Long overdue update...

Mar 26, 2013

So it has been a long time since I have posted...but Ill try to be brief...lol  Basically I stopped losing weight by the end of  the 1st year...I lost about 90lbs...which I an eternally grateful for...I have never made it to one-derland...and i have gained about 23lbs...my 3 yr post-op anniversary is next month so I am trying to lose the weight I have gained and lose at least another 10 on top of that so that I can at least get to One-derland...I'll try to keep u all posted...hope everyone is doing well!!!!...xoxoxoxo 


Six Flags was a blast!!

Jul 06, 2010

I went to Six Flags with my sister and her husband, my friend Josie and her 2 teenage sons and one of their friends. It was a beautiful day, not hot just right. We rode a lot of the rides and did the water park, and yes there were still a few rides that I couldnt get on, but Im still losing and I know in a couple months when I go back I'll be able to get on every ride there!!! All in all it was a blast and I cant wait to go back !!!
Im also down 64lbs as of today, and feeling great !!

Six Flags here I come!!

Jun 30, 2010

Hey all my friends out there in Loserville !!!

I am not going to ramble on today...Just an update is all.... Im 1/2 way through week 11 and I am down 62lbs and feeling better than ever...I am going to Six Flags tomorrow and I am so excited. It was one of my goals. I probably cant ride every single ride but I am going to try real hard...lol Its been about 5 years since I have been because I couldnt fit in the rides anymore. It was hard because I am a big kid and I love Six Flags. So thats all for now, I will let ya'll know how I make out...

Take care ya Losers...lol  I'll see ya'll next time !! Have a great day !!! xoxox 


8 weeks out...52lbs down!!

Jun 11, 2010

Hey friends,

Just thought that I would stop in and give you all an update. Its been about 6 weeks since I have been on.
So I'm at the end of week 8 and I have lost 52lbs so far....Yay me !!!!  I am all healed and feeling great. I have a ton of energy and my back doesn't hurt when I stand or walk anymore !!! And I'm hoping with time my knee wont hurt going up & down stairs...I think that all in all it has been a good recovery. I'm so happy I did this. There really isn't anything that I cant eat. But I do stick to the rules most of the time...There are foods that I am sick of, like pudding, but other than that I can eat whatever I want, just very small portions, of course. I have only vomited a couple times because I ate too much, too fast. And I know this next thing is gross but I'm sure I'm not the 1st or the last to share something like this...I was in the restroom, doing my business everything was normal and then I had an episode of "dumping" and Oh My Goodness!!! I thought I was gonna die!!! I got a terrible pain in my lower stomach, then I broke into a sweat, I was very weak, and my ears blocked. It was awful. This lasted at least 15 mins...I'm not sure what triggered it but I hope it doesn't happen again!!!!!  Also I have broken out with acne...I am using a regular acne wash and it seems to be working. Other than that I'm back to work and pretty much back to normal. I have been walking at work with some friends so that is good, but I still haven't gotten to the full 2 miles. I can do it I just don't...I walk about a mile at work...Well that's gonna be it for now...I hope everyone is doing well and I will see u all soon !!! xoxoxox Ran~

Is this thing right...29lbs already?!?!

May 02, 2010

So it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since my surgery, and I am down 29lbs. This is unbleieveable!!! I knew it would come off fast but WOW!!! I stopped taking the pain meds 3 days ago. Im sore just a little but I do not any need meds for it....As of tomorrow I can drive again...yay! I still dont feel much different but thats ok with me all I care about is getting to a healthy weight. The rest will follow at its own time...Im now eating about 3oz at a time and drinking about 32oz of Crystal Light throughout the day. Im having trouble getting my protein, I was mixing it with my Crystal Light but now it is starting to get to me...and the liquid iron they want me to take smells so bad I cant bring mself to take it, and to top it off I hate tomato juice and thats what it says to take it with to make it taste better, but I know I need to take it so, I dont konw what Im gonna do...I havent vomitted at all and Im scared its gonna make me vomit, and I dont want to hurt anything inside...but the Dr. said that after 2 weeks you are pretty much good to go...So maybe I'll try it...I dont kow...So I've got about 2 more days of the shots to prevent clots, thank God. They do not hurt, but its mind over matter for me, and it takes me like 5 minutes to get the nerve to give it to myself...then when I do it I say to myself, "why were you so scared it didnt even hurt" LOL Crazy, I know....but I'll be glad when they are over... Um Im not walking as much as I should but I am working on it...I cant wait to have the go to eat regular food, this baby food is starting to get to me too...I made mashed potatos the other day, and I added a little bar-b-q sauce, it was like eating a gormet dinner...there was substance and flavor...YUMMO !!!! But I dont want to push it, Im not trying to get sick...So once in a while it is ok...Anywho...just wanted to give you all another update...Talk to u all soon !!! xoxox

One Week Post-Op

Apr 26, 2010

Hey friends, here's an update....

