Approved !!! & Scheduled !!!

Apr 01, 2010

Ok so I finished all my requirements, I saw the nurse practitioner, and she approved me for surgery. I just got my letter with my surgery date of April 19,2010 !!! OMG is this real? I can not believe that in 18 days I will be starting my new life! I have an appointment on April 5th to get some lab work, EKG and talk to the anesthesiologist. I have a pre surgery class on April 8th, and I have a meeting with the Dr. Vithiananthan on April 12th. One week later I will be meeting with the OR !!! I am just trying not to think of it because I want the day to be here so bad. I figure that on Sunday(Easter) I will have my celebratory/last big meal/Easter dinner all in one..LOL Everyone is happy for me but my sister and best friend are obviously also concerned, as I am. Although they do many of these operations, it is still, just that, an operation. We have lost our mother and brother and my sister is scared that she will lose me too. That is absolutely understandable, but I strongly believe that when it's your time it's your time. 
I stand at 5' 7" and 347 with a BMI of 53. My quality of life is diminishing everyday. I dont sleep well due to apnea, I cant walk more that 5 mins without my back burning and going numb and of course being out of breath. My knees feel like they are going to pop out of the sockets when I go down stairs. My feet hurt if I dont wear sneakers. I cant do so many things that I want to, its pathetic. I am no where near suicidal so do no take this the wrong way but I dont want to live like this. I want to get better with age not worse. Im only 37 so now is the time while I can still be a kid....So as I see it, if I do not get the surgery that is just prolonging the inevitable. At least this way Im giving myself a chance at life.
Well I guess that's it for now. The next time I am on it will be Post -Op. Talk to you then !!!


About Me
Providence, RI
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2008
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