One Week Post-Op

Apr 26, 2010

Hey friends, here's an update....

First let me just say a BIG THANK YOU!!! to all of you for the support and prayers!!

I went into surgery about 7:30am I think, not really sure because they had me nice and relaxed on the trip to the OR. The surgery went well, they took a biopsy of my liver, but it was just fatty no cancer or anything like that...Thank God!
I arose from anesthesia pretty well, I was in a little pain but they took care of me very well. I was on Morphine for most of the time in the hospital. I was up and walking right in the recovery room, which I had to stay in until 5pm because I have sleep apnea, they keep an extra watch on you after anesthesia. Anywho they were also good about keeping my family informed. I got to my room right about 5:30pm. I was sore, but not really in pain, which was good. I was pretty sleepy, and kept snoozing about every 10 mins...this happened for the whole night the 1st night...every time i opened my eyes it was 10 mins after the last time I woke  that was a bit frustrating. I felt sore again the second day but still bearable. I got to sip on water, oh that felt good, but it was again frustrating because I wanted to drink the whole cup right down.,..but I couldn't...  
Wednesday we my food day, I did well. I was able to eat Carnation instant breakfast, and then for lunch I had pureed chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots. Of course I had about 2 teaspoonfuls but as long as I ate I was good to go home. I left the hospital at about 4pm I all in all a good stay in the hospital. I had awesome nurses and Dr's and of course Dr. V came to see me a couple times.
At home I did ok the rest of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I had a lot of pain. I think it was because at the hospital the bed helped me to get up a lot easier then at home, where I had to use a lot of stomach muscles to get out of bed and off the couch. It felt like I got kicked in the stomach, I could breathe ok but I couldn't take a deep breathe, it was almost like I had bruised ribs. So I called the nurse practitioner and she told me to watch for a few key things and if they happened to go to the ER. Thankfully on Saturday the pains subsided and I was just mildly sore, and then Sunday I felt even better. Today I felt great, I went to the store and got some more foods n stuff and a scale. I have not felt nauseous at all. I have not vomited or had any dumping...I am so grateful that everything has gone smoothly.
The last time I weighed myself was in Dr.V's office 1 week pre-op, I was 350 on the dot. So today I am 332.  18 lbs in  14 days. Not bad...not bad at all !!!  I go to get my JP drain out tomorrow and will get weighed on the same scale as pre-op so that will be official and I'll let ya'll know what that one says too...
So the whole experience, was really not that bad. Would I do it again YES!  No regrets!!
Now the whole tummy tuck, body lift, breast augment. thing is a whole other story, I cant even imagine what those surgeries would feel like...Ouch...We'll cross that bridge another
So I'll stop for now, and if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask !! xoxox


About Me
Providence, RI
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2008
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Change of heart...