First let me just say a BIG THANK YOU!!! to all of you for the support and prayers!!

I went into surgery about 7:30am I think, not really sure because they had me nice and relaxed on the trip to the OR. The surgery went well, they took a biopsy of my liver, but it was just fatty no cancer or anything like that...Thank God!
I arose from anesthesia pretty well, I was in a little pain but they took care of me very well. I was on Morphine for most of the time in the hospital. I was up and walking right in the recovery room, which I had to stay in until 5pm because I have sleep apnea, they keep an extra watch on you after anesthesia. Anywho they were also good about keeping my family informed. I got to my room right about 5:30pm. I was sore, but not really in pain, which was good. I was pretty sleepy, and kept snoozing about every 10 mins...this happened for the whole night the 1st night...every time i opened my eyes it was 10 mins after the last time I woke up...lol  that was a bit frustrating. I felt sore again the second day but still bearable. I got to sip on water, oh that felt good, but it was again frustrating because I wanted to drink the whole cup right down.,..but I couldn't...  
Wednesday we my food day, I did well. I was able to eat Carnation instant breakfast, and then for lunch I had pureed chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots. Of course I had about 2 teaspoonfuls but as long as I ate I was good to go home. I left the hospital at about 4pm I think...so all in all a good stay in the hospital. I had awesome nurses and Dr's and of course Dr. V came to see me a couple times.
At home I did ok the rest of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I had a lot of pain. I think it was because at the hospital the bed helped me to get up a lot easier then at home, where I had to use a lot of stomach muscles to get out of bed and off the couch. It felt like I got kicked in the stomach, I could breathe ok but I couldn't take a deep breathe, it was almost like I had bruised ribs. So I called the nurse practitioner and she told me to watch for a few key things and if they happened to go to the ER. Thankfully on Saturday the pains subsided and I was just mildly sore, and then Sunday I felt even better. Today I felt great, I went to the store and got some more foods n stuff and a scale. I have not felt nauseous at all. I have not vomited or had any dumping...I am so grateful that everything has gone smoothly.
The last time I weighed myself was in Dr.V's office 1 week pre-op, I was 350 on the dot. So today I am 332.  18 lbs in  14 days. Not bad...not bad at all !!!  I go to get my JP drain out tomorrow and will get weighed on the same scale as pre-op so that will be official and I'll let ya'll know what that one says too...
So the whole experience, was really not that bad. Would I do it again YES!  No regrets!!
Now the whole tummy tuck, body lift, breast augment. thing is a whole other story, I cant even imagine what those surgeries would feel like...Ouch...We'll cross that bridge another day...lol
So I'll stop for now, and if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask !! xoxox

"Oh my God I am never gonna eat that again" Syndrome.

Apr 15, 2010

It Friday, and Monday is the day of my surgery!! I have been going through "Oh my God I am never gonna eat that again" Syndrome.LOL...I had dinner @ Outback steakhouse last night, I had a loaded baked potato, 6oz steak, 3 shrimp, and 4 scallops and a frozen peachy alcohlic beverage....I think I was trying to get a taste of all my favorite foods in one sitting...LOL   I am having dinner tonight with the family, as well as Saturday. I'm getting it all out of my system...I went out and got all my vitamins and MOM and some liquid Extra Strength Tylenol and all that good stuff. I'm picking up my meds tonight from CVS so they will be all set for when I come home Wednesday. I got a lot of baby foods too. It was so funny when I got to the register, the cashier says, "Oh how old is the baby?" I started laughing and said, "37, the baby is me"..she looked at me funny....lol  So then I briefly told her about the surgery and she was like "Oh..ok" and laughed...
So I'm not nervous, I'm just anxiously excited...I just want to get this next chapter of my journey started...The only thing I am kinda worried about is the pain meds. I don't like anything mind altering like Morphine or Vicodin. I get very nervous when I feel like I am not in control, mentally. I am hoping that I will be able to control it with just Tylenol 3...I know that can make you groggy but I have had that once,and I know I can handle that felling, granted, I slept for 3 days straight but it worked....lol
So that's where I am now, I'll update more once I get home and am able to sit at the computer...Talk to you all soon !!! Wish me luck and say a prayer...Thanks Ran~

Approved !!! & Scheduled !!!

