change for me that I decided to really blow it all out and have a total life change. The next step is having WLS. I want a fresh start, and a new beginning. I have been approved by insurance and am awaiting one last cardio evaluation that my internist requested due to a family history of heart disease. Please pray God's blessings upon me because I am going for it!


Last Thursday I saw my internist for my regular 4 month visit. My blood pressure has dropped 20 points since I was there in April. It is because of my job change. I was so pleased to get that report. We had to change my hypertension medication. My body has responded well. The Doc was just blown away with my cholesterol. My LDL was 50. He said that a newborn babies is 50. It has always been low and my triglycerides are low also.

I went for the cardio evaluation this past Wednesday. I was scheduled for a medically induced stress test, and echo. They asked me if there was any reason that I couldn't do the walking stress test, and like a fool I said no. I walk 1 to 2 miles on a regular basis. But don't let them fool you when they say walk. I was not walking, I was running! I want to have WLS surgery so that I can run. I can't run now. I almost passed out, but I finished the test in 7 minutes with their assistance. Long story short: the stress test, EKG, and Echo were fine, and the Dr. approved me for the procedure.

Now I am waiting for the surgeons office to receive the cardio letter so that I can visit them and set the date. I don't know why they won't go ahead and see me. I told them what the cardio Dr. had to say. I should be able to set the date sometime next week. I am just frustrated right now because I hate to wait. I have made up my mind and am ready to get on with this.

I got a new kitten this week. She is just a little white baby with a small amount of very light tan on her tail and ears. If you have any suggestions for a cute kitty name please let me know? I'm thinking Dorie (Nemo), or Wuffy (white and fluffy).

Until next time may your health only get better, your body as small as you like, your surgeries do you good and only good, and all of your dreams come true.

My surgery date is officially August 30th. I want to share something with you that has helped me to make the decision to have surgery. If you are not a Christian and do not want to be saved through Jesus Christ you may not want to read any further.
I have really sought God's will for me regarding this surgery because I always desire to be in the center of His will.
As long as I'm in the center of His will I will be safe.
I am sharing this with you because I have peace about the surgery, and want to help others that are considering the surgery. I was really torn about the surgery, and early one morning Holy Spirit let me know that God created all good things for His people. That includes medical procedures and medications. He allowed them to be created to help His people. Non-Christians benefit from the good things that God has allowed to be created for His people. So there is nothing to fear. God is in control, and He cares for His own.

Some things that I am looking forward to:

Running - Ran 1/4 of a mile January 2005
Not being fatigued
No back/foot pain - None since December 2004
Not having to take hypertension/diabetes medication - None since surgery
Not thinking about my weight/size each and every day - Haven't since surgery
Playing softball
Cross my legs - January 2005
Put the drivers seat in the car all the way up so my legs can reach the pedals comfortably - December 2004
Pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them - December 2004

I will post again after surgery. God bless and keep you.

Well, the surgery is over and it has been just awesome. I am not in pain and not nauseous. I have been eating soft foods since 3rd post-op day and haven't been sick one time. God is good, all the time.

Total Loss 19 lbs

09/22/04 lost 6 lbs
Total Loss 25 lbs

10/11/04 lost 10 lbs
Total Loss 35 lbs

11/01/04 lost 10 lbs feeling great
Total Loss 45 lbs

12/5/04 lost 13 lbs
Total Loss 58 lbs

12/17/04 lost 5 lbs
Total Loss 63 lbs
I'm no longer a member of the 200 pound club as of today! This is the first time in 20 years that I've weighed less than 200 lbs. This is the best Christmas present ever.


01/18/05 lost 8 lbs
Total Loss 71 lbs

I am on a plateau. I have only lost 2 lbs. since my last post.
I will wait it out. The weight has to go sooner or later. I just wish it was sooner...

03/01/05 - Six Months Post-Op
Total Loss 75 lbs

04/22/05 - Seven Months Post-Op
Total Loss 80 Lbs

All of my labs were good at my 6 month checkup and I feel great. I can do my own yardwork again and actually feel like doing it start to finish without a break. This is absolutely the best thing that I have ever done for myself.

Almost 9 months post-op
May 19, 2005

I have been on a plateau now for a couple of months. I am trying harder this week to get the weight loss started up again. I have increased my protein and that really seems to help keep the munchies away. We'll see in a week or two if this helps. I sure would like to lose another 20 pounds at least.

Almost 10 months post-op
June 22, 2005

Weight - 178
Weight Loss - 84 Lbs.

August 30, 2005

Today is my 1 year RE-Birthday
Weight - 174
Weight loss - 88 big fat pounds
Without a doubt this is the best thing that I have EVER done for myself (besides serving God)

March 15, 2006

Weight is holding at 174 to 177. I want to lose 30 more pounds. It will be hard work, but is not impossible (anymore).

July 13, 2006

Since my last update I have regained about 10 pounds due to high carb snacking and eating at night. I got up to 185. I have since cut way back on the carbs and quit snacking. I have lost 5 pounds, and am sure that I will get the other 5 plus some extra off. I have re-committed to walking several times a week also. This will work. It just takes discipline. (I keep telling myself that)...

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C Cranky
A Awkward
R Raw
O Overwhelming
L Lucky

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Your Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream!
Smooth and with a few rough bits mixed in, you are a real treat! You are probably very popular amongst your friends. Remember too much of a good thing is not always good! Don't lay it on too thick!
What is your cecream Flavour?

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Carol W may explode without warning


From Go-Quiz.com

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Tryhard!
You are trying a little to hard. Though you may be barely tolerable, and you may wear the 'in' clothing, you are still a dorkus on the inside. Keep trying! Everyone else loves watching you humiliate yourself! hah! *points and laughs*
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com


Day prior to surgery


Product Reviews
  • SoBe - SoBe Lean

    Member Interests:
  • Cats - A crazy flame point white kitten - Nemo
  • Dogs - Barney the Basset
  • Walking - I walk 2 to 3 miles 3 to 4 times a week
  • Singing - I sing lead and second with my church Praise team
  • Cooking & Baking - I love to bake. I find that it helps me to relax
  • Christianity - My life is a good place to be because of Jesus, my Lord and Savior
  • Softball - Really enjoy the sport!
  • Road Trips - Love to go to the FL beach in summer, and TN/VA mtns in fall/winter
  • Antique - I used to own a 55 Chevy. Loved it....

    Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Phillip Fischer, M.D.
    He was very thorough and made sure that I understood everything about the procedure. My impression of him hasn't changed since surgery. He took a lot of time, and was never in a hurry when he was with me. His office staff was very good and quick to respond to any question. I can't think of anything that I dislike about Dr. Fischer. He provided me with the best care any surgeon could possibly offer. He stays on top of the after care issues, and reviews with me the things that I am doing. Dr. Fischer's surgically competent, and has a great bedside manner.
    Insurer Info:
    Blue Cross BlueSheld Alabama, PMD

  • About Me
    Pinson, AL
    Surgery Date
    Aug 05, 2004
    Member Since

    Friends 15

    Latest Blog 3
    Weight gain
    Weight Gain