Apr 01, 2010

Ok so I finished all my requirements, I saw the nurse practitioner, and she approved me for surgery. I just got my letter with my surgery date of April 19,2010 !!! OMG is this real? I can not believe that in 18 days I will be starting my new life! I have an appointment on April 5th to get some lab work, EKG and talk to the anesthesiologist. I have a pre surgery class on April 8th, and I have a meeting with the Dr. Vithiananthan on April 12th. One week later I will be meeting with the OR !!! I am just trying not to think of it because I want the day to be here so bad. I figure that on Sunday(Easter) I will have my celebratory/last big meal/Easter dinner all in one..LOL Everyone is happy for me but my sister and best friend are obviously also concerned, as I am. Although they do many of these operations, it is still, just that, an operation. We have lost our mother and brother and my sister is scared that she will lose me too. That is absolutely understandable, but I strongly believe that when it's your time it's your time. 
I stand at 5' 7" and 347 with a BMI of 53. My quality of life is diminishing everyday. I dont sleep well due to apnea, I cant walk more that 5 mins without my back burning and going numb and of course being out of breath. My knees feel like they are going to pop out of the sockets when I go down stairs. My feet hurt if I dont wear sneakers. I cant do so many things that I want to, its pathetic. I am no where near suicidal so do no take this the wrong way but I dont want to live like this. I want to get better with age not worse. Im only 37 so now is the time while I can still be a kid....So as I see it, if I do not get the surgery that is just prolonging the inevitable. At least this way Im giving myself a chance at life.
Well I guess that's it for now. The next time I am on it will be Post -Op. Talk to you then !!!

On the road to a new me...

Dec 23, 2009

I have stopped going to Curves...And I have begun my WLS journey...I have started seeing Dr. Vithiananthan or Dr. V for short...I have Aetna insurance, so they require me to go to a dietician for 6 months before they will approve my surgery. I go once a month for 15 mins. I only have 2 more appts with my dietician so Dr. V allowed me to start my tests...I have completed my Sleep Apnea test, Ultra Sound, Swallow test, and Stress test. I have my psych consultation on Dec 28th and then just the 2 visits with my dietician Jan 5 and Feb 3. So after I see the shrink on the 28th, I am going to call to see if I can set a date so that as soon as I finish my dietician appts. I can go to surgery as soon as possible.
I am both excited and nervous...I have a very positive feeling about everything though...I think that all my tests should come back ok...I keep day dreaming about what I will look like and what I will be able to do and what I will be able to wear....Im ecstatic...however I have never had surgery or been under anesthesia, so I am nervous about that...I'll keep ya posted...Ran~

Change of heart...

Jul 17, 2008

Well I filled out all the paperwork, and then I saw an add for Curves. I thought, what the heck, I'll check it out. Well I tried it and it was just the type of place that I needed. It gives me structure and guidance. I go 3 times a week, its not required but that's what they ask you to try to commit to when you sign up. Basically I go there after work at 5:15 and I am out of there by 5:45. I go in, swipe my card, change into my shorts, go around the "curcuit" twice, stretch, swipe my card to see how i did and go....its that easy. They have a new thing called Curves smart key, what it is is a little plastic key type thing that goes into every machine and at the end it transfers all the info into the computer and lets you know how many calories you burned, and what you need to work on. But you dont have to use the smart key to workout there. The councelors also weigh and measure you once a month on the anniversary of the day u signed up. My weigh in falls on the 30th of every month. I love Curves!!! And it's for women only !!
In 8 weeks I lost 9 lbs, 11.75 inches all over and my BMI went down 3.8 points.
When I started on 04/30 these were my 1st measurements: 
bust 61 waist 56 abs 60 hips 54 thighs 29.75 arms 21 BMI 53.7 343 lbs   
After 4 weeks on 5/30:
B 60.25 W 55.75 A 60 H 53.25 T 28.25 A 17.14 BMI 53.5 339 lbs
After 8 weeks on 6/30:
B 57.75 W 55.75 A 59 H 53.25 T 27 A 17.25 BMI 49.9  334 lbs

About Me
Providence, RI
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 12
Change of heart...
